Tip before dynoing your car ??


Legendary Member
12 February 2002
Rotterdam, Netherlands
I want to have my stock NSX dynoed before modifying it so I have a base-line. However, I have never done something like this and have heard and read stories that all kinds of things can go wrong.
So, what would a good dyno-procedure look like and what are the points I should be aware off.
Any tips would be welcome here.
Thanks in advance.
There is not much to it. Just need to strap the car down a usual, hook up the tach. signal wires, attach whatever kind of wideband device they are using and thats is basically it. The only thing that can change is if your car is not straight on the rollers when they strap it down. You/they need to make sure that the car is straight, if it is not the #'s will be off a little. The tires "scrub", the tires are trying to go in the direction the car is pointed and cause extra friction, thus loss of power. Mo - Elite.