Timing belt question on lower mileage NSXs

28 August 2013
San Rafael CA
Hi, still doing my research on my future (hopeful) NSX purchase; if I can let go of my S2000 :redface:.

I seek advice on the issue of the second (or third?) tb/wp change in older, lower-mileage NSXs. I have run across some nice NSXs for sale that might be 7-8 years out the second tb/wp, but with 5-8k miles on them over that time. Basically garage queens. Thus mileage aside, should the 7 year interval take precedent regarding a second or even third tb/wp? Thanks in advance!
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the owner's manual states 6 years or 90k miles, (7/105 for 1997+)

personally I would follow the recommended intervals. cheap insurance every 6 years. so yes, the time should take precedent on a low mileage car. I would factor that in to your negotiations if it hasn't been done.
the time should take precedent on a low mileage car.
This is the default, 'least risk' advice that you will get from Acura and from most of the people on this site.
I would factor that in to your negotiations if it hasn't been done.
Also good advice as a lot of sellers emphasize the low mileage and either have forgotten (or didn't know) about the 'time should take precedent' argument .. so this does give you some leverage.

But you will not find any information here on how to do a logical math assessment of this decision. On first blush, it appears that you're just delaying the inevitable and the only savings you're getting is the 'cost of money' (ie. interest) over the delay period. We also know what the cost of failure is .. I have no experience but it's probably $8k+ .. plus tow bills; cost of rentals while it's being worked on, etc. What we don't know in this equation is the risk of a failure by being xx months past the recommendation. Everyone focuses on the cost of failure .. but no one focuses on the risk.

I'm not sure anyone has ever even provided any reliable information on what causes TB degradation. I do know from personal experience that after 7 years of winter driving and cold starts at -40F, there were no accelerated wear effects when mine was changed/inspected by Mark Basch who has done his fair share of TB replacements. Now I'm no expert in the physics of automotive rubber or the engineering that goes into a TB but my thinking is that if it'll survive the stresses of -40F starts .. and make it to the recommended service interval (I was at about 6yrs/75k miles .. and the previous owner had even tracked it a number of times), it should easily be able to last longer than 6/90k in a semi regular, low mileage scenario. If it hadn't been driven for a couple of years, I might reserve judgement .. but an otherwise well maintained car but very low mileage car should be able to go well past the standard recommendation. But it's really up to you. As the saying goes, "if you can't afford the loss .. buy the insurance".
Thanks everyone for the input. I'm trying to educate myself as much as possible, including approaching the low mileage but older NSX. If there is doubt about the age of the TB, I want to factor in replacement. I'm the type that much prefers to play it safe. I've been driving a Tacoma and S2K that both use chains, so this is somewhat new territory!
but intill you get it done I wouldnt even go past 4000 rpm if it broke your done get ready to give your wallet CPR

but.... I have seen belt come out of a 100,000 mile NSX original and it looked as new as the brand new belt. but problem is age rubber has a shelf life of 7 years

so you rolling the dice. personally I would get a car with more miles cuz you know it been driven, a car that is driven lasts longer than garage queens

garage queens are a time bomb waiting to explode ya know

goodluck on your search

check this link out.


have fun reading it
Talking about timing belts....Looked at this one yesterday, since it is 3 miles from my house. Beautiful cosmetically...but $62,000 for a '98 w/19k mi - it's at Sonnen Porsche and they are putting a fat Marin County markup on it. I should add that it appears 100% stock. Was able to confirm that there are no service records. The salesman was kind enough to call the previous owner - who has had the car since 2002. He confessed to never having the tb/wp done; thus it has the original 15 yr old belt. My big concern is that w/o service records, what other maintenance could have been neglected? I see a significant deferred maintenance bill here. And at that price point I'm not interested to initiate a ppi.

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did you get the vin on the above? If so post it so when people search for it they will be directed to this thread and the results of your investigation.
if it has orginal timing belt and no records, he sold it cuz it needs a bunch of cash dumped into. worth or maint crap.

it will sell for 45K not what they are asking
mid to high 40s for that car. nowhere near 62.
Maybe if it was tip-top - there are lots of filthy rich folks here in Marin (not me :mad:). But there is likely a pile of maintenance to do; the tb/wp is original for example. And 15 years w/o any service records. I think the above estimates are taking that into account.
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However, those "tip top" shape NSX's are few and far in between these cars are fetching quite the premium. NSX's with that low mileage are a rare find. I'm sure there are people making offers on it already well above the above $45k. You've all seen NSXs with deferred maintenance and higher mileage sell for a higher price.
if it was uptodate then the price could be around correct. but without you need to treat it like its a 100K mile NSX that needs everything.
every single seal all around, all 21 coolant hoses, I bet it still ahs the original tranny fluid from 1998, tail light gaskets def.

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here the link to the car currently


in the pics they dont have either the engine glass up or the trunk so this is normal to say they needs new trunk struts

it may have been a cold start idle in the pic but its idle is to high,
the driver seat has MAJOR wear in the bolster.

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when it sits on their lot for a year they will drop the price. they got it as a trade so they are tring to make a quick buck
I combed over the car for about an hour. Exceptionally clean, but I am not an "expert", rather an amateur. Only minor bolster wear (I know, I am so anal about how I get in and out of my S2k). Trunk stood up on it's own, but didn't test the glass. What is your guys feeling about test driving an NSX with a 15 yr old timing belt? I would certainly want to feel V-TEC! If it was my car, it goes straight to Hilltop Auto...OK, it isn't my car.
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I combed over the car for about an hour. Exceptionally clean, but I am not an "expert", rather an amateur. Only minor bolster wear (I know, I am so anal about how I get in and out of my S2k). Trunk stood up on it's own, but didn't test the glass. What is your guys feeling about test driving an NSX with a 15 yr old timing belt? I would certainly want to feel V-TEC! If it was my car, it goes straight to Hilltop Auto...OK, it isn't my car.

I wouldn't tempt fate...If I was buying a car like this I would drive the car very gently to a qualified mechanic and have the belt and water pump replaced asap.
It's still listed on ebay and the dealer's site, but I did not buy it. I haven't felt too motivated to initiate the ppi. Yes it is very clean, but w/o service history and on the original tb/wp, I suspect it will need a big suite of maintenance (although can't speculate too much without the ppi). If it sits for a while at that price, I may pursue the ppi.
Along the line of the OP's question: Is there a recommended "low mileage" interval for the water pump as well?