Thoughts on NASA in touch with Aliens for years?

I really really want your NSX. You don't deserve it.

The NSX is a triumph of science and technology. There's no magic or mysticism in it at all. (Indeed, this is one of the complaints from the Ferrarista.)

I would put forth that you, sir, are the one who truly does not deserve such a fine piece of machinery.
Is there another game of intelligence you are good at? :rolleyes:

I really really want your NSX. You don't deserve it.


Can we get back to talking about little green men? :smile:
Can we get back to talking about little green men? :smile:


Aliens exist, in different shapes/sizes/colors/genders/intellects. For thousands of years on Earth, they have influenced every move humans have made. Some are pure Good (or close to it), others are pure Evil.

Unfortunately, when their physical beings become broadly known/recognized on Earth among humans in 2010, it will only exacerbate the downward spiral currently underway. At that point, what humans believe to be "science" will have "won" over God/spirituality. The state will assume its position as the ultimate purveyor of power on Earth. God, who *also* oversees the aliens, will be mad as hell at being cast aside (temporarily :wink:) as the supreme being, and He will wipe 90% of the population off the globe.

Any other questions?
Two scoops!!!!!!
Can we get back to talking about little green men? :smile:


It's a big Universe. There are countless planets orbiting countless stars inhabiting countless galaxies. Organic molecules such as amino acids form fairly spontaneously in a primordial soup, suggesting that the stuff of life is common throughout the Universe. It seems quite likely that life exists elsewhere in the Universe, even intelligent life.

However, as of this writing, there has been no definitive proof of such life. Samples examined from nearby worlds show no evidence of life. Scans of radio signals have found no artificial signals. Furthermore, there is no compelling evidence that the Earth has been visited by aliens, either now or in the past, by any extraterrestrial beings.

The ancient Egyptians were experts in astronomy, and it guided many aspects of their lives. They were master surveyors. The Egyptian pharoahs could quite easily command armies of men. Construction of the pyramids is well within the technological know-how of these people.

The pyramid is a fairly basic shape, and so it is unsurprising that several disparate cultures independently constructed monuments based on the pyramid shape. However, there is no relation between the Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramid builders. The structures themselves are of entirely different contruction methods and built to serve entirely different purposes. Aside from a superficial similarity of shape, there is no relation whatsoever.

The world is not ending in 2012, either. If I remember, I'll bump this thread on January 1, 2013 to prove it.

The world, and the Universe, is at once more mundane and more spectacular than anyone on Earth has yet perceived.

It's a big Universe. There are countless planets orbiting countless stars inhabiting countless galaxies. Organic molecules such as amino acids form fairly spontaneously in a primordial soup, suggesting that the stuff of life is common throughout the Universe. It seems quite likely that life exists elsewhere in the Universe, even intelligent life.

However, as of this writing, there has been no definitive proof of such life. Samples examined from nearby worlds show no evidence of life. Scans of radio signals have found no artificial signals. Furthermore, there is no compelling evidence that the Earth has been visited by aliens, either now or in the past, by any extraterrestrial beings.

The ancient Egyptians were experts in astronomy, and it guided many aspects of their lives. They were master surveyors. The Egyptian pharoahs could quite easily command armies of men. Construction of the pyramids is well within the technological know-how of these people.

The pyramid is a fairly basic shape, and so it is unsurprising that several disparate cultures independently constructed monuments based on the pyramid shape. However, there is no relation between the Egyptian and Mesoamerican pyramid builders. The structures themselves are of entirely different contruction methods and built to serve entirely different purposes. Aside from a superficial similarity of shape, there is no relation whatsoever.

The world is not ending in 2012, either. If I remember, I'll bump this thread on January 1, 2013 to prove it.

The world, and the Universe, is at once more mundane and more spectacular than anyone on Earth has yet perceived.

Well, although 12/21/2012 has been given as The Big Day, God will do as and when He pleases. So, just because the Mayans etched this date in stone, doesn't mean the Big Guy is bound by it.

Although the History in which humans are currently living was pretty much written thousands of years ago, God has still patiently endured His Glory being slowly chipped away at (by humans like you). One might say He is like a tea kettle ready to blow! Just when the Dark chess pieces think they have Good close to checkmate, God will pick up the entire board and smash it against a wall. Only those that live in His name will "make it" in this life or the next.

Be Good. :smile:
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No compelling evidence? Really? Tens of thousands of sightings, abductions, government reports, pilots and generals all stating the same thing...(note: a vast majority of these reports can be debunked by known aircraft etc but there still remains a large portion of cases that are unexplainable)..... oh wait its a conspiracy right? :rolleyes: They're all in it together....

This is the first documented alien abduction case... Barney & Betty Hill...

They were not influenced by the media, because this was the first known case.... so open your mind a little and stop being such a stickler...

Turn on the history / discovery / science / history international channels and watch for the UFO shows... it talks about how many other countries are more willing to investigate these cases unlike the US. Many reports are from very credible witnesses from the military and police... so to me, the sheer number of these cases tells me theres something going on. If there were no Aliens, we would not have any of these cases going on at all. They can't ALL be hoaxes.
No compelling evidence? Really? Tens of thousands of sightings, abductions, government reports, pilots and generals all stating the same thing...(note: a vast majority of these reports can be debunked by known aircraft etc but there still remains a large portion of cases that are unexplainable)..... oh wait its a conspiracy right? :rolleyes: They're all in it together....

I'm not saying that people haven't seen things that they could not explain. There's a lot of stuff in the sky, and I don't think we know everything about our atmosphere yet.

What I am saying is that it is a HUGE leap from "I saw something weird in the sky" to "Aliens are visiting our planet". I am not prepared to make that leap without some tangible, compelling evidence.

Ask any defense attorney how reliable eyewitness evidence is.

They can't ALL be hoaxes.

They're not all hoaxes, but again, without the extraordinary evidence you can't go from "I don't know what happened for five hours last night" to "I was kidnapped and probed by aliens".

Read Carl Sagan's The Demon Haunted World for a treatise on a much more mundane and likely explanation for all the abduction stories.
For the alien believers, let me give you some food for thought to ponder. In the 1700’s European explorers landed their ship on an island now known as Easter Island. When they landed they discovered a handful of native inhabitants. However, these natives were barely surviving, with very little food and no technological development. Yet on the same island were huge monolithic stone heads; hundreds of them. They were well crafted, giant heads that would have required a well organized team of people who were both technologically advanced but rich enough in development to dedicate the time and effort to erecting these heads. However, the inhabitants were too few and barely able to survive, let along, build these amazing monuments. So from the perspective of the European travelers, there was no possible explanation of how those heads go there, as there was no way the inhabitants could have possibly built them. The only other explanation was some higher deity or aliens that either planted them there or aided these natives. As so that is what peopled believed.


Sound familiar? There are many unexplained things that occur today that mirror what happened at Easter Island. Except we are the “European travelers” and our Easter Island is our planet. We observe numerous things that can’t be explained by any other reason or rationale and a natural impulse is to theorize that they are the result of a higher power. But in examining these cases we must use the same open mindedness we use for aliens and higher beings as we do for a more earthly and scientific rationale.

In reality, we have learned that what happened was that the inhabitants of Easter Island were once a thriving and powerful culture. They were very technologically advanced and vast in numbers. In this time of bounty they had both the resources and ability to develop and erect these monolithic stone heads. However, being contained to an island, they began to deplete their resources. Through non-sustainable development, wars and other wasteful practices, they slowly used up all of their natural resources. So much to the point where all that was left was an island that could barely sustain a few handful of inhabitants, and there they struggled for many generations.

As objective observers, like the European explorers, we also have a very limited window to observe odd and strange phenomenon that occur all around us. But as we learn more we have learned to debunk many mysteries that have confounded us in the past. Things like the edge of the earth, or the sun, or the stars. If anything, the one things we have learned is that throughout history, over time, things that seemed like a mystery have be revealed through science/technology and knowledge. Therefore, it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that so to unexplained things will also be revealed in time as we learn more and don’t necessarily have to have a non-natural explaination.
For all you non-believers, let me give you some food for thought to ponder. Humans don't just sprout out of the ground. The "native" inhabitants of Easter Island had to get there by ship. Having a ship would require technology, and navigational skills. (The pharaoh's ship is described as having an apple orchid and swimming pools on deck.) After being shipwrecked on Easter Island, (nobody would chose to live in such a dismal place,) the inhabitants began to lose thier technology through the generations. With the passing of time, famine destroyed the seeds they brought with them. Disease, conflict, and other factors, will overcome any civilization that does not have the technological means to sustain themsleves. The Eqyptian pharoah having to rely on the slave Jewish scribes to tell him what to do, and when to do it... Sound familiar?

Easter Island, the name 'easter' comes from 'east star', which is Sirius.

The Pyramids were built to mimic the Belt of Orion. The Belt of Orion points to/is used to locate the 'Star of the East', the brightest star in the sky, Sirius.

"As above, so below."

Follow the pyramids to the point on earth that would coincide with the location of Sirius in the sky, you arrive here...

Pools of water, in the shape of a six sided star, surrounded by six six-sided stars, inside a six pointed star...666.

A quick look around the area reveals that '6' is the 'key' to the watery 'stargate'.

The owl has the eyes to see things that humans cannot, even in darkness. It can turn it's head 360 degrees (270 in each direction). It is most wise.


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A Good time to repeat:

Not all aliens serve God, in His Glory, and in the Holy Spirit of all things Good/Light/True/Honest/Productive/Inspiring/Natural. :biggrin:

Those aliens on the Evil end of the spectrum can be characterized by Darkness/Night/Black/Deception/Manipulation/Destruction/Unnatural. :mad:

All humans are influenced by both forces (as is common sense), but the weak souls are more easily manipulated by the forces of Darkness. Very very "successful" people can fit into this category. Adolph Hitler being a perfect example of Evil personified.

Be GOOD, and never lose your Faith in God. Trust's being tested as we speak.


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The painting shown here, "The Baptism of Christ," is by Flemish painter Aert de Gelder, circa 1710, and is on display at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, England. The flying disc emitting four beams of light is quite noticeable. This painting appears in Rev. Carter's original Master of Divinity thesis for the Union Theological Seminary.



From Genesis:

After the sons of God took human wives there were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became the mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The Nefilim were upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods cohabitated with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children unto them. They were the mighty ones of Eternity - the people of the shem.' Nefilim stems from the Semitic root NFL, 'to be cast down.' (NFL-Giants that came in Jets)


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There are more than one race of alien involved in this war on Earth - don’t be fooled by single-mindedness.

The Sumerian texts confirm that the "Elder gods" or "Anunnaki" were, in fact, not the first "gods" on Earth - a race or races known as the "Ancient Ones" pre-dated the arrival of the "Elder gods/Anunnaki". The Ancient Ones had come from the stars many eons earlier and had established an extremely advanced culture.

The Anunnaki, although initially accepted, and very technologically advanced themselves, subsequently caused immense problems after their arrival to Earth and a war broke out. It seems this was no small battle, indeed, it changed the entire face of the Earth and irrevocably altered the course of life thereon.

(Note: The planet, Tiamat (Tia-MAAT), was destroyed in this war, which we now call the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Mars began to lose it’s atmosphere, which affected everything on it’s surface eventually, in this war between the Anunnaki and the Ancient Ones.)

The Sumerian texts go on to say that the "Elder gods/Anunnaki" produced/created mankind as a slave/workforce for them to own and control as a prize for their winning this war. (That’s you and me...)

Were these Anunnaki the legendary dragons as some have suggested, or do the legends of these magical creatures and their nebulous world, refer to the ancient race that existed prior to the arrival of the Anunnaki? Were they eradicated/modified by this invasion/rebellion?

There are many who view the Anunnaki genetic modifications on this planet as an upgrade to the race of beings existing on Earth at the time, but considering the overweening arrogance and warlike behavior of the Anunnaki themselves and of some of our world leaders (who claim to be their descendants through their affiliations with various secret societies), it makes one wonder.

As a species, man has more genetic defects/diseases than any other. (lost the ability to stay in sunlight, CO2, and drink the water, the most essential needs to sustain life)

Was the Anunnaki gene manipulation an upgrade... Or was it in fact a downgrade?

Strangely, it clearly states in the Sumerian texts that the genes of the commander of the army of the Ancient Ones combined with ANUNNAKI genes were used to "create" man... Sounds like evidence for the true story behind the "fall from paradise" in the Bible? It may be seen as odd that the Anunnaki would combine their own genes with that of their ancient ’enemy’, however it seems that they viewed this as some type of punishment or ’binding of the spirit’ of the Ancient Ones.

According to Sumerian sacred texts, the "Elder gods" (the Anunnaki), battled with and destroyed the Ancient Ones, and specifically Tiamat, their queen, the ancient of days, who is described as a "great wicked serpent" or "mighty dragon". Also described are her many strange allies - serpent men, dragons, sphinxes (lionmen), centaurs, dogmen and scorpion men. The titanic battle raged for ten years or more, laying waste to the Earth and its inhabitants...

The Anunnaki eventually won the battle and they divided up parts of the Earth between them. It is only after this that Humankind was "created" as a slave race. The Anunnaki were a race of warlords, for they often fought amongst themselves and involved Humans in their endless power struggles and petty jealousies.

(Note: Jealousy is a dead give-away as for the obvious differences between the different Reptoid races)

It has been said that the "myths" of centaurs, satyrs, unicorns, dragons, elves etc were the results of early genetic experiments of the Anunnaki, but the Sumerian texts state the creatures/monsters were allies of Tiamat.

Were the original dragons/elves/fairyfolk, in fact, the Ancient Ones spoken of in the texts?

Did the Anunnaki destroy a civilization, the mythical "land before time" (before "common reported time"), and by tampering with genetic codes, attempt genocide on a global scale and deliberately conceal any memory of or reference to this civilization?

Did they teach mankind wonders or did they just twist and pervert ancient wisdom? (Note: Some clues are contained in the Vatican secret archives, or have been spirited away to the British Museum)

No doubt there were "runaway slaves" hidden in the caverns of the Earth and also other survivors who had escaped the unwelcome attentions of the Anunnaki and their captive breeding programs. The texts tell us that there were renegade Anunnaki as well, and it speculated that Enki himself may have returned to the underworld. From these came the myths of hollow Earth, shamballah, agartha... and legends of great treasures and mines guarded by the gnomes.

Elves and Others, may have taken refuge in the mountains and forests and "desolate places", giving rise to their own "myths". As the world came more and more under the influence of the Anunnaki, many of these too, may have fled below the surface. It is well documented that there are vast networks of tunnels and huge caverns beneath the Earth, some caused by volcanic activity and some artificial in origin. (Note: Many military bases connect with these deep inner world systems)

Many strange "cults" sprang from these stories, many of which persist to this very day, which in itself has caused much mischief.

It appears these Elder gods/Anunnaki, were terrified of the Ancient Ones and dreaded their foretold return, fearing that they would reclaim the Earth and take revenge on them.

(Note: But we have been treated so well by our leaders, whatever gave them anything to fear?)

For this reason they devised many "magical" and other occult diverse means to prevent this from occurring.

After all, this would mean that the "slave race" that the Anunnaki had "created", and who contained the genetic codes of the "Ancient Ones" might awaken after global contact with the Ancient Ones and seek their freedom. One can see why this would cause the Anunnaki overlords to be terror stricken to lose their control over us and would necessitate stringent control measures be imposed on Humanity. Thus was born religion and other hierarchical structures of control, suppression and subjugation.

And what of Humans, the odd genetic consequence of all this meddling? Is this the reason why Humanity seems to be suffering from collective post traumatic stress disorder? As it says in the Sumerian texts:

"Man is born of sadness, for he is of the Blood of the Ancient Ones, but has the Spirit of the Elder gods breathed into him. And his heart goes to the Ancient Ones, but his mind is turned towards the Elder gods, and this is the war which shall be always fought, unto the last generation of man; for the world is unnatural."

Does this not imply that the previously understood "natural order" was disrupted in some fundamental way when the civilization of the Ancients was destroyed? Is the famous "cradle of civilization", in reality a coffin of a bygone golden age lost in the mists of time? We are told that civilization abruptly emerged 6,000 to 8,000 years ago in ancient Sumer, (Note: Now known as Iraq, interestingly).

Could it be that at that time everything was altered by belligerent beings with dubious intent and ruthless methods?

In the texts the Anunnaki demonstrate their fear and hatred of the Ancient Ones, by describing them as "crawling chaos" and blaming them for all manner of hideous horror. But the texts also reveal the Anunnaki themselves, as a fierce, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and conquering race, with a vested interest in keeping their "creations" ignorant about their true origins. (Note: Oh yeah? Where’s the proof?LOL)

That being the case, we can speculate that the ways of the Ancient Ones were diametrically opposed to those of the Anunnaki. Were the Ancient Ones aware of and did they utilize chaos theory and the fractal nature of consciousness in the creation of their forgotten world?

And Humanity, blissfully unaware of all this for the most part, still struggles on living the lies and bearing the terrible karmic burden of these unspeakable deeds. In conclusion it is also written in the very same Sumerian texts...

"Know that Tiamat seeks ever to rise to the stars, and when the Upper is united to the Lower, then a new Age will come of Earth, and the Serpent shall be made whole, and the Waters will be as One"



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Man must find it interesting that sooo many historic events are occuring at the same time:

- Ability to communicate instantly globally (telecom & internet) and share/build upon knowledge and experiences (Wikipedia, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) through technology
- Ability to clone life / mapping of the human genome
- Ability to create a machine that can potentially explain the origins of the universe, but at the same time, could potentially* destroy the world

Seems like all that's left to understand is the human mind, about which scientists will all agree that man doesn't have a clue.

* CERN's Large Hadron Collider. Two things are most important about this project. 1) It is built by humans, and therefore susceptible to error** and 2) The "very very unlikely" error would have Bad consequences -- a black hole. This in contrast to an error where the consequences could be quite positive -- a white hole (not possible with the LHD).

** Human error, amongst even the best & brightest humans, has consistently reared its ugly head. Nobel prize winning economist Myron Scholes was instrumental in the rise, and fall, of Long Term Capital Management. And what about the risk management at the investment banks, Federal Reserve, and U.S. Treasury? The risks that their scientific financial models all deemed to be "very very unlikely" turned out to be completely wrong. In other words, when a safety board filled with Nobel laureates says that the LHD is "almost completely totally safe" I roll my eyes. And pray to God. :smile:
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From Genesis:

After the sons of God took human wives there were giants in the Earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became the mighty men which were of old, men of renown. The Nefilim were upon the Earth, in those days and thereafter too, when the sons of the gods cohabitated with the daughters of the Adam, and they bore children unto them. They were the mighty ones of Eternity - the people of the shem.' Nefilim stems from the Semitic root NFL, 'to be cast down.' (NFL-Giants that came in Jets)

So, you're picking the New York Giants to win the Super Bowl this year?