Think an NSX gives you thrills? Ha! Think different - buy a suit instead!!

Mark, if you find this post offensive you could just send me a private message.

This is a british ad, and while it may be of questionable taste, it is public information.

If one other person agrees that this post should be removed, I will edit out my post above.


Want to be part of the censorship board?
My problem with your post is: there are some underage lurkers that frequent this site and there is no way to block their access to your posts and the references contained therein.
MarkB said:
My problem with your post is: there are some underage lurkers that frequent this site and there is no way to block their access to your posts and the references contained therein.

You havent been looking in the picture gallery lately, have you.
There's more girls on there than nsx's:D I think this ad is no more than PG 13 and we should let the parents worry about what their kids are looking at on the net. If you havent noticed, the net is about 75% porn,24% e-bay and 1% usefull information:eek: Its a shame, but its true.
What's wrong with this. Let's not get so uptight. This thing is fit for basic cable, if not network television.:rolleyes:
I don't find it offensive. It was more entertaining than the post a while ago from showing a person without a face.
i enjoyed it!
keep 'em coming!!