Yesterday I took it in to a private shop that's had some NSX experience and a previous Acura tech. I bought the OEM thermostat from Dali a while back in preps for this service - but they said it was ok that I bought it elsewhere, but that they wouldn't warranty the part since I did. No problem... as long as they actually put that part in! Yesterday the car was still running a 1 tick under the middle after the service. I didn't think too much of it - But this morning i drove for about 6-7 mins before the needle even started to move and it was at least 10 mins before it got to the 1-tick-below-normal temp. The shop is closed today but I'm assuming they're going to claim that it's the parts fault when I call them on it. What should I do? Is there any way to tell if it's the old part when its removed?