Theory on the Origins Of Reality

Tebbnsxr said:
I am glad we can all chime in here with our diff. beliefs etc. I am sure you are all smart, beautiful people but you are ALL WRONG!!! hahaha... JK...:smile: Anyway, I think that most likely there has to be some form of absolute truth out there. Maybe God, maybe not? But, nevertheless, it just makes sense. That's why I felt like my college philospophy class was such a waste of my time. Philosophy does not really make one think rationally but irrationally, and that line of thinking makes NO common sense. I HATE relativism, it is so anti-rational and I think we are living in the most dangerous time in history when anyone can be right no matter what they themselves think personally. Truth, that is absolute truth, can NEVER be relative...

Read your post aloud to yourself it Reeks of (Existentialist thought ) by denying one sphere you have found say were all wrong I say were all right you wrote: I think that most likely there has to be some form of absolute truth out there. Maybe God, maybe not? But, nevertheless, it just makes sense. I agree with you on this note and must say, you via rational thought touch on a basic principal in that truth is a common thread in multi-current processes of thought on a wide spectrum of both non-tangible and quantum relativity. Not to sound too corny, but what I mean is truth is elemental. You cannot 'change' its properties. Truth is truth it never changes unless that is part of its inherent makeup but cannot be swayed by external forces to be bent according to a Philosophic koan, religion or mathematical equation. :smile:
Yes, well we are ALL products of our own environments to a certain degree. The are NO free-thinkers. We all take parts of things to formulate what we want to believe in. You know what, I guess each one of us individually will figure it out once we pass on from this world into whatever is next. Maybe that is heaven or hell, or just bliss, or simply nothing. Who knows? I know none of us are smart enough to figure it out. I like simplicity and quite frankly the most brillant people I have ever met have been simple people that end up saying such profound things, and I am like WOW!!! Not scientists or philosophers, not people studying quantum mechanics, I mean who really gives a crap?? I don't. I admire people who KNOW people, and I mean they know how to treat and relate to people. To me they are far more brillant by their actions than schooled people for the most part. Yes, I have a degree, big frickin deal, so I just fell into the lie that says to be successful you must go to school and get a good education. I wish I would not have gone and saved thousands of dollars and put it into real estate instead and made money. Most of the very successful people I know have little college and lots of common sense. OK, enough tangent sorry....:biggrin:
fannsx said:
2- Just because I am not religious, that does not mean I have no moral. Many people go to church, but commit crimes. Many people don't go to chruch or practice religion are the most moral people.

3-Religion is power, power is money. That's why chruches and temples have donation boxes. They can not exist without money. Someone very intelligent figured that out a long ,long time ago and used it to benefit himself.
Many religious scholars would argue that if you have a system of ethics and morals, you are a religious person. Religion and religious practices are not confined to the "why are we here," or "is there a god," unanswerable questions. For example, I am Jewish (reformed). My governing religious system does not require me to have a specific belief about who/what god is or what our purpose in life is and it never makes any mention of an "after life"... all those bits are left up to me. What it does provide is a moral and ethical framework for which to base my actions on. That is where the focus is, what we do now is what matters the most regardless of the unanswerable questions. Do I diligently follow every religious rule?... hell no. Do I live within the framework of what my religion (and therefore society) tells me is right or wrong?... yes I do. Does that make me a good person?... in my mind the answer is yes... you may have a different answer.

On a side note, religious institutions are much more than god-freek workshops. They build community and moral support systems that enrich a lot of peoples lives. For many, they give a purpose to life - without it they might have complete disregard for the value of life. Don't take for granted the fact that you are smart, many people need religion to function "acceptably" in this society. Don't get me wrong, I'm very far from what most people would consider "religious." I simply believe that religion has it's place in our society (for good or bad). However, I don't think it's necessary for anybody to subscribe to one in order to be a good person - just don't dismiss those good people that do call a religion their own.
The process of evolution is a fact yes, as everything changes over the course of time, however, the idea that humans evolved from single celled organisms, or from monkeys/apes, or from primordial soup is certainly just a theory and not proven in the least bit, NO...
Tebbnsxr said:
Yes, I have a degree, big frickin deal, so I just fell into the lie that says to be successful you must go to school and get a good education. I wish I would not have gone and saved thousands of dollars and put it into real estate instead and made money. Most of the very successful people I know have little college and lots of common sense. OK, enough tangent sorry....:biggrin:
Now that is just absurd. I went to school because it was the quickest way for me to achieve what I wanted in a career. Your definition of success seems to be money (regardless of profession).

You are right about one thing though... brilliance is innate and not something you develop through formal education. It just seems that brilliant people tend to want to go to school. :wink: :biggrin:
redshift said:
Now that is just absurd. I went to school because it was the quickest way for me to achieve what I wanted in a career. Your definition of success seems to be money (regardless of profession).

You are right about one thing though... brilliance is innate and not something you develop through formal education. It just seems that brilliant people tend to want to go to school. :wink: :biggrin:

i thought about this too...whether i really need school or not.

i was moved by this buddhist quote "I cannot control the past or the future, so I do not worry about it. I can only control myself at the moment. Work hard everyday."

Maybe getting that extra point on the physics final, or getting that extra volunteer hours will lead to you financial success, in no way does school guarantee your financial success(this is what we all want isn't it?). However, school does significantly raises your chances of financial success rather than not going to school.

Now i realize school is not just for the sake of financial success, but i see it as an opportunity to expand my knowledge and towards further englightment.

Nothing lasts forever. I know my opportunity to learn won't wait around for me forever.... So, i stopped bitching and do my best....

You know who the brilliant people are? people who work hard in life. those people are truly brilliant.

my rant for the day.:biggrin:
Tebbnsxr said:
Yes, I have a degree, big frickin deal, so I just fell into the lie that says to be successful you must go to school and get a good education. I wish I would not have gone and saved thousands of dollars and put it into real estate instead and made money. Most of the very successful people I know have little college and lots of common sense. OK, enough tangent sorry....:biggrin:

that happened in the past generation. the current generation of people is different. the people are getting smarter thanks to technology such as internet, population rises, fierce without education you have pretty small chance of making it big in the ocean

no more arguments about school! :biggrin:
People are gaining more knowledge at a faster rate that is true. However, the people getting smarter part, I don't agree with. In fact, each generation seems to get lazier with time. Being smart has very little to do with how much school you have, at least higher education. In fact, the history of higher learning has alot to do with wealthy business owners putting tons of their money into schools so that people would go there a get a degree and come work for the MAN so to speak. Anyway, I do believe in college if that's what one wants to do, but success depends on one thing and one thing only, having a dream and not letting anything stop you from achieving it, and I am not talking solely about money either. Remember, anyone can go to school and memorize a bunch of info. The old saying, "Knowledge is Power." could not be further from the truth. Only knowledge plus application yield life changing Power.

You know who the brilliant people are? people who work hard in life. those people are truly brilliant.

I don't necessarily agree. I wake up between noon and 3 pm everyday. I have not set my alarm clock in who knows how long. I have my real estate working hard for me 24 hours a day seven days a week. Many people work hard their whole life and get chewed up by the system. Thankfully I created my own system where I am the one getting richer and faster with minimal effort.
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Blackcat, that's what I like to hear. I am moving to AZ in about a year or so. How old are you and how long have you been doing real estste? Is it all residential or do you have commercial property as well??
Tebbnsxr said:
The process of evolution is a fact yes, as everything changes over the course of time, however, the idea that humans evolved from single celled organisms, or from monkeys/apes, or from primordial soup is certainly just a theory and not proven in the least bit, NO...

Which is exactly what I said, twice now I think.

But you have to admit that by sequencing the human genome, we have gained even more evidence supporting the theory of evolution (i.e. we evolved from a single celled organism). This all happened within the last 10 years, so I think it will take another 20+ years for this information to finally hit home with the religious crowd. I wonder how long it took for people to stop believing the earth was flat and the center of the universe...

The same genes controlling cell proliferation (i.e. preventing cancer) in your body are the exact same genes controlling cell proliferation in a worm. In fact, they have replaced worm genes with human genes and the worm was completely viable. (I know someone is about to say something absurd like "So you are saying worms are our ancestors?" No, not exactly.)

And again, these discoveries don't have to take away your religion. If anything, they should make you appreciate the miracle of life even more. However, they will/should take away some of the silly nuances of religions (the fables and the myths).
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Tebbnsxr said:
Blackcat, that's what I like to hear. I am moving to AZ in about a year or so. How old are you and how long have you been doing real estste? Is it all residential or do you have commercial property as well??

Just turned 35.... All residential for now.... I am getting into mini storage this year though.

Most people only know work, work, work.... If they only knew how money worked!!! I guess we cannot all be multi millionaires like myself :tongue: :biggrin:
blackcat said:
Most people only know work, work, work.... If they only knew how money worked!!! I guess we cannot all be multi millionaires like myself :tongue: :biggrin:

...and have an NSX faster than NSXMas's, right? :D
Evolution is theory.
This is because like any 'good' scientific theory, the introduction of new evidence can prove a theory wrong. That's kind of a basic tenant of any scientific theory. The other big yardstick of scientific theory is predictive power. Some good theories are better at prediction than others, evolution seems to be more effective in analysis of past occurance, while something like quantum electromagnetism is easily the most accurate predictive theory ever...... its hard to argue any of this though if everyone has a different definition of what science is.....

now back to what really matters.......

blackcat vs nsxmas video!!!
blackcat said:

You know who the brilliant people are? people who work hard in life. those people are truly brilliant.

I don't necessarily agree. I wake up between noon and 3 pm everyday. I have not set my alarm clock in who knows how long. I have my real estate working hard for me 24 hours a day seven days a week. Many people work hard their whole life and get chewed up by the system. Thankfully I created my own system where I am the one getting richer and faster with minimal effort.

if that is true, then i am very happy for you for you have been blessed with such fortune.

for the rest of us, like me, i have to fucking work my ass in school or i won't get anywhere...or at least thats what my parents told me and i do believe it...although it took me several years of rebellion. believe me i try to think of ways to make money other than through academics....and its really hard...
downwiz2 said:
if that is true, then i am very happy for you for you have been blessed with such fortune.

for the rest of us, like me, i have to fucking work my ass in school or i won't get anywhere...or at least thats what my parents told me and i do believe it...although it took me several years of rebellion. believe me i try to think of ways to make money other than through academics....and its really hard...

I think you should get your piece of paper and get 3-7 years of good work experience. I would put an emphasis on learning about an industry you are interested in. I think a business with huge profit margins, one where it is hard to get ripped off and one where you can leave for extended periods of time and the business runs itself is the way to go. A business that allows you to depreciate the asset and allows you to "lose money" on paper but "not really". A business that allows you to get started with someone else giving you 80 to even 100% of the start up costs to get into business. I like watching people wake up every morning bust their ass to pay for my assets... If you want to get wealthy think like a bank...

Its funny I grew up with a brother who was an all "A" student in high school with a full scholarship to college, Valedictorian in college, member of Mensa, in the newpaper for great CAD CAM skills while in high school, youth leader at a church and going on missions for the poor ..... it could go on and on....

I barely graduated college and high school. Same parents.... I always worked different jobs but always bet on myself. I played 9 ball from the ages of 7 and 22 religiously. I gambled on myself and made good games for myself. I remember one college class I had to pass to meet the minimum requirements to graduate the business college. I had a F going into the midterm. Last semester and my counselor told me that I should consider dropping the class and go to summer school to retake the class. My professor told me no student has ever in the history of the business college has ever came back from a F to a C.... It would take getting 90% or higher on the next 3 tests. I proceeded to get 3 scores greater than 90%. I studied night and day and did it. Imagine sending out graduation invitations to your family and your family looking forward to the graduation. Secretly you are racking your brains out to graduate. Pressure brings out truths in people and reveals a lot about their personality.

Knowing how to gamble well, know the odds and bet high when you have the edge. Reading people personalities and understanding banking has helped me get where I want.

I know a lot of Doctors and attorneys that cap out at around 300k to 500k a year but they have to work their ass of to make that money. The bigger their business gets the more time it takes to do so. Education, jobs are a part of society but I would recommend taking a look at the best career in my opinion ......... An investor....
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blackcat said:

I think you should get your piece of paper and get 3-7 years of good work experience. I would put an emphasis on learning about an industry you are interested in. I think a business with huge profit margins, one where it is hard to get ripped off and one where you can leave for extended periods of time and the business runs itself is the way to go. A business that allows you to depreciate the asset and allows you to "lose money" on paper but "not really". A business that allows you to get started with someone else giving you 80 to even 100% of the start up costs to get into business. I like watching people wake up every morning bust their ass to pay for my assets... If you want to get wealthy think like a bank...

Its funny I grew up with a brother who was an all "A" student in high school with a full scholarship to college, Valedictorian in college, member of Mensa, in the newpaper for great CAD CAM skills while in high school, youth leader at a church and going on missions for the poor ..... it could go on and on....

I barely graduated college and high school. Same parents.... I always worked different jobs but always bet on myself. I played 9 ball from the ages of 7 and 22 religiously. I gambled on myself and made good games for myself. I remember one college class I had to pass to meet the minimum requirements to graduate the business college. I had a F going into the midterm. Last semester and my counselor told me that I should consider dropping the class and go to summer school to retake the class. My professor told me no student has ever in the history of the business college has ever came back from a F to a C.... It would take getting 90% or higher on the next 3 tests. I proceeded to get 3 scores greater than 90%. I studied night and day and did it. Imagine sending out graduation invitations to your family and your family looking forward to the graduation. Secretly you are racking your brains out to graduate. Pressure brings out truths in people and reveals a lot about their personality.

Knowing how to gamble well, know the odds and bet high when you have the edge. Reading people personalities and understanding banking has helped me get where I want.

I know a lot of Doctors and attorneys that cap out at around 300k to 500k a year but they have to work their ass of to make that money. The bigger their business get the more time it takes to do so. Education, jobs are a part of society but I would recommend taking a look at being the best career in my opinion ......... An investor.... how did yo udo on the exam? :biggrin:

that doesn't work for math, or physics....i high school.

Last year, I had a life changing experience. I had a "vision", a scene played out in my mind like a mini movie, and it came to pass exactly as I had seen it happen a few seconds later. Much like the character Neo in the first Matrix movie, and the "deja-vu" scene that announces the coming of the agent. How can something like this happen in our reality? How can one have knowledge of the future? One famous example that comes to my mind are the three "wise men" from the "east" in the bible, how did they know the when, where, and why of the messiah? When searching for the orgins of this reality in the luciferean mysteries, everything always points me back to the great pyramid. Languages change over time, symbols are constants, and numbers are universal.

Reality is the sum of twelve dimensions. Twelve around one, is a concept you will find in a clock, calander (months in a year), astrology (number of signs), religion (twelve apostles), masonic baker's dozen, etc. It wasn't until the british archeologists arrived with their masonic system of measurement based on 12 (jewish/british) inches to the foot, that the hidden messages in the great pryramid's dimensions were decoded. In Peter Lemesurier's book The Great Pyramid Decoded, he states the Great Pyramid is a sign by Elohim. He writes: "the Great Pyramid contains a detailed prophecy in mathematical code—a prophecy whose main purpose appears to be the validating of just such a redemptive or Messianic plan for mankind" In order to begin this investigation one has to start with the dimensions of the pyramid. As in any crime scene, it is the evidence that will establish the motive. In this case it will reveal something about the designer.

The word pyramid is composed of the Greek word "pyra" meaning fire, light, or visible and the Greek word "midos" meaning measures. So, although we have just started to understand the measurements and messages contained within this structure, the Great Pyramid of Giza has been called "the center of measurement and enlightment (knowledge)" for centuries. There are many remarkable points found in the dimensions of the pyramid. One of the first items discovered about the pyramid is that it is aligned with the four points of the compass. This means that its four sides point toward true East, West, North, and South. The error from true north is about 1/12 of a degree and what is even more astounding is that this orientation was done without a compass, which was not invented until the 1500 years after the Messiah's birth. Now you may wonder if the perfect aligning to the four points of the compass was a coincidence or was this purposed and planned in the design. For the Great Pyramid to be perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points on the compass means that the builder either had some way of determining directions or that neither the Egyptians nor any human designed it. Other dimensions of the Great Pyramid show that it was literally impossible for Egyptians or any other humans to have designed or built it.

The Great Pyramid is one of the heaviest structures on earth and could not be built anywhere. The architect had to pick a site that could withstand the weight of the Great Pyramid. How this knowledge was obtained no one knows. In short, the builders of the Great Pyramid had to be some of the best world geologists to be able to pick the site. The Great Pyramid is located in the center of all the landmasses. Many pyramidologists believe that the meridian line running north and south on the globe passing through the Pyramid (31 degree East of Greenwich) should be the zero line of the whole world. By drawing a horizontal line through the pyramid one can see the pyramid is the center of the landmasses. Again one sees that the architect of the Pyramid had to know the location in advance and it has only been in the last 100 years that men have had these capabilities.

Now the angle of passageways inside the pyramid is 26 degrees 18 minutes 9.7 seconds. Traveling away from the Great Pyramid at the same angle of 26 degrees 18 minutes 9.7 seconds to the equator, one would pass through the birthplace of the Messiah.

The Great Pyramid is built on perfectly level ground. Its level is so exact that it varies less that 1/2 inches over the 13 acres. This is an amazing feat for the ancient surveyors and would have been difficult, if not almost impossible to match, even today with our advanced technology. It consists of approximately 2.5 million blocks that weight from 2 tons to over 70 tons. The blocks on the top of the pyramid are from the same site and time period as those on the bottom. The stones are cut so precisely that a credit card cannot fit between them. 140,000 lb. rocks, laser cut, with no tool marks, were moved 500 miles and lifted and fitted into place without making any marks and ultilizing ball-joint constuction! No one knows if the builders deliberately or inadvertently left the capstone off. The Great Pyramid of Giza appears today different since the removal during the Middle Ages of its protective layer of tight-fitting, highly polished 20-ton stone slabs. The casing stones, 144,000 in all, were so brilliant that they could literally be seen from the mountains of Israel hundreds of miles away. On bright mornings and late afternoons, sunlight reflected by this vast mirrored surface of 5-1/4 acres distinguished the Pyramid as being visible from the moon.(Note: For those interested in possible symbolic significance, in Bible prophecy 144,000 is the number of people-12,000 from each of the 12 tribes of Israel-who are supposed to evangelize the world at the endtime.)

The people of the area had viewed the Pyramid and its polished stones with awe for centuries. But when a 13th century earthquake loosened some of these casing stones, the Arabs recognized a great quarry of precut stones that could be used to finish off palaces and mosques. For instance, the casing stones were used to rebuild the new city of El Kaherah plus Cairo mosques and palaces, including the Mosque of Sultan Hasan.
Amazingly, the outside surface stones are cut within 0.01 (1/100th) inch of perfectly straight and at nearly perfect right angles for all six sides. And they were placed together with an intentional gap between them of 0.02 inch. Modern technology cannot place such 20-ton stones with greater accuracy than those in the Pyramid. Even more amazing is that the 0.02-inch gap was designed to allow space for glue to seal and hold the stones together. A white cement that connected the casing stones and made them watertight is still intact and stronger than the blocks that it joins.

The base unit of measurement in the Pyramid is 25.052 inches. The Pryamid's inch is 1.0025 of our regular inch. Each side of its base is 365.2422 cubits, which is the exact number of days in a solar year. Now 365.24 cubits occur five or six times somewhere within the pyramid that shows it was not a coincidence. The Pyramid's perimeter, the distance around the four sides of the base, correlates with the circumference of the earth. According to Professor Piazzi Smyth, multiplying the height of the Pyramid's 35th layer by 10 derives the distance of the earth from the sun. The base unit of measurement used by the Pyramid designer is ten-millionth of the earth's polar radius, according Peter Lemeisuier. Simply put it is one ten millionth the distance from the North Pole to equator. The number of days in a century (100 years) is 36,524 days and corresponds to the total inches valued in the Pyramid's perimeter. The number Pi is the mathematical constant 3.1415, with the ratio of the diameter to the distance around the circle, called the circumference. In the pyramid it is the ratio of the height to twice the length of the base.

The only scribings in the Pyramid, which are in the Descending Passage, act as a calander of world events. One depicts the year 2141 B.C., the year that the last Pole Star was aligned with the Descending Passage. Another marks when the Pyramid was built in 2623 B.C. (Since there was never a year zero, an additional year must be subtracted). Events from the messiah, to world wars are marked. From the point representing the building of the Pyramid to the point where the Descending Passage meets the Ascending Passage is 1,170 inches, which exactly marks the year of the Jewish exodus from Egypt in 1453 B.C. (Our calandar contains a an error. When historians originally attempted to count backward to the birth of Christ, they did so by accounting for the Reign of Kings. One of the kings counted was actually ruler of his country twice, the second time under a different name. When the years of rule were counted, this king's reign was mistakenly counted twice).

A few years ago, the Japanese reportedly tried to duplicate the 4,600-year-old Great Pyramid of Giza at 1/4 scale, employing today's technology and knowledge. They could'nt do it. Indeed, the Great Pyramid seems to resist all efforts to comprehend how it was built, by whom, and for what purpose. Reality is knowlege, and perception, mixed with things like prejudice and myth. No two people experience the same reality. Further study in this direction leads one to the Mayan pyramids and calendar which started in 3114 BC with the "Birth of Venus", and is due to end on December 21, 2012 AD. I suggest everyone get acquainted with the year 2012, as a major reality shift is prophecised by many unrelated peoples.

Israel= Isis, Ra, El
Major Stoner:
Cool (an understatement). Very cool.

Ever heard of Shifting Earth Crust Theory?
THAT is very cool.
In a nut shell:

Something made the earth’s crust shift dramatically just before the end of the last ice age. 10,000 years ago?.
Normally Ice Ages take 25,000 years to melt, but the last one took 200 years! Whoa. Not normal. It was chaos.

A large percent of species died then, something like 80% of all mammal species died. It is very puzzling.

Back then there were 360 days in the year. That’s where we get or 360 degrees from. For years afterward we got screwed up by that, and then the Romans made July and August and changed the amount of days in the year to 365 like how it really was by that time, but that’s practically modern times.

What changed the amount of days from 360 to 365?

The earth was majorly screwed up by something.

Venus rotates the opposite way to the all rest of our planets, this could not happen so maybe Venus was a comet that narrowly missed us.
Shifted the crust violently, almost everybody/everything died in the chaos, volcanos, earthquakes. Earth wobbled, took a long time to calm down, although we still have a little.
Like the dynamic balance on the pulley of our NSXes, the crust and earth is like that.

Obviously we, dogs and cats survived but it was a rough time for a couple of hundred years. We almost didn’t make it.

That’s why people all over the world with no contact to each other build pointy bunkers (now known as pyramids). Good thing to have when crap from a comet cloud is passing by.

And the comet focused people’s attention on the skies for thousands of years afterward. Egyptians for example. Didn’t have slaves. They built the bunkers themselves!

Later generations built even bigger ones for their most important members to protect them even though they were only ceremonial. The sky had cleared in the few thousand years after.
These bunkers had sides smooth and hard as granite and sometimes people were buried in there, sometimes not. Depends on what you believed. Egypt or Mexico. Burma or whatever.

How did we survive and get civilized again?

During the last ice age, there was a civilised people, (like as civilised as the Greeks or Romans) on the part of the Antarctic bit that sticks out towards South America (a big place).

Nowhere else had civilisation grown up as far as them, well someone has to be ahead, right? They were really good at navigation because they where surrounded by the sea and got to know how to do it. Even made maps and things. Today we have copies of copies of copies of these maps of the Antarctic and Peru etc and they are pretty accurate considering we had never even been there.
Columbus set out to find the new world. How did he know there WAS a new world if it hadn’t even been discovered yet? He had a map; copy of a copy of a copy. Check it out. All the other “explorers” had them too. Keyword “Charles Hapgood”.

During the end of the last ice age, before the crust shifted, that part of Antarctica that sticks out was as high up as New Zeeland is now. About 13000 years ago. More land too because the ice had not melted. Humans all lived on the coast, so we were in a bad position when the ice began to melt and the sea level started going up.
These guys there were really good a navigation. Used the stars and had some good systems. And the stars etc. Chose 360 degrees to navigate because there were 360 days in the year.

Everybody on earth that planted crops and things knew how many days the year had, their livelihood depended on it. They couldn’t have “made a mistake”, they knew it like the back of their hand. They were good farmers. Didn’t have Farm Subsidies in those days so they had to get it right..
360 days. 10 months. Simple stuff. The 10th month was dec. The romans got decimal from it. means 10. The 8th is Oct. Octagon. 8. Sept. Seven. i don't know about Nov. Must mean 9 tho.
It had been the same for thousands of years.

Then that thing happened that shifted the crust, that’s where we get our notion of the end of the world, Armageddon whatever, all the religions have it for some reason, even though there were no telephones or internet back then.

The earths crust shifted and those people down there that survived were shifted to where they are now, toward the South Pole. Totally screwed.
And the ice was melting, all coastal towns were submerged (over a period of a couple hundred years)(and we got left with that story of Atlantis, God, Destruction, Allah, Flood, End of the world among other stories, lots more)
They had only one choice, to leave by boat and set up somewhere else. On high ground preferably, they learned that much.
99 percent of them didn’t make it.
Some made it and set up civilizations (all about the same time roughly, as we learn in school, strange eh?) in 6 or so different places in the world.
These guys were in dire straight s and half wiped out. Their children and their children’s children made in it those different places luckily. A thousand years after the end of the Ice Age.
And of course they brought with them some dregs of civilisation, that helped them “bump start” civilisation that everybody talks about when saying that civilisation moved faster than it could have.

Before the shift, halfway between Canada and Europe was the North Pole. That’s why there was mega ice there, look at any geological map. There is no ice on the other side, why not?
Because the other side was more south, duh. And the North Pole was not where it is now. The magnetics haven’t even caught up yet, they are still in different places.

Siberia was way south, in a temperate zone. Mammoths eat grass, not ice Slushies, I mean come on. All the dumb kid’s books show mammoths walking around on ice. Stupid to mislead our kids like that. And their tusks DON’T have scrape marks on them to move the snow. Duh, mammoths weren’t dumb, they lived in a better climate where there was grass. And the sabre tooth tigers ate mammoths. Tigers in the snow? Come on!
After the shift the mammoths found themselves in the artic (well northward) , and because of all the crap happening, volcanoes, melting ice, earthquakes, torrents of huge rivers, some died and got frozen within a week (no sun from the crap in the sky and suddenly they are miles north and it’s snowing all day and night from the rain that’s forming on all the dust in the air!). We still find mammoths fresh in the ice in Siberia today, not rotted. The died FAST like in a couple of weeks or so.

We found some Indian (not Eskimo) villages in Alaska. Alaska was also temperate, until the crust shifted it northwards. The Indians there that survived the chaos there died out from the weather. We found them. Not a snow shoe in the whole place.

The crust shifted, all the ice found itself in a warmer zone and started to melt, seriously big time.
Lots of rivers were the biggest torrents ever seen. Grand Canyon wasn’t made by a little bitty stream like we learn in school. Duh. Many rivers were formed then as we have now.

One group of these poor bastards made it to the Middle East and many generations later formed a civilisation.
These guys hooked up with the guys already there who made the Sphinx on the bank of the river look like a lion. They had lions there then, of course, because it was wet there and had forests. That’s why there was a river for the Spinx to be on the bank of. Duh.
Nobody live is a desert. It was not a desert then. All the erosion on the sphinx was made by water.
This was way before the Egyptians and the pyramids. But the earth shifting had set up some trends and that place got dryer and dryer. Before it got too hopelessly dry, they built the pyramids based on stories of their forefathers.
You don’t forget a thing like that that happened. You don’t forget what came from the direction of Leo.
It is where Leo WAS. The pyramids point to where Leo was BEFORE the shift, that’s where the thing is coming from (the last time anyway).
Leo is now in a different place equal to the shift that put Siberia into a northern zone that froze the mammoths put and the seafaring people on the Antarctica into the cold.
Anyway the Egyptians really went for it building those bunkers that tell messages. We will learn to read them gradually.

One group made it to Peru.
And the other places we now know civilisation sprung up, all about the same time. And all on high ground too, what a coincidence!. These guys weren’t dumb, in fact they were no different to ourselves. If anything we have become a little dumber!

Since these people were the children of the children of the people who experienced the shift, they learned about it through word of mouth and stories. Like in the bible, scrolls etc. not exactly a accurate as DVDs, but they weren’t about to forget it so they did the best they could. The guys who knew all about it were the most respected. The called them priests.
But they still managed to get the chief honcho god Zeus mixed up when they call out to him: Hey-Zeus (we write it J e z u s. At least they still pronounce it correctly in Spanish…). I’m mean who could mix up a really strange sound like that. No other name except Allah and Ra is like that. They all sound kind of like…. a comet.

Shops are still closed on Sunday today because of the enormous thing that happened back then. Weird, eh?

All over the earth we haven’t forgotten it and many religions try to recount it but obviously the stories have got a little garbled.
But all the different peoples stories are kinda the same even though there was no contact between people on the other side of the earth. The basis is the same even in China.

“watch out for that god coming from the sky, building pointed bunkers helps (pyramids) when the sh*t hits the fan,
don’t kill and eat each other, and watch out, the crap might come again. Look for a leader, he will be from that big thing in the sky,
Be ready for it. Be ready to die. Pray hard and head for the hills (huh?).
Look up to the sky, that’s where the gods come from.
Watch out for the floods and earthquakes and things.
It looks like the sun but it will be in a different place.
Afterwards it gets dark because of all the crap in the sky and everyone dies from famine.
Etc etc

That’s the message. It seems like mumbo jumbo to us in the Western World, but most of the population on earth still believes it.

Remember, all this only took place a little while ago. We were almost wiped out. Close one. Certainly wiped out our last start at civilisation.
Who knows how many other times we just starting to get civilized and were snuffed out.
Who knows how long we go with this one? 1000 or 5000 more years, then Wham.

But the guys who wrote those bibles and hieroglyphics got their fears from somewhere, that’s for sure.
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One book claims that the pryamids are water pumps. Must have been part of some giant water theme park of the Gods.

One event that will take place in 2012 that I didn't see mentioned has to do with astrology. If you draw a horiziontal line down the center of the universe, a "horizon", or middle point, the earth will be crossing under the mid-point into the "nether regions". One theory suggests that the earth's magnetic field will flip, and reverse, causing havoc for life on earth. This would mean a 26,000 year cycle which repeats itself. Myself, I can't even understand how astronauts go out into space past the Van Allen Radiation Belt, so what do I know.

The “Ancients” claimed that God works by mathematics. Their belief system was a strange confusion of religion, astrology, alchemy, physical and mental science, and mathematics. The Pythagoreans however, believed that the source of all truth was hidden in geometric symbolism, with the triangle especially as the most “sacred” of all symbols, where the ternary (3) and certain multiples thereof, were regarded as the key to unlocking all “hidden wisdom.” There are a variety of numbers that hold secret significance within occult circles today.

The ancients also believed that numbers had formative powers. The very first religions seem to be based around Pythagoras, who is reputed to have declared that "Numbers rule the universe." Plato said, "God ever geometrizes." The modern mathematician Jacoi expressed his own belief that "God ever arithmetizes."

The Babylonians, who invented the Zodiac, considered each of the twelve signs to rule over the twelve months of the year. In the Zodiac there are 6 houses that the sun passes through during the day and 6 during the night. Each house is divided up into 3 rooms. So there are 36 rooms in the Zodiac, as the Babylonians believed there were 36 magnifications of the sun and thus 36 separate gods, all different revelations of the “Sun-god.”

The "Missing Link" can only be one thing, gene splicing. Overnight, neanderthal received a DNA upgrade. Look at the ancient symbol for the medical profession, two serpants wrapped around a staff. How did they know what the DNA double strand helix looks like thousands of years ago? The 26 letter Roman alphabet is a distant but direct descendant of the complex ornate script of ancient Egypt hieroglyphs, and it clearly shows humans living side-by-side with upright reptilian beings. Looking in the mirror, I would guess that animal and reptile DNA got mixed, that would explain why some men are hairy beasts, while others look like lizards after a facelift. Ashley Simpson was born with a fork shaped tongue, I just need to probe her sister's tailbone to confirm my hypothesis.
