The Ultimate Wheels for my NSX

Hmmm lets see.... 4 wheels...thats 4 x 3000 = $12000 :eek:
Not including Tires.

Id rather buy a brand new supercharger. :biggrin:

But if I won the lottery then sign me up for a set. hehe :biggrin:

IsR said:
wow... thats a very light wheel you got there,good idea but very expensive. How easy is it to repair if ,say you accidently scratch it against a curb?
dont let the wife drive and you will never find out :biggrin: they are pretty easy to repair however we recommend that you use a tire with rim protection such As a PS-2if they do get a rub you can repair by re clearing the wheel..... the top 4 layers have the same weave pattern so if you do break thru the weave it can be fixed however it will never be perfect......but these rims will take alot of abuse before damage
Here's a good question....I hope it wasn't asked already.

If I hit a big pot hole with my current wheel it bends. I get very angry but am able to drive home. Carbon Fiber doesn't bend it cracks and sometimes shatters. I realize your wheels have tested stronger then comparable Aluminum wheels, but if I exceed the structural limitations will they shatter? If so that would suck having my car slide across the pavement out of control. The result would be lots of body work, possible suspension damage, etc.
jadkar said:
Here's a good question....I hope it wasn't asked already.

If I hit a big pot hole with my current wheel it bends. I get very angry but am able to drive home. Carbon Fiber doesn't bend it cracks and sometimes shatters. I realize your wheels have tested stronger then comparable Aluminum wheels, but if I exceed the structural limitations will they shatter? If so that would suck having my car slide across the pavement out of control. The result would be lots of body work, possible suspension damage, etc.
if in fact you was to hit something hard enough to shatter the wheel.... I think that would be the least of your concerns!!!! yes they will shatter.....however you would not be driving home if it was alum. in fact I would bet that your car would be totaled just to clarify, the strength is so much greater than aluminum wheels that the average hole that would bend a normal wheel would be a mere joke for the carbon wheels to handle.

jadkar said: just to clarify, the strength is so much greater than aluminum wheels that the average hole that would bend a normal wheel would be a mere joke for the carbon wheels to handle.

Can you post a pic from the rear of the wheel, like where the magnesium spider attaches to the CF rim. That's where I'd think the weakest part of the wheel would be. Anything special there?
jadkar said:
Here's a good question....I hope it wasn't asked already.

If I hit a big pot hole with my current wheel it bends. I get very angry but am able to drive home. Carbon Fiber doesn't bend it cracks and sometimes shatters. I realize your wheels have tested stronger then comparable Aluminum wheels, but if I exceed the structural limitations will they shatter? If so that would suck having my car slide across the pavement out of control. The result would be lots of body work, possible suspension damage, etc.

Aerospace grade CF can be 2-3 Times stronger than steel. So I would assume this wheel may be 2-3 times stronger than alumimun at lease. I think Machspeed is trying to say.. If you manage to shatter this wheel you problably hit something with so much force that your suspension and chassis would have give in well before the wheel would shatter.

Machspeed- that looks like a nice skinny front wheel.. do you have a Fat lip rear wheel?
I like how strong it is.

Now, lower the temperature to say 32F and redo the tests. What's better then?

Better yet, how about 20F? Carbon fiber, while strong, is very brittle and doesn't handle cold very well. I'm betting that the results will be less than ideal at those low temperatures.

Very cool, though. :thumbup:
been there and done is part of the D.O.T. testing and it passed with out any problems. We also have done the reverse with heat still we had no problems...... as far as it being brittle in cold temps I believe you are would a airplane wing survive in sub Zero temps?
JonBoy said:
I like how strong it is.

Now, lower the temperature to say 32F and redo the tests. What's better then?

Better yet, how about 20F? Carbon fiber, while strong, is very brittle and doesn't handle cold very well. I'm betting that the results will be less than ideal at those low temperatures.

Very cool, though. :thumbup:
I hope you guys will come out with 16 and 17inchers too. Damn, thats pretty light. Imagin you would have carbon brake discs too. Another 2 tenth or so faster in the 1/4 mile :)

For my Integra type-R I would be interessted in some 7.5x17 or 7.5x16 offset 45.
MachSpeed said:
been there and done is part of the D.O.T. testing and it passed with out any problems. We also have done the reverse with heat still we had no problems...... as far as it being brittle in cold temps I believe you are would a airplane wing survive in sub Zero temps?

Airplane wings are not (as far as I know) made completely out of carbon fiber.

Either way, if the wheel is as functional and able to handle diverse environments as you say, you've done an amazing job. Congrats, from a person that isn't easily impressed (and, as an engineer, is relatively slow to unreservedly giving a big thumbs up).
MachSpeed said:
you can or we can color the carbon......the wheel in the pictures has a nickle Chemical added to the carbon to make the weave turn gold..... I would not recommend painting the carbon other then clear coating

and sizes as of today are the 18X10.5 and the 18X8's that I have however at this price we can custom mill the center to your design. The spokes on tis wheel are Mag.
sounds expensive
JonBoy said:
Airplane wings are not (as far as I know) made completely out of carbon fiber.

read this first!

Carbon Fiber isn't always the same Civic hood made by VIS. Carbon Fiber comes in many many forms. Auto-grade CF is probably the weakest form. Aircraft grade CF, much like aircraft grade aluminum, is strong enough to stop most high powered bullets, and resists heat higher than most metals.

proper grade, 1" thick CF could easily pass the tests described by MachSpeed.
If you're talking about the skeleton (which that link appears to be) then sure, that's what carbon fiber is used for on planes. I thought the guy was talking about an entire wing - skeleton, surface, etc, etc. As you'll notice in my post, I said that wings are not ENTIRELY made of carbon fiber, which is true.

Still, I didn't realize they used it so/as extensively. I stand corrected in that regard. :thumbup:
44 sets of four at 2500/3000 per wheel? That's minimum $10K per set. I would imagine you can afford to expand at those prices....
I'd imagine these would find their way into the hands of raceteams? People with deeper pocketbooks and to whom saving that weight would be crutial?.\

Great job man!
...and for the guy who said he'd put them on his integra... if you'd spend 12,000 on wheels for an integra, you got your priorities a lil messed up.
Vizal said:
So let me get this straight.. These are basicly regular wheels wraped in CF sheets? :confused:

How would you handle repair if the wheel do crack?
The hoop/barrel of these wheels are 100% carbon fiber......not a lamed product. the only alloy on these wheels are in the spokes.