The truth about NA1 vs. NA2 OEM Header/Exhaust - Dyno inside!

bit of a hijack.
but was the NA2 full system plug and play on the NA1 ?
I was thinking to swap my NA2 stock setup onto my NA1 and swap over my NA1 aftermarket onto my NA2.

It's essentially plug and play. 1995s are NA1, but are basically OBD2 so they have 4 Oxygen sensors rather than 2 on the 1991-1994. He did have to extend the wiring on the O2 sensors to get it to work, but otherwise the system bolts right up.
It will be a plug and play application.

I did have to extend the O2 sensor wires for the main O2 sensors which is before the cats. Adrian's NSx was a 95 so it did have 4 O2 sensor's. For the AP1 configuration which only requires 2 O2 sensor, you'll need to get 2 bung plug for the after cat O2 holes. :tongue:

You can get the O2 extenders for SOS for 90$ but i say, save the $. We'll make you a set free of charge. :biggrin:

Hey Adrian, if you get an aftermarket exhaust, we can put it in for you. We'll run the car on the dyno free of charge and see what # your nsx put down.:biggrin:

I have a 2 aftermarket exhaust on hand for sale. RSR and a Custom duel pipe exhaust which sounds and flows better than the RSR. Just get the adapters and they'll bolt right up.

If you can get your hands on a 3.2L exhaust manifold for 100$, it would be a pretty sweet deal concidering the HP it puts down. Im sure lots of 3.2L guys are going DC or Comptech..... speaking of headers, anyone selling their 3.2L headers? My NSX needs a set :D
Let me take a stab at the summation......

NA1s dyno ~235rwhp
NA2s dyno ~255rwhp

of this ~20rwhp difference, roughly 15rwhp is achieved via the improved header design.

how's that?
on this car by removing the AP1 setup we saw a 15HP gain over stock.

thats all we are saying. No need for sweeping statements. :smile:
i gota same dyno as autowave, but they consistantly put out 30-40 more HP than my dyno on the same car/same mods. :tongue: not pointing fingures, just stating facts.
Want to bet $10k in cash? and do a test for the same car on both shops? are you up for it or can you back up your words? Got any examples?

At least do some research before making a statement like that.

So a car dyno at your shop at around 260 should dyno 290 or 300 at Autowave? Ask John and Simo, they cars have same mods, +/- 1rwhp difference at your shop and Autowave. I be shocked if the # is +/- 5rwhp.
Read the tahoe nsx thread where Ron98 is upset b/c the seller would not accept Ron98's lowball offers and intern tells Tahoe how much of a sucker he is to have bought the car. Glad to see btw that Tahoe has fixed this car up!

Based on the troubling attitude in that thread are we really surprised about these statments from Ron98 regarding autowaves dyno versus his dyno.

Ron98 was on his way to great publicity on this thread, with (until that post) what i considered to be good and meaningful information that is useful to the community.

let's not waste any more time on this meaningless bantor. it Ron would like to back up his words by proving his point with DATA then we will listen.
if i remember correctly Steve's 3.2L nsx dynoed 365.. at AutoWave... thats at the wheels. I dont know how a stock 250HP RWP car puts out an extra 115HP from 6psi of boss off a SC blowing hot air. Usually each HP nets you 10-15HP and thats off an intercooler turbo setup with dense air coming in. Off the top of my head, Comptech only rated it at 60RWP... hey let me know if im wrong.

It was about 335 at my shop thats with correction factor. Also had other owners drive up from Long Beach and dyno their cars only to be "let" down with the HP numbers from our shop. I see this every day with DynoJet. S2K owners expect 220HP RWP since thats what dynojet see's and honest to god, it only puts out about 195-200HP RWD. Super street just did an issue on S2K bolt on upgrades, their baseline unadjust was exactly 198HP on part with my dyno. Since they didnt have any thing to prove or bolt on's to sell, those are the raw figures.

I know for a FACT. un-corrected, my numbers would be about 13-20% lower than Autowave.

Same dyno, same setup, different X correction factor. If you own a DD setup, you know what the X factor is X = user input correction factor from 1:1 to 1:1999. :wink:

also, the new windows operating system configuration hardware of the DD setup puts out about 15% higher numbers than their dos based software to keep base with Dynojet's ever inflating numbers.

Just had some TT supra guys on the forum say they put down close to 500RWP with the stock twins on a dynojet.... look at the flow charts for the CT20's and you'll see they lose effiency and will only support about 400RWP MAXed out at 22PSI and a hell of a good tune.

its a industry "problem" that all the shop owners / tuners are aware of.

get your car dynoed at AW ( i think it will cost you about 80-90$), bring your car here, we only charge $50, I'll run your car for FREE on the UNCORRECT raw numbers before factor X adjustment and we'll work out AW's X factor. Im not saying that AW is the only one, its just an industry standard to hike the numbers since it will get you more business in the door.

My shop is not my bread basket. Its something i love to do and am lucky enough to have the funding for it. If i dont make rent this month, no worries. I just love working on nice cars, and get a garage to upgrade, tune and dyno my own. Passion before business is the bottom line. Also dont like to see nsx owners paying 3500$ for a clutch job or 2500$ for a TB. A clutch job is much easier than a TB job.. so why does it cost more for a clutch than a TB at AW?

Hey, im offering a free dyno. Cant beat that hun? so go to AW, pony up the 80-90$ and we'll make it a date here. I'll even wip out the BBQ. Be a good sport, dont let them know so they wont change X to 1:1 and we'll post some # on prime. If im wrong, i'll say im wrong. From what i have seen however... its a different story when you run cars day in and day out.

Looking foward to meeting the both of you.

Lets get back on topic.

Anyone have 3.2L headers for sale? :smile:
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then maybe the reason as you state people are let down is becuase you don't know how to use it or have the wrong 'correction factor" ... explain this, how come 1KHPNSX's (danny's) dyno was the same at autowave versus the dyno that was used by sport compact car. (on all uscc's competitors cars)... are you saying that in additon to autowaves dyno having the wrong correction factor that the one used by the magazine was also wrong?

This is getting better by the minute!
I know for a FACT. un-corrected, my numbers would be about 13-20% lower than Autowave.

Same dyno, same setup, different X correction factor. If you own a DD setup, you know what the X factor is ( X = user input correction factor from 1:1 to 1:1999). :wink:
No kidding, you are compareing uncorrected to corrected#s.

My $10k bet is still up and vaild, I back up my words. How about this, if you are willing to accept the challenge and back up your words. Lets have Simo dyno his NSX at Autowave and see if it will dyno 310 or even 290rwhp. What do you think? Does it interest you?

So you are saying that if anyone had dynoed done at Autowave and have it redynoed at your shop, they should see 30~40rwhp less? In that case Vance will see 262rwhp with all the bolt ons on NA2. John will see 242 with all the bolt ons. 3.8L stroker kit should see 296rwhp. Not going to happen pal.

30~40rwhp is freaking lot. 10~15 I can see that. Making an uneducated claim like that somewhat amazing. You actually had more respect from me before opening the mouth.
No kidding, you are compareing uncorrected to corrected#s.

My $10k bet is still up and vaild, I back up my words. How about this, if you are willing to accept the challenge and back up your words. Lets have Simo dyno his NSX at Autowave and see if it will dyno 310 or even 290rwhp. What do you think? Does it interest you?

So you are saying that if anyone had dynoed done at Autowave and have it redynoed at your shop, they should see 30~40rwhp less? In that case Vance will see 262rwhp with all the bolt ons on NA2. John will see 242 with all the bolt ons. Not going to happen pal.

30~40rwhp is freaking lot. 10~15 I can see that. Making an uneducated claim like that somewhat amazing.

I should go dyno my car at Autowave just for kicks.... Although to be fair my car now has an oem box with unifilter and the Dali scoop, and my check engine light stopped coming on, so i'm assuming my A/F ration isn't so rich anymore.

Honestly, I don't see how my #'s can go up from the last dyno at Rob's. My last run was something like 272, which is already quite high for an NA1 with I/H/E
i love popcorn

There are 2 sets of correction factors.


X is a outside correction factor the operator puts enters, INDEPENDENT of the correction factor the dyno puts in for air temp, elevation, bio pressure.

dyno puts in correction... lets say 0.98:1

The user can then put in 1.200:1 which = 20% gains over the dyno ecu corrected numbers. i always joke with everyone, want a "400HP" stock S2K?

If you put down 200 on one dyno and put down 280 on another, it really does not matter. What matters is that you see a 10HP gain on both of them, so you know that after the install you acturally gained HP instead of lossing it.
Dyno is just a tool for before and after install gains/losses. If you want to have a good feel, go to the track, run the 1/4.

drop by sometimes and i'll show you the magic button :D

hell i should just take my car to autowave and get it dynoed first hand :)

also, my nsx puts down 230HP with out the the X adjustment. 250 on a dynojet. Same mods same setup.
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I should go dyno my car at Autowave just for kicks.... Although to be fair my car now has an oem box with unifilter and the Dali scoop, and my check engine light stopped coming on, so i'm assuming my A/F ration isn't so rich anymore.

Honestly, I don't see how my #'s can go up from the last dyno at Rob's. My last run was something like 272, which is already quite high for an NA1 with I/H/E
Lets just do it!!, plus it is good chance to re-check the A/F ratio. I will let the addition of oem air box and unifilter, dali scoop be a bonus and not count against the 30~40rwhp difference claim.

Next time you drop by Vance's shop, stop by Autowave first.

X is a outside correction factor the operator puts enters, INDEPENDENT of the correction factor the dyno puts in for air temp, elevation, bio pressure.

So dyno puts in correction... lets say 0.98:1

The user can then put in 1.200:1 which = 20% gains over the dyno ecu corrected numbers.[/QUOTE]
Yes, indeed. That is easy, just ask for dyno run on file without correction factors.

You generalized all of their dyno #s. Like I said on my previous statement, if Vance, John, 3.8 stroker kit, redynoed at your shop, they suppose to see 30~40rwhp loss according to you?. You are basicly questioning a shop's integrity. I have seen cars that dynoed at Autowave with mods and lost power. They told the customer the truth. Professionalism is very important.
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Lets just do it!!, plus it is good chance to re-check the A/F ratio. I will let the addition of oem air box and unifilter, dali scoop be a bonus and not count against the 30~40rwhp difference claim.

Next time you drop to Vance's shop, stop by Autowave first.

Jason, I'll do it on Friday afternoon and then head over to Vance's after, are you down? Do I need to make an appt. or can I just walk in?

Damn, I forgot that i'm running 20W50 weight oil for track day, not sure how that'll affect my #'s?
Im pretty sure you guys can just do a walk in. :smile: oil wont make much of a difference.

any chance you guys can make it up here after? have a dyno, bbq, kick back, post some #

30-40HP on supercharged cars since thats on part with 13-20%. keep in mind its a % since that is what the correction factor is for.
Jason, I'll do it on Friday afternoon and then head over to Vance's after, are you down? Do I need to make an appt. or can I just walk in?

Damn, I forgot that i'm running 20W50 weight oil for track day, not sure how that'll affect my #'s?
Sounds good, I will be there. I buy you big fat dinner and take a video clip.

Lets get both corrected and uncorrected #s and compare it to what Ron have on file.

drop by sometimes and i'll show you the magic button :D

hell i should just take my car to autowave and get it dynoed first hand :)

also, my nsx puts down 230HP with out the the X adjustment. 250 on a dynojet. Same mods same setup.[/QUOTE]
No need to show me the magic button, I am fully aware of correction factors.

Take a look at my Supra dyno graph below. 1.05 correction factor. Your statement is like if I like Rolex, I should just wear a fake. Fake is fake, genuine is genuine. This is why I prefer see runs on file with/without correction factor even if my #s fall flat on its face. I prefer someone be honest than lie to me.

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ill have the uncorrect # tomorrow off my computer.

hey simo whats your lisc plate # again? i need it to pull it up.

this is going to be fun. :)

sorry Adrian to jack the thread but it took on a life of its own
Sounds good, I will be there. I buy you big fat dinner and take a video clip.

Lets get both corrected and uncorrected #s and compare it to what Ron have on file.

Sounds good Jason. I'll give you a call when I come down, i'll make it early afternoon at about 2-3ish.

Im pretty sure you guys can just do a walk in. :smile: oil wont make much of a difference.

any chance you guys can make it up here after? have a dyno, bbq, kick back, post some #

30-40HP on supercharged cars since thats on part with 13-20%. keep in mind its a % since that is what the correction factor is for.

Rob, i'll save the dyno sheets, or better yet have Jason post them. I'll definately make it up there before track day (May 5th) so we can do back to back tests. With everything on the car unchanged of course....
you can not tune out dynojet numbers. the correction factor is built into their software and as far as i know, dynojet does not allow an user input X factor like the dynodynamics systems. The most you can change on the dynojet is elevation but that does not make much of a difference between the elevation chages we are talking about. me and the shop owner next door was having a good laugh at the X adjustment in the Dyno Dynamics system. I use to dyno/tune on the dynojet system and he owns 1 of 3 AWD setup here in California and there is no user adjustable correction in DJ. Its built in.

With the DD system, its a big difference between user adjusted and non user adjusted.

BTW, is that your supra on stock twins?
Wish I had $10k to throw around. It'd definitely be towards a FX500 kit and screw the 30hp! I'll have plenty to spare.

Anyhow..... Z, correct me if I'm wrong but......
My car NA1 w/ NA2 oem headers, NA1 cats modded w/ extra length to fit, NA1 custom Flowmaster exhaust w/ 2.5" tubing dynoed to about 245 rwhp. I don't know the before numbers.

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