The NSX and dating

Dan Ciesniewski said:
dude that sh!t is shallow and lame as hell.
you need to spend more time worrying about driving your car than watching everyones reactions around it!
I never look at people when Im at a stop light, thats just arrogant as hell to try and look at people gauking at your car, especially to be able to read their lips.
And trying to pick up chicks with a "super car" is just pathetic. BTW the NSX is no supercar, its an exoctic

Tell the guy from top gear, that the nsx isnt a supercar!

oh and on the topic, the nsx scars away more girls than it brings, they think erogant asshole when they see it. I got more ass in my slammed school bus yellow eclipse.
brahtw8 said:
Here are some stats from 2001:

The median age of the NSX owners polled was 31-40 years old.

Ok, I stopped checking this thread long ago, but I had to make some comment on this. I'm no statistics whiz, but last I checked a Median anything was the value of the sample set that appeared most frequently. So in the survey there were an equal number of 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, and 40 year olds???

Things like this make me question figures. Remember "Figures don't lie, but liars figure"
splitz said:
Ok, I stopped checking this thread long ago, but I had to make some comment on this. I'm no statistics whiz, but last I checked a Median anything was the value of the sample set that appeared most frequently. So in the survey there were an equal number of 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, and 40 year olds???

Things like this make me question figures. Remember "Figures don't lie, but liars figure"
I think he meant mean, as thats the only statistical figure that would make any sense in a case like this.
splitz said:
Ok, I stopped checking this thread long ago, but I had to make some comment on this. I'm no statistics whiz, but last I checked a Median anything was the value of the sample set that appeared most frequently. So in the survey there were an equal number of 31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39, and 40 year olds???

Things like this make me question figures. Remember "Figures don't lie, but liars figure"

Looking at this web page, it's different than that:

"Middle value" of a list. The smallest number such that at least half the numbers in the list are no greater than it. If the list has an odd number of entries, the median is the middle entry in the list after sorting the list into increasing order. If the list has an even number of entries, the median is equal to the sum of the two middle (after sorting) numbers divided by two. The median can be estimated from a histogram by finding the smallest number such that the area under the histogram to the left of that number is 50%
Yes I stand corrected. I was using the definition of mode. My statistical bad. But that makes my argument that much can you have 9 numbers as the middle number?

Gansan said:
Looking at this web page, it's different than that:

"Middle value" of a list. The smallest number such that at least half the numbers in the list are no greater than it. If the list has an odd number of entries, the median is the middle entry in the list after sorting the list into increasing order. If the list has an even number of entries, the median is equal to the sum of the two middle (after sorting) numbers divided by two. The median can be estimated from a histogram by finding the smallest number such that the area under the histogram to the left of that number is 50%
queenlives said:
saw this "news item" about dating/cars and thought it relevant to this thread:

Dating in cars: Things people notice
Survey says cars can play an important role in dating, so keep it clean and don't ask for gas money.
November 7, 2005; Posted: 2:12 p.m. EST (1912 GMT)

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Men and women agree that cars play an important role in dating, but they don't always agree on what should happen once things get rolling.

Eighty-nine percent of males and 95 percent of females said they were extremely or somewhat likely to notice their date's car, according to a survey conducted by Ford Motor Co. The survey was conducted as part of a program, including "speed dating" events in various cities, to promote the company's new Fusion sedan. The survey polled 400 single men and women.

It's not just the make and model of a car that's getting noticed, according to the survey. Fifty-eight percent of those surveyed said the condition of their date's car would at least somewhat impact their attraction to the person.

Women felt more strongly about their date's car condition than men with 69 percent saying it would at least somewhat affect their attraction to their date compared to 47 percent of men.

"You often get one chance to make a right impression and, many times, your car is one of the first personal things your date sees about you. Similar to your clothes, your car says something about you and your style," said Ellen Fein, dating expert and co-author of The Rules.

About 20 percent of respondents said they had been "asked to chip in for car-related expenses by their date." Of those that had been asked to chip in, 15 percent said they were asked to spring for gas followed by parking (9 percent) and tolls (6 percent).

When asked to recall their "most embarrassing car date moment," 22 percent of respondents said it was being told by their date that they were a bad driver. Far more women suffered this insult than men. Second overall was suffering an "upset stomach," followed by being pulled over for speeding, and getting in to a fender-bender. Just barely making the list was "getting caught fooling around."

Sixteen percent of those surveyed ranked kissing as their "favorite car date activity." But, only 8 percent of females surveyed chose kissing versus 24 percent of males.

I don't how anybody would disagree that having a nice car makes a good impression? :confused:
jagtiger said:
I don't how anybody would disagree that having a nice car makes a good impression? :confused:

Well, let me preface this by saying in advance that I am admittedly a weird dude, and have not had a date in years (by choice). Personally, to everyone but friends and car nuts I avoid mentioning that I even own such a car. I'd rather people want to get to know me for who I am, not because of what I own. Yes, I like nice things too. Yes, you can learn a lot from a person by watching and interacting with them. But ultimately when getting to know someone as a friend (even more true for romance), I want to enjoy thier company for who they are and want them to enjoy my company for the same reason. Life philosophy, compassion, intelligence, zest for life, experiences, wisdom, personal interests and a whole host of other things are far more important than money in friends. If a car is common interest, then that is great - one reason why I love prime. If it is used as a guage of wealth, I really want little to do with the people that have that as a criteria for friendship.

Re: name_brand-goggles...

Osiris_x11 said:

"Whhhut!! OKAAY!! YEEEAAHHH!!"


I came across this awhile back, seemed funny at the time... :biggrin:

Here's another BMW ad: :tongue:


  • beemerhead.jpg
    31.2 KB · Views: 416
Re: name_brand-goggles...

drewdeezee said:
Here's another BMW ad: :tongue:

Hey, how come that crap never worked for me? :biggrin: :biggrin:
Re: name_brand-goggles...

drewdeezee said:
Here's another BMW ad: :tongue:
This is too dangerous for me to enjoy because I can't see oncoming traffic :biggrin:
I met my wife when I had my first NSX.
However, she had no idea what kind of car it was and really didn't care.
After our first date, her sisters asked her what kind of car I drove and she said she had no idea, but it was 2 seats and low.
We talk about that story all the time and a few weeks ago I became an NSX owner again!!!! I'm having more fun now than ever and feel that I'm not too old to still look cool!!!...LOL... :biggrin:
Black&Tan97Tnewportbeach said:
Heres an analogy . .

What if this was . . and the post was:

Well, now that I have a degree from harvard law school I kind of realized that in my particular situation I can get a better job than I could when I was still in school. Is it shallow to turn down job offers from 7-11 and 3rd rate law firms now that I have a harvard degree?

People take what they can get . . some people on here got attention all their lives . . and some only started getting it when they got an NSX. So if it helps your game, and you can get better ass with an NSX then fuck it - take what you want. The strongest drive in the human species is the drive to procreate. So it is a big deal and its not our fault - its built in!

For me personally I have had a GF for a year and a half now but when I was single the car was kind of a "look at me" neon sign which got their attention off all the plain cars to my car and then to me - and when they saw I wasn't a 58yr old accountant they were happily suprised. I got 1/2 of all my ass on the road - gas stations, pulling up to sidewalks getting numbers, parking in 7-11 and circle k parking lots on summer nights - it was COMPLETELY like shooting fish in a barrel. I've gotten numbers going 80MPH on the 405, 110, PCH etc. - they write it with lipsatick on a envelope from the glovebox or sign it with fingers 1 digit at a time. I had a girl pull up next to me at a light and smile so I asked for her number and I didn't even remember that I already hit it!

Of course I live in The OC - super shallow\all looks land, so if you just wanna have fun its the place to do it.

Anyway thats my 2 cents . . but its logical if you want hot ass then anything that gets you more is fair game. If you want a keeper chick then trolling in the NSX might not be the way to find one though!

LOL..good read..I feel that!!! :biggrin:
Crikey!!! :biggrin: BTW, I only take 1/2 responsibility for resurrecting this corpse, since it was just mentioned in the Favorite NSXPrime thread. :tongue:

My thoughts - if you will - are these:

1. Mike-San: you've got a F***ing great sense of humor. My monitor now smells like the *frosty beverage* that got sprayed on it after reading at least 10 of your replies. At a way to come back strong!

2. As it actually relates to the thread: Get off your high horses. How many of you single guys slip into your $200 "7" designer jeans before you go out on a Fri night to meet girls?? THIS IS NO DIFFERENT, except for a couple of zeros. (Except being self conscious about letting a nini ride you with you...that's weak).

3. If ALL we wanted was branded attention - well, that's what Porsches are for. When I moved to FL from NYC, and needed to get a car, my NYC buddies all thought I was nuts for getting an $80k exotic "Acura" instead of a 911. I could care less about the Porsche brand, but 99% of the population and 100% (rounded, Alix:smile: ) of women disagree. And yeah, a Jeep Wrangler with a surfboard in the back will pull more than ANY sportscar...period.

4. Redshift, I really hate to say this :frown: 'cause I really like your intelligent posts, but you having written this last fall (in light of your very recent wedding) certainly lends a mysterious twist to this thread. Especially since you implied your wonderful (and, seriously, congrats again :smile: ) wife bought your NSX for you... I know that if *I* were newly engaged, to a girl that bought me my NSX, well I might feel strongly against "pimpin it" so to speak.

5. It's Friday night at 2:16 am EST. I live in South Beach. Drive a brand new NSX. Young single, good looking guy.....and I've been on NSXPrime all night. What the hell do I know????? :redface: Crikey 2x.
Ski_Banker said:
1. Mike-San: you've got a F***ing great sense of humor. My monitor now smells like the *frosty beverage* that got sprayed on it after reading at least 10 of your replies. At a way to come back strong!
I agree, Mike-San definately knows how to roll with the punches!

Ski_Banker said:
4. Redshift, I really hate to say this :frown: 'cause I really like your intelligent posts, but you having written this last fall (in light of your very recent wedding) certainly lends a mysterious twist to this thread. Especially since you implied your wonderful (and, seriously, congrats again :smile: ) wife bought your NSX for you... I know that if *I* were newly engaged, to a girl that bought me my NSX, well I might feel strongly against "pimpin it" so to speak.
Hmmmm, I'm not really sure what you mean by that. I never said that I did any "pimpin" in the NSX. :frown:

As for how I acquired the NSX, my [now] wife didn't actually buy me the car, but she was a big part of the equation.
Ohhhhhh, I just re-read all my posts. Ski, I see where the confusion is! I was making a point about dating standards and made the comment, "I let them in my car." Where I was implying that I had dated girls that fell into each category on the proverbial "standards of attractiveness/unattractiveness" scale.

Hehe, the problem is that you thought I was referring to the NSX when I said, "my car." Far from it, I was generalizing "car" as being whatever vehicle I happened to own on any given date that I had been on. I certainly didn't date anybody post-NSX other than my wife. :)

You'll notice that most of the time when I'm talking about my NSX, I'll say specifically, "my NSX," or "the NSX." Then I will only refer to it as a "car" after I have qualified it as being explicitly an NSX and not one of the other cars that I've owned or currently own.

Anyway, I thought I'd clarify that for you, if that was indeed the disconnect, because I don't want you guys thinking that I'm up to no good! :biggrin:
redshift said:
Hmmmm, I'm not really sure what you mean by that. I never said that I did any "pimpin" in the NSX. :frown:

My bad, poorly worded. I guess my point --if any-- was that last fall you were probably in a very different dating-type situation (recently, or soon to be engaged I assume). Just changes the perspective a bit. I just read the entire 4 pages of this post tonight, and, while some posts were egregious, the original thread really didn't seem terribly poor taste or out of line. And, I commend Mike-San for heaving the balls to say what I KNOW most others think/thought/do.

Now get off the damn internet! :wink: :biggrin:
Mike-san said:
In the spirit of several threads in the OFF Topic forum, I would like to start a serious discussion regarding the NSX's effect on the opposite sex. Have any of you experienced a significant difference regarding the attention you receive as a result of your car ( as in sex life before/after NSX ) ? In my case, the NSX has elevated my standards to where a woman has to have a certain degree of hotness in order to grace the passenger seat of such a wonderful car. I realize that this attitude is somewhat childish, but I'm trying to sincerely share my feelings w/ you all.

I got MUCH more tail in my dented up, warped rotor 1994 Ford ranger pick up.

To be honest, the NSX turns heads as much as a Turbo Diesel on 44's. And those are almost all male. Even if I was gay, I don't think those guys would even be an option.

I bought the car as a toy for MYSELF and myself ONLY. Not one to pick up girls, or impress anybody. Just the thrill of the drive. I do however, admit I prefer taking out the NSX or the S2000 on a date, especially a first date. That doesn't mean it's there to impress the lady though. That just means that at the very least, I had a great drive during it :) Honest truth
jagtiger said:
Dating in cars: Things people notice
Survey says cars can play an important role in dating, so keep it clean and don't ask for gas money.
November 7, 2005; Posted: 2:12 p.m. EST (1912 GMT)

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) -

When asked to recall their "most embarrassing car date moment," 22 percent of respondents said it was being told by their date that they were a bad driver. Far more women suffered this insult than men. Second overall was suffering an "upset stomach," followed by being pulled over for speeding, and getting in to a fender-bender. Just barely making the list was "getting caught fooling around."

Most embarrassing car date moment? How about having my clutch master cylinder fail in my truck on the way out to a surprise picnic in the woods. We just made it out past the last light too. Then had to limp it back in 1st gear to get her home.

Back in high school though, my girlfriend at the time, did get brought home in a police car one night. Got busted messing around. That was no fun....
Head turner..... but not a pussy-getting machine. I find personality + funny gab = dating. :smile: :biggrin:
The only change in my personality is that I am more confident..... confident that if you don't get out of the way I can kick the sh** out of your car and 90+% of the cars on the road. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351
Last edited:
dyee said:
Head turner..... but not a pussy-getting machine. I find personality and funny gab = dating. :smile: :biggrin:
The only change in my personality is that I am more confident..... confident that if you don't get out of the way I can kick the sh** out of your car and 90+% of the cars on the road. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Danny RED SR 71
REPEAL V.C. 22351

Hey dyee, little off the subject here. Very few NA2 FI here locally. Two questions here, if you can clearify it for me.

I Noticed you have a Taitec header with CTSC. How is the Taitec header working with it? I was told by CT few months back that Taitec header is not recommended their SC. I like to hear your two cents on this.

I had a CTSC on order under GB, and decided I wasn't ready for it and give up my slot, but I'm still very interested. Unfortunately, one of local NSXer had detonation problem with his 04 for a very long time, I was a little hesitant of installing it onto my car after hearing his horror story. Did you have any problems with the system? If you did, what did you do to solve the problem?


Back on subject... In my retail business... Plenty of cute chicks come through my door... Lots... Unfortunately, Bmer 3 serious convertible do attract more girls than my lonely Honda... LOL, it is nice to have a Hookah/Cigar bar.:biggrin:
Ski_Banker said:
3. If ALL we wanted was branded attention - well, that's what Porsches are for. When I moved to FL from NYC, and needed to get a car, my NYC buddies all thought I was nuts for getting an $80k exotic "Acura" instead of a 911. I could care less about the Porsche brand, but 99% of the population and 100% (rounded, Alix:smile: ) of women disagree.

Porsche ? blech..... Better round those numbers again. ;) I see Porsches (about 30 in a day while in Miami, or anywhere for that matter). Sure, most have wonderful performance but my gosh!! they ALLL look alike.... to the 'uneducated' eye; this definitely includes many women. Shoot, I know the differences , albeit VERY small asthetical ones, and just never floated my boat. Only exception would be the GT ;) Two weekends ago while I was back visiting Miami, I drove my Pops 911 Carrera TT and while it is beautiful, not many know the difference from a Boxster...

The NSX ? HOT, RARE!!!!!!!!!, SEXY, and CURVY ..... and let's not ever forget, extremely reliable. I truly would choose the NSX over the Lambos (exception: diablo) because the cars just seem so boxy. And the Porsche? Looks too much like a bug of some sort. Of course, that's just this lil' lady's opinion :biggrin: :tongue: :wink:
dyee said:
Head turner..... but not a pussy-getting machine.

Actually, that's not true... About 6 months ago , I was driving and noticed something limping on the side of the street, so I stopped and turned around. Found out it was a baby kitten who must have gotten hurt and was left behind... an itty bitty kitty. I took her immediately to the Emergency Animal Clinic, and thank God, she had just hurt her leg and was fully healed (and adopted) within two weeks. So, there are always exceptions to the rule ;) :tongue: :wink:

........but on a more serious note, any woman/man who judges you on the car you drive and THEN decides whether it is 'up to par' enough or not to be seen with or to date you.....I'd stay away from anyhoo. Actually, I'd run....... :eek: :biggrin: JMO