The Full Bottle of Patron

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Well Mr. Sparrow, I'll ask you the same question I asked in my original post. "What was the purpose of the video?" I assume from your post that it was "pure entertainment." I accept that and will also add that I didn't find it entertaining at all. Actually, I thought it was sad, but let's not go there. Oh, who are you to determine what is "entertaining" to me, and to "exit to the left"?
Like the OP stated, he dared his buddy to do it, and found it amusing enough to share with us. The 'pure entertainment' phrase is a joke about the 'pure sex' term that got all the old-timers on Prime riled up.

If you read my post correctly, I never once stated that what I find to be entertaining be the same criteria for others. People can have a different in opinions, but after watching the video, if you do not like it than exit to the left. Theres no need to give the OP so much grief over it.
I applaud the OP for removing the video. That was a big move on his part and took a big man to do that with his explanation. The OP let it go and you continue to perpetuate the thought.
I actually think it was kinda sad the OP removed the vid. Who are we to tell him what he can and cannot post up. Its the interwebz, who gives half a rats ass what others think. I am not perpetuating anything aside from sticking up for the OP who was so quickly condemned in this thread.
Well, now that the video no longer exists, why don't you humor us old timers and post a new video. May I suggest some of your family members. Do you have an underage daughter?. Think that would be funny? Oh forget that. How about some old homeless guy? No one would know and no one would care. Would that be funny? Let's talk "pure entertainment" here!
I was beginning to think you would never ask! :biggrin:

Heres a video of myself in Vegas at XS (night club @ Wynn/Encore). My friends were taping me. Hope you enjoy.
Well, I for one, as an old timer am looking for some more "pure entertainment" on your part. Do you thinking forcing some Patron down an animals throat would be "entertaining" as well. Looking forward to your reply and the video post(s).:confused:

A confused old timer.

Holy geebus, dude you gotta relax. Everyone around here (Prime) needs to have some fun and stop being so uptight.
Well, now that the video no longer exists, why don't you humor us old timers and post a new video. May I suggest some of your family members. Do you have an underage daughter?. Think that would be funny? Oh forget that. How about some old homeless guy? No one would know and no one would care. Would that be funny? Let's talk "pure entertainment" here!

Well, I for one, as an old timer am looking for some more "pure entertainment" on your part. Do you thinking forcing some Patron down an animals throat would be "entertaining" as well. Looking forward to your reply and the video post(s).:confused:

A confused old timer.

Dtrigg your so worked up your starting to lose sight of the arguement.. With these statements above (bolded) your now comparing apples and oranges.

Last time I checked the individual in the video was of legal age, doing something of his own free-will. How does someone 18+ choosing to take a calculated risk compare to the predatory behavior your insinuating with filming an underage girl or homeless man.. or better yet a helpless animal.

I'm just saying... adults can make their own decisions/choices good, bad or otherwise and yes choose to share them with other people via the internet even if only for "pure entertainment". Every single person on this site uses it for that very reason..
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Dtrigg your so worked up your starting to lose sight of the arguement.. With these statements above (bolded) your now comparing apples and oranges.

Last time I checked the individual in the video was of legal age, doing something of his own free-will. How does someone 18+ choosing to take a calculated risk compare to the predatory behavior your insinuating with filming an underage girl or homeless man.. or better yet a helpless animal.

I'm just saying... adults can make their own decisions/choices good, bad or otherwise and yes choose to share them with other people via the internet even if only for "pure entertainment". Every single person on this site uses it for that very reason..

I am not worked up. Anything but. My point is how far does "only entertainment" go. When does good taste end?

As an "old timer" meaning over 10 years on this site, I thought we were beyond this type of discussion on this board versus those that have been here a year or two.
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Like the OP stated, he dared his buddy to do it, and found it amusing enough to share with us. The 'pure entertainment' phrase is a joke about the 'pure sex' term that got all the old-timers on Prime riled up.

If you read my post correctly, I never once stated that what I find to be entertaining be the same criteria for others. People can have a different in opinions, but after watching the video, if you do not like it than exit to the left. Theres no need to give the OP so much grief over it.

I actually think it was kinda sad the OP removed the vid. Who are we to tell him what he can and cannot post up. Its the interwebz, who gives half a rats ass what others think. I am not perpetuating anything aside from sticking up for the OP who was so quickly condemned in this thread.

I was beginning to think you would never ask! :biggrin:

Heres a video of myself in Vegas at XS (night club @ Wynn/Encore). My friends were taping me. Hope you enjoy.


Holy geebus, dude you gotta relax. Everyone around here (Prime) needs to have some fun and stop being so uptight.

Thank you for your reply Mr. Sparrow. Appreciate your thoughts. I'm sure you'll do well at Best Buy with the way you think and conduct yourself. Hope you make enough commission selling speakers to fulfill all of your alcohol consumption and that I never see you or your friends in any public venue.
The problem is no one understands until it's too late. And I don't mean dieing from alcohol poisoning. I really don't care if someone want to kill themselves with alcohol or not. Yeah yeah some people have a higher tolerance, that's because they drink every day by the way so most likely they have a problem.

But heres the deal, it's all advertising. I bet most people under 20 have not seen a single commercial for Depends, or Metamucil (is that how it's spelled) but I bet everyone over 70 has and they may be sitting on the same couch watching the same channel. Anyone can watch only some see. And this video posted on this thread is a video that would appeal to just about anyone under 30 and not appeal to anyone over say 35. That's the problem, that includes 14 year olds who see the video and think, hmm I want to be cool like that guy. Well 'that guy' has some responsibility to not post something that a 14 year old may see and try to duplicate. Everything dangerous is advertised and geared to people under 30, everything! Your local parachute company isn't going to have some 70 year old guy freaked out of his mind jumping out of a plane and snapping a hip on their commercial they won't sell a lot of jumps that way.

Be responsible.

The thing is people tried to tell me the same and I didn't listen, I laughed at them and continued to be an a-hole. I guess now it's my turn to hopefully get through to someone.
Well said my man. We are out here in Vegas just partying and having a good time. No matter what any of these douche bags on this forum say. I don't need to prove how "COOL" I am. I come from nothing and having most of the things I want in life. If I was to guess what video was posted on this Thread by just looking at the comments, I would guess my friend overdosed on alcohol poisoning while driving my car on a public road and beating down a hooker... Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out and settle down. I know this is a forum, with some really good guys, and at the same time with some losers that are not going nowhere in life and feel like their opinion matters to me! Il make it up to you very mature gentlemen by posting my next video of me curing leukemia or solving the recent economical crisis!

So I take it that you are calling me and any one that has a opinion that you do not like a "losers" and a "douche bag". Also if what we think does not matter to you then why do you post things like this?
Well said my man. We are out here in Vegas just partying and having a good time. No matter what any of these douche bags on this forum say. I don't need to prove how "COOL" I am. I come from nothing and having most of the things I want in life. If I was to guess what video was posted on this Thread by just looking at the comments, I would guess my friend overdosed on alcohol poisoning while driving my car on a public road and beating down a hooker... Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out and settle down. I know this is a forum, with some really good guys, and at the same time with some losers that are not going nowhere in life and feel like their opinion matters to me! Il make it up to you very mature gentlemen by posting my next video of me curing leukemia or solving the recent economical crisis!

When you post controversial things, expect controversy and dont' get defensive.

There really wasn't a need to take the video down.
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I am not worked up. Anything but. My point is how far does "only entertainment" go. When does good taste end?

As an "old timer" meaning over 10 years on this site, I thought we were beyond this type of discussion on this board versus those that have been here a year or two.
Wow, so now that the grandiose analogies didn't work, you pull out the OG vs n00b card.

Valid reasoning > flawed logic...sadly you are on the side of flawed logic.
Thank you for your reply Mr. Sparrow. Appreciate your thoughts. I'm sure you'll do well at Best Buy with the way you think and conduct yourself. Hope you make enough commission selling speakers to fulfill all of your alcohol consumption and that I never see you or your friends in any public venue.
I was civil with you the whole time, yet now you make personal attacks against me? Congrats dude, you look like a chump. I won't waste anymore time debating someone who has the intellect of a 4 yr old.
The problem is no one understands until it's too late. And I don't mean dieing from alcohol poisoning. I really don't care if someone want to kill themselves with alcohol or not. Yeah yeah some people have a higher tolerance, that's because they drink every day by the way so most likely they have a problem.

But heres the deal, it's all advertising. I bet most people under 20 have not seen a single commercial for Depends, or Metamucil (is that how it's spelled) but I bet everyone over 70 has and they may be sitting on the same couch watching the same channel. Anyone can watch only some see. And this video posted on this thread is a video that would appeal to just about anyone under 30 and not appeal to anyone over say 35. That's the problem, that includes 14 year olds who see the video and think, hmm I want to be cool like that guy. Well 'that guy' has some responsibility to not post something that a 14 year old may see and try to duplicate. Everything dangerous is advertised and geared to people under 30, everything! Your local parachute company isn't going to have some 70 year old guy freaked out of his mind jumping out of a plane and snapping a hip on their commercial they won't sell a lot of jumps that way.

Be responsible.

The thing is people tried to tell me the same and I didn't listen, I laughed at them and continued to be an a-hole. I guess now it's my turn to hopefully get through to someone.
Steve - I think everyone on prime is missing the point. The OP thought this was funny and decided to share it with Prime. His sense of humor is clearly not the same as most of the primers but that doesn't mean others have the right to chastise the man.

As for argument that the video will infuence others (mainly children) to attempt the same thing, I would think thats where the role of the parent comes into play. Good parenting triumphs all but to even be discussing this in such length is silly.

I was never for or against this video but I do not like the amount of backlash some of the other members have given the OP. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. These are adults, they don't need you to tell them how to have their fun. Done with this topic.
where's the vid :confused:
I suppose I was a little too aggressive with my choice of words in the last post...

I know im suppose to know that posting a video of someone drinking tequila was gonna have some negative comments, just didn't think so many people would take it so serious.
I suppose I was a little too aggressive with my choice of words in the last post...

I know im suppose to know that posting a video of someone drinking tequila was gonna have some negative comments, just didn't think so many people would take it so serious.

Maybe part of the reason why there was such negativity is because some of us know how dangerous and lethal that could have been for him. Any grown adult knows that there can be serious short and long term consequences by chugging a bottle of alcohol. It's this apparent lack of judgement that is disturbing. Furthermore, posting it on the internet is mostly going to get more negative publicity than positive. And therein lies why you were so disappointed with some of the responses you got. It's partly due to your lack of discretion, and his lack of maturity.

Btw, I'm curious to know what his liver function test would show.
I suppose I was a little too aggressive with my choice of words in the last post...

I know im suppose to know that posting a video of someone drinking tequila was gonna have some negative comments, just didn't think so many people would take it so serious.

Just to keep things clear, this was not just a "video of someone drinking tequila". It was a video of someone drinking an entire bottle of tequila. Big difference.

I'm glad you seem to be rethinking your judgment in posting the video, however you still seem to downplay, or completely overlook, the inherent danger of that act.
Just to keep things clear, this was not just a "video of someone drinking tequila". It was a video of someone drinking an entire bottle of tequila. Big difference.

I'm glad you seem to be rethinking your judgment in posting the video, however you still seem to downplay, or completely overlook, the inherent danger of that act.

Negative... Like I said an hour after we were drinking Corona's by the pool and that night we had bottles at the club. Il agree to the fact it was stupid to post that exact video on this forum and not expect to see negative posts but we did not get to where we are at our age by being complete idiots. There was no doubt in our minds that he would be ok after drinking that. Mostly because we partied for a living before and now own nightclubs so we know what our drinking limits are! Would not want anyone else to try that tho...
The problem is no one understands until it's too late. And I don't mean dieing from alcohol poisoning. I really don't care if someone want to kill themselves with alcohol or not. Yeah yeah some people have a higher tolerance, that's because they drink every day by the way so most likely they have a problem.

But heres the deal, it's all advertising. I bet most people under 20 have not seen a single commercial for Depends, or Metamucil (is that how it's spelled) but I bet everyone over 70 has and they may be sitting on the same couch watching the same channel. Anyone can watch only some see. And this video posted on this thread is a video that would appeal to just about anyone under 30 and not appeal to anyone over say 35. That's the problem, that includes 14 year olds who see the video and think, hmm I want to be cool like that guy. Well 'that guy' has some responsibility to not post something that a 14 year old may see and try to duplicate. Everything dangerous is advertised and geared to people under 30, everything! Your local parachute company isn't going to have some 70 year old guy freaked out of his mind jumping out of a plane and snapping a hip on their commercial they won't sell a lot of jumps that way.

Be responsible.

The thing is people tried to tell me the same and I didn't listen, I laughed at them and continued to be an a-hole. I guess now it's my turn to hopefully get through to someone.

Well said ........... echoing my thoughts exactly ......... be responsible!
True, but felt it necessary to post consequences to the 15 year old "brainiac" trying to impress friends and not knowing what he could be getting into. :eek:
Lol I was wondering how a chugging vid could generate 3 pages.....same old prime drama..people thinking we all think alike:rolleyes:..My only old guy comment since I know alittle something about how the liver metabolizes etoh..Jorie your friend is iether an alcoholic or pretty close...any average joe social drinker doing that would have ended up in the er....your friends liver has had years in the gym so to speak:redface:
Nothing productive is going to come out of this thread so it is best to lock it down to avoid more unnecessary vitriol.

Say goodnight Gracie............
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