The Full Bottle of Patron

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I am sorry, but I just don't get it. What was the purpose of that demonstration? Just seemed beyond stupid to me. Of course it's none of my business if that's how people want to spend their time. Like i said, I just don't understand why someone would do something like that.:confused::confused:

The are tons of people who attempted to be cool but just ended up serving as an example of what not to do.
I just can't even imagine anything that would be less impressive than this. Totally underwhelming.
Hahaha damn people... This is not an commercial for the new college we are building in Las Vegas. It was made for shits and giggles, i bet my buddy he couldn't do it, he said he could no problem... Gave him my car to go buy a bottle and prove it. So he did. END OF STORY. if you can't look at this and laugh a little or even if you think its plain stupid theres no need for a lecture... Sorry for the loss of your friend, but we when out the same night at a club and ordered bottles and he was fine.

Obviously he has a higher limit than most people. Maybe it was childish or immature, but it was all meant for just jokes. Thought id post it here because a few of you would get a kick out of it, seems like that isn't so... Don't be too serious about life, its too short!
Now even tho you are right, you have to understand every person has different levels of how much they can drink. He wouldn't have drank that if he thought he could get poisoned from it!

I love this quote. I don't think alcohol poisoning would exist if people really knew there limit. I'd be willing to bet most alcohol related deaths/injuries/stupidity started with someone who 'knew' there limit.
JorgeM, if you posted this thinking that everyone would post their accolades to you and your friend and that nobody would disagree with you, then you were wrong. It's a public forum and you invited comments.

Somw here are more mature than you and your friends and don't see the point of your friend's actions. In fact, I don't think this thread even belongs anywhere on NSX Prime.
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Cool. I can chug a 1/2 gallon of chocolate milk just as fast.
WOW this guy is a fool. That just shows how stupid some people are. I guess some people will do anything so other people will think they are cool. Look at me please look at me please look at how cool I am.

The funny part is that I show it to people at work and all of them told me the same thing. This guy is a idiot.
WOW this guy is a fool. That just shows how stupid some people are. I guess some people will do anything so other people will think they are cool. Look at me please look at me please look at how cool I am.

The funny part is that I show it to people at work and all of them told me the same thing. This guy is a idiot.

Common man.. He didn't do at a club or in front of a bunch of people. He did in front of his friend at home who bet him..

Everyone here at work said the same thing I did.. I'd bet if I spent a weekend out in vegas hanging with these guys it would be insane..

I agree about it being risky.. but there are calculated risks we take in life just about everyday.. some of them are just as or more dangerous without even seeming so.

All that said.. I can't even believe he did that! :eek:
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Common man.. He didn't do at a club or in front of a bunch of people. He did in front of his friend at home who bet him..

Everyone here at work said the same thing I did.. I'd bet if I spent a weekend out in vegas hanging with these guys it would be insane..

I agree about it being risky.. but there are calculated risks we take in life just about everyday.. some of them are just as or more dangerous without even seeming so.

All that said.. I can't even believe he did that! :eek:

Well said my man. We are out here in Vegas just partying and having a good time. No matter what any of these douche bags on this forum say. I don't need to prove how "COOL" I am. I come from nothing and having most of the things I want in life. If I was to guess what video was posted on this Thread by just looking at the comments, I would guess my friend overdosed on alcohol poisoning while driving my car on a public road and beating down a hooker... Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out and settle down. I know this is a forum, with some really good guys, and at the same time with some losers that are not going nowhere in life and feel like their opinion matters to me! Il make it up to you very mature gentlemen by posting my next video of me curing leukemia or solving the recent economical crisis!
Common man.. He didn't do at a club or in front of a bunch of people. He did in front of his friend at home who bet him..

Everyone here at work said the same thing I did.. I'd bet if I spent a weekend out in vegas hanging with these guys it would be insane..

I agree about it being risky.. but there are calculated risks we take in life just about everyday.. some of them are just as or more dangerous without even seeming so.

All that said.. I can't even believe he did that! :eek:

yeah, he didn't do it in a front of a bunch of people...It was only posted on a little unknown website called Youtube and prolly a couple of other forums.:rolleyes:

btw, was the whole pulling up in a Gallardo(with lambo doors) necessary?:redface: or just a corny way to show off a car???:biggrin:
Well said my man. We are out here in Vegas just partying and having a good time. No matter what any of these douche bags on this forum say. I don't need to prove how "COOL" I am. I come from nothing and having most of the things I want in life. If I was to guess what video was posted on this Thread by just looking at the comments, I would guess my friend overdosed on alcohol poisoning while driving my car on a public road and beating down a hooker... Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out and settle down. I know this is a forum, with some really good guys, and at the same time with some losers that are not going nowhere in life and feel like their opinion matters to me! Il make it up to you very mature gentlemen by posting my next video of me curing leukemia or solving the recent economical crisis!

Welcome to the internet. If you didn't have anything to prove then why did you post the video in the first place. When I was a kid I did all sorts of stupid things, however I didn't feel it was necessary to boast about it for the entire world to see. Oh yeah, I didn't have the internet so I only looked like an a$$ in front of my friends.

I guess I fall into the category of being a loser and I'm "not going nowhere (sic) in life". If you ever do find a cure for Leukemia, I'm sure you'll get an award for it. But until then, I think you are more likely to get a Darwin Award.
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Well said my man. We are out here in Vegas just partying and having a good time. No matter what any of these douche bags on this forum say. I don't need to prove how "COOL" I am. I come from nothing and having most of the things I want in life. If I was to guess what video was posted on this Thread by just looking at the comments, I would guess my friend overdosed on alcohol poisoning while driving my car on a public road and beating down a hooker... Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out and settle down. I know this is a forum, with some really good guys, and at the same time with some losers that are not going nowhere in life and feel like their opinion matters to me! Il make it up to you very mature gentlemen by posting my next video of me curing leukemia or solving the recent economical crisis!

Another class post on your part.:rolleyes:
No matter what any of these douche bags on this forum say. I don't need to prove how "COOL" I am. I come from nothing and having most of the things I want in life. If I was to guess what video was posted on this Thread by just looking at the comments, I would guess my friend overdosed on alcohol poisoning while driving my car on a public road and beating down a hooker... Some of you guys just need to chill the fuck out and settle down. I know this is a forum, with some really good guys, and at the same time with some losers that are not going nowhere in life and feel like their opinion matters to me! Il make it up to you very mature gentlemen by posting my next video of me curing leukemia or solving the recent economical crisis!

You call these men 'gentlemen' at the same time you call them douche bags. I hardly see the logic. You, my friend, are the one that needs to calm down. You have stated your opinion, and they have stated theirs. I'm not offended by the original post at all. But, you have to know that the post will offend some people. Anyone in touch with reality will know that. Modern society doesn't accept this sort of behavior. Even though you might catch me laughing at this guy, some won't. It's just that simple. You put your neck out and some people don't like it. Just defend your position with calm and cool demeanor; it's that simple.
The video has been removed as it was immature and stupid to post it. Now Jonas, you make a good point but... I got to be where I am by not taking bullshit from people. I am always the one to help a stranger and put friends before me. Now if people posted that this video was immature and stupid and left it at that, I would have felt dumb and taken it off... But it didn't happen like that.
The video has been removed as it was immature and stupid to post it. Now Jonas, you make a good point but... I got to be where I am by not taking bullshit from people. I am always the one to help a stranger and put friends before me. Now if people posted that this video was immature and stupid and left it at that, I would have felt dumb and taken it off... But it didn't happen like that.

Really don't see why you’re giving in, people make choices. Your friend chose to chug the bottle, you chose to post it on prime. There’s always going to be someone that doesn’t agree with another member on here. You should have already known how this forum would have responded by some of the responses to your other threads and post’. I feel you should just keep up the video, everyone has an ignore button for a reason and it’s up to them to utilize it.
The video has been removed as it was immature and stupid to post it. Now Jonas, you make a good point but... I got to be where I am by not taking bullshit from people. I am always the one to help a stranger and put friends before me. Now if people posted that this video was immature and stupid and left it at that, I would have felt dumb and taken it off... But it didn't happen like that.

Point taken, sir. Now, go enjoy that Lambo!
Well it was an amazing feat, I know I probably couldn't do it and survive. There's similar types of things that people do that are amazing and stupid at the same time on TV shows. Just look at Jackass, Dudesons or one of those shows on MTV... But honestly, I wouldn't let anyone I cared about try that stunt even if they were a heavy drinker. Here's hoping your buddy lives a long full life!
I like this thread simply because it was a controversial post which got people's passion out. As been mentioned recently, this site/forum has stagnated quite a bit in the last several months and there are few posts that incite fervor and passion anymore. So regardless of the merit of the post topic, anything that got people posting healthy discussion and debate with some feeling is ok in my book. Heck for all you know, maybe I got together with Jorje to staged the whole thing (it was tinted water in a Patron bottle) just to incite some excitement back into this forum. Hell I pulled it off with NSX_NICK before and it was the highest viewed thread in Prime history!! :wink::tongue::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Common man.. He didn't do at a club or in front of a bunch of people. He did in front of his friend at home who bet him..

Everyone here at work said the same thing I did.. I'd bet if I spent a weekend out in vegas hanging with these guys it would be insane..

I agree about it being risky.. but there are calculated risks we take in life just about everyday.. some of them are just as or more dangerous without even seeming so.

All that said.. I can't even believe he did that! :eek:
I agree with Chad.

This is the same thing as the 'pure sex' movement. Tons of the old timers hangin onto their practicality thought patterns and not seein what the vid was meant for, pure sex...errr i mean pure entertainment.

If its not your cup of tea (wasn't entertaining), than exit to the left.
I agree with Chad.

This is the same thing as the 'pure sex' movement. Tons of the old timers hangin onto their practicality thought patterns and not seein what the vid was meant for, pure sex...errr i mean pure entertainment.

If its not your cup of tea (wasn't entertaining), than exit to the left.

Well Mr. Sparrow, I'll ask you the same question I asked in my original post. "What was the purpose of the video?" I assume from your post that it was "pure entertainment." I accept that and will also add that I didn't find it entertaining at all. Actually, I thought it was sad, but let's not go there. Oh, who are you to determine what is "entertaining" to me, and to "exit to the left"?

I applaud the OP for removing the video. That was a big move on his part and took a big man to do that with his explanation. The OP let it go and you continue to perpetuate the thought.

Now I guess I'll have to put myself into that, "Tons of old timers hangin (sic) onto their practicality thought patterns and not seein (sic) what the vid (sic) was meant for..." i.e. being "pure entertainment."

Well, now that the video no longer exists, why don't you humor us old timers and post a new video. May I suggest some of your family members. Do you have an underage daughter?. Think that would be funny? Oh forget that. How about some old homeless guy? No one would know and no one would care. Would that be funny? Let's talk "pure entertainment" here!

Well, I for one, as an old timer am looking for some more "pure entertainment" on your part. Do you thinking forcing some Patron down an animals throat would be "entertaining" as well. Looking forward to your reply and the video post(s).:confused:

A confused old timer.
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