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the beast is alive - 3.5L twin turbocharged carbon fiber widebody NSX

was this seth's old car?
768 whp.
that would be about 873 at the crank, I believe...
...I saw some of the 3" exhaust work when I visited your shop a month ago... so awesomely big and just beautiful work!
p.s. I could really make use of the SOS gift certificate!
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We also could comment on the OP's original photo.

I thought it was simply just a nice, new variation of the rear of an NSX,
perhaps a better, nicer view of something new and innovative.

A view, the OP said, that was:

(shown with diffuser removed)


p.s. Whoever shot it did a really nice job. It shows everything in detail;
it is nicely lit and is nicely composed.
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