Should this be "Off Topic" now?
I think I stated the real reason why I am not Married yet, and it is not selfishness.
Didn't sound quite like it. See quote below.
I do not wish to give anything to anyone who has not earned it.
Wasn't that a statement by Scrooge out of "A Christmas Carol?" Maybe it's just my philosophy of helping those who can't help themselves vs. helping those who can. Jeez, the "anyone" in context would be your wife. Would she really have not "earned" anything from being in a marrital relationship with you? She would have at least earned a lot of respect from me, that's for sure.
BTW some of the people on my "unhappy list" are IVY league professors and other professionals.
Unhappiness knows no professional bounds. The same could be said of happiness though. It's their choice and their attitude.
I have never sponsored a kid from Africa.
You should! I highly recommend it. It'll do you wonders to know you made a difference in somebody's life. Especially when it comes to something basic like food and shelter.
However I have partially paid for the college educations of three individuals, including my sisters Cornell PhD.
Major kudos for paying for someone else's college education. I can definitely respect that. Hopefully, there weren't any strings attached.
Don't bother sending me the $10 bucks just send it to some random kid in Africa and then we can both feel better.
No problem. Already done. Unfortunately, there are some people who do enough for both of us.
The last point seems a little self indulging.
It was meant to be humorous. I needed some levity b/c I was getting a little too inspired and it was very late at night/morning. But you missed commenting on the points above it!
If this is a comment about my character I have to say you are dead wrong.
I stand corrected. Partially. I still don't think you're the most generous guy around. Hey, I'm being cynical!
...I will never be able to project to you what others have been through
You don't have to. I've been there big boy. Raised by a single mother, HUD housing - Section 8, wearing shoes two sizes too small. But we did have a TV and an Atari. That was cool. Both gifts. I, however, did get the opportunity to go to college full time with the assistance of loans and grants from the Federal and State Govt. Worked three jobs, one of which was cleaning toilets, to survive. Ate a steady diet of Top Ramen and Mac & Cheese and Pineapple. 4% body fat(not anymore!). Grew hair long to avoid SuperCuts and the dreaded FlowBee. Graduated in three years with a business degree, majoring in Intl. Business and minoring in German, History & Humanities, and Theology. All this to say, "Buddy, I feel your pain. I know struggle." Still, nowadays, a family of six on 100K is not living high in tall cotton. Living comfortably, yes I'm sure. I hope you're not meaning to say you want those six kids to live like you did. I'm sure you want them to grow up with a much better childhood. Everyone would. Including their mother. Maybe their father should too. Make sense?
I have had nothing handed to me...
And who knows how much happier your childhood would have been if someone did? I know mine would have. Which is one of the reasons why generousity is fulfilling and rewarding. It's addictive and contagious too. What if someone out of the blue gave your family a refrigerator? Guess what, I want to be that man.
Not sure what you mean here? My brother in law would be the man married to my sister if that's what you mean.
It was late, sorry. And I don't quite remember.
...and have done just fine.
Seriously, I'm glad you've done as well as you have. I think it's inspirational to hear that kind of stuff. Although I do think you have some serious issues with marriage and selflessness.
[This message has been edited by Ponyboy (edited 28 January 2003).]