Thanks for not buying my nsx

Ponyboy, Good stuff. If it werent for my wife I would be living in some apartment smoking weed all day. Instead I have a nice house 2 car garage just for my nsx and the most awesome 3 month old son, I cant wait to buy him a nsx. Good women are hard to come by thats why when I met mine when I was junior in high school I jumped on board and have not looked back yet. I know we will be together forever, unless some hot chic slips me a ruffy and I cheat. Sorry so off topic but I just thought some people should know that some men are very happy with their marrige.
Did anyone hear that story a few days ago about the guy who was getting a divorce, so he cashed in all of his stocks/mutual funds, and burned all the money ($80,000) just so he didn't have to split it with his ex?
The past cuople of months have been rough, but this is a bleasing in surprise. So to all who past up the great deal on my car. Thank you all for not buying it. I have never been so happy not to sell something I had for sale.

Glad to hear everything worked out for you, have you noticed a few females on the forum lately? hint hint

This is why I am 37 and still unmarried. I do not wish to give anything to anyone who has not earned it. There are good people in this world but I seem to only see the greed in people. Fifty percent of my friends are being boned with massive child support payments. Twenty-Five percent have been stripped of everything in a divorce. The remaining Twenty-Five percent are unhappy

I am not going to get all mushy hear, but being in love rocks, breaking up sucks. Nothing against your friends' sour luck with women and not to sound arrogant or anything...but I doubt that the "typical" NSX owner falls into the 1 outta 2 divorce rate, as I would think that the "typical" NSX owner holds good enough instincts to make the right choice in settling down with a lifelong companion once. I mean no disrespect to anyone that is divorced here. Really, I am just implying that the "typical" NSX owner is probably not an insecure 18 yo kid marrying way too prematurely. I've never been married myself, but could have twice. Man I'm glad I can see into the future. haaahaaahaaa

Again I am only displaying my own generalization here, intent is not to hurt any divorced or young persons feelings.
Originally posted by Syonara:
Did anyone hear that story a few days ago about the guy who was getting a divorce, so he cashed in all of his stocks/mutual funds, and burned all the money ($80,000) just so he didn't have to split it with his ex?

That's one of the variations on the urban legend. Syonara, I bet you ten bucks that you can't provide legitimate documentation that this actually occurred.
Originally posted by john576:
I doubt that the "typical" NSX owner falls into the 1 outta 2 divorce rate

I doubt that the group of NSX owners differs from the general population in that regard. Just because we have great taste in cars
doesn't make us immune to the realities of marital relationships.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
That's one of the variations on the urban legend. Syonara, I bet you ten bucks that you can't provide legitimate documentation that this actually occurred.

Well, I heard it on Howard Stern the other day while Robin was doing her news segment.
(Insert joke about credibility here)
But it was during the time of the show where they do serious news stories and goof on them.
Ponyboy... that is heartwrenching stuff... sounds mature like the words of a "Ponyman", not a boy.
Your thoughts on Love almost brought a tear to my eye... like when i discovered the <A HREF="">nsx crash'n burn gallery</A>.

Seriously though, i agree with your list of r/ship advantages, except the 'regular sex' bit is BS. I'm single, but i've seen/read this too many times for it not to be true. Eg. when your wife is pregnant, u have celibacy thrust upon u for 9mths whether u like it or not. And after that women usually don't feel like any action, and this is where some guys are tempted. But this is a complex area WAY beyond scope...

So in the words of Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT>, "Now let's get back to talking about NSXs."
This is why I am 37 and still unmarried.

All due respect of course, but $10 bucks says this isn't the reason you aren't married. The real reason is pretty obvious.

I think I stated the real reason why I am not Married yet, and it is not selfishness.

The love and affection of a good woman is the best gift a man could ever get. Add a child into the mix and you'll be left wondering what on earth you did to deserve such a rich and fulfilling existence. Marriage, like most things, is what you make of it.

I agree with this totally.

I seem to only see the greed in people

All due respect, but me thinks you need some new friends. "If you want to be wise, walk with the wise." Maybe cliche, but there's a certain truth to you becoming like what you hang around with.

There is a lot of truth in this statement. When I spoke of the above people I was a little to brood and should have said out of my unhappy friends. BTW some of the people on my "unhappy list" are IVY league professors and other professionals.

I find it very hard to find someone who has put as much effort into their future as I have. I find it very hard to feel close to someone who I feel is being kept dry by my umbrella.

Again, all due respect, but $10 bucks says you don't sponsor a hungry kid in Africa nor are you the most generous guy around. You should realize that no one gets to the top of the heap by themselves. And getting to the top is even better when you have someone to share it with. Actually, that's the best part!!

If this is a comment about my character I have to say you are dead wrong. You are right about one thing I have never sponsored a kid from Africa. However I have partially paid for the college educations of three individuals, including my sisters Cornell PhD. Don't bother sending me the $10 bucks just send it to some random kid in Africa and then we can both feel better.

Can someone tell me what the advantages are of getting married or having kids????

Wow, the list is long and distinguished. Good question. In no particular order and I guess others can add to it too:

-enrichment and fulfillment
-being in love
-sharing/enjoying life
-creating life, ahem, nice way of saying regular sex with a "bonus." Bonus turns out to be pretty cool.
-love of a child
-not to mention various income and tax advantages, particularly if wife is a sugar mama or child turns out to be Tiger Woods.

The last point seems a little self indulging.

She collects over 100K total a year from all five in child support. Needless to say she does not work and has no plans to.

A family of 6 on 100K is still a huge effort to make work. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt they're living high off the hog. And what is she supposed to do? Work a full time job to pay for daycare expenses for 5 children?

WOW. this is the one comment that just burns my ass, and makes me aware that I will never be able to project to you what others have been through. 100k is a ton of money to live quite well on. My mother brought up myself and two sisters on 8k a year and never accepted a nickel of financial assistance for fear our family would be broken up. Her only pair of shoes were .99 cent flip flops, but we always had food. I know all about love and pride.

I grew up with only a wood stove for heat and hot water. No refridgerator or phone. The first car my mother ever had was one that myself and sisters paid for by working over the summer.Until then she had to walk 3 miles to work. The job I had was picking up dog crap at several apartment complexes around town. I am sure that you would never HAVE TO consider doing a job at that level. I know this because you consider 100k a year meager wages. I did not get the opportunity to go to college full time because I had to work and we could only afford to send my sister to school. I have had nothing handed to me and have done just fine. Maybe this has instilled in me to hand nothing out, who knows? I know that it has shown me the priceless value of a college education. This is why I am paying in FULL for my current girlfriends masters degree.

My brother-in-law

It's late or early rather here, but would you care to elaborate?

Not sure what you mean here? My brother in law would be the man married to my sister if that's what you mean.
Fifty percent of my friends are being boned with massive child support payments

Sorry, you stick it in and make a kid, you pay for it the next 18 years, whether you stick around or not. That's reality.

Guys who don't consider this when they're boning a woman deserve to get boned by the courts when they try to get out of their responsibilities. If they didn't want to support a child, they shouldn't have made one.
Originally posted by Aiken Drum:
Sorry, you stick it in and make a kid, you pay for it the next 18 years, whether you stick around or not. That's reality.

Guys who don't consider this when they're boning a woman deserve to get boned by the courts when they try to get out of their responsibilities. If they didn't want to support a child, they shouldn't have made one.

I agree. I do not think the system is set up fairly though. Here in NY the courts use a certain percentage of the mans income to figure child support, unfair. I am not sure what the amount is but I know that it does not cost 36k to support a child per year, the amount a friend is paying for one child. On the other hand if it does cost 36K per year per child than the mans responsibility should be 18k! Some women HUNT for rich men to impregnate them so they can receive large monthly payments. While others use the child support system as a means to GET back at a man after the relationship has ended not on the women terms.

Plan one I feel that a perfect system would calculate a total cost to take care of a child for each region of the country. Then that cost would be split 50/50. After all it takes two to make a child.

Plan two would be to make the child support payment to the state and then have those funds allotted to the payee in a form of child support stamps, like food stamps. That way the funds could only be used for items for the children.

Recently I was with a friend and we ran into his ex at jewelry store. She stated that she was buying a new watch for her new man with the child support money that my friend had just paid the previous week. What a B#%^*%.
You can't get screwed if you're careful about who you screw and how you do it. Unless you're sure this is the woman you want to bear your children, and you're sure you want to support those children for nigh-on 20 years, you're better off keeping it in your pants or getting a vasectomy.

Men are totally in control of whether or not they have to make child support payments. Nobody can make you make child support payments if you never have one in the first place.

Having children is not a light decision, choose wisely and do not expect to be able to take it back just because the adults' circumstances change.
Originally posted by Aiken Drum:
You can't get screwed if you're careful about who you screw and how you do it. Unless you're sure this is the woman you want to bear your children, and you're sure you want to support those children for nigh-on 20 years, you're better off keeping it in your pants or getting a vasectomy.

Men are totally in control of whether or not they have to make child support payments. Nobody can make you make child support payments if you never have one in the first place.

Having children is not a light decision, choose wisely and do not expect to be able to take it back just because the adults' circumstances change.

I agree with what you have said and this is the point I was trying to make from the start, 37 and unmarried.
The only thing that is certain in life is that life will change.
Regardless of how much time and effort one puts into a relationship it can end at anytime per the other persons decision.
I also think that men to often are at a disadvantage with the court system when it comes to vindictive women that didn't get their way.
Originally posted by steveny:
My brother-in-law

Not sure what you mean here? My brother in law would be the man married to my sister if that's what you mean.

My brother-in-law can be (a) the man married to my sister, or (b) my wife's brother, or (c) the man married to my wife's sister.
I too might be getting a divorce soon.

Just about the only marital property we have is the NSX. Sometimes when she is mad I hear that she is going to make me have to sell it. Other times she just wants to get out with what she came in with. 0,ZERO

Should this be "Off Topic" now?

I think I stated the real reason why I am not Married yet, and it is not selfishness.

Didn't sound quite like it. See quote below.

I do not wish to give anything to anyone who has not earned it.

Wasn't that a statement by Scrooge out of "A Christmas Carol?" Maybe it's just my philosophy of helping those who can't help themselves vs. helping those who can. Jeez, the "anyone" in context would be your wife. Would she really have not "earned" anything from being in a marrital relationship with you? She would have at least earned a lot of respect from me, that's for sure.

BTW some of the people on my "unhappy list" are IVY league professors and other professionals.

Unhappiness knows no professional bounds. The same could be said of happiness though. It's their choice and their attitude.

I have never sponsored a kid from Africa.

You should! I highly recommend it. It'll do you wonders to know you made a difference in somebody's life. Especially when it comes to something basic like food and shelter.

However I have partially paid for the college educations of three individuals, including my sisters Cornell PhD.

Major kudos for paying for someone else's college education. I can definitely respect that. Hopefully, there weren't any strings attached.

Don't bother sending me the $10 bucks just send it to some random kid in Africa and then we can both feel better.

No problem. Already done. Unfortunately, there are some people who do enough for both of us.

The last point seems a little self indulging.

It was meant to be humorous. I needed some levity b/c I was getting a little too inspired and it was very late at night/morning. But you missed commenting on the points above it!

If this is a comment about my character I have to say you are dead wrong.

I stand corrected. Partially. I still don't think you're the most generous guy around. Hey, I'm being cynical!

...I will never be able to project to you what others have been through

You don't have to. I've been there big boy. Raised by a single mother, HUD housing - Section 8, wearing shoes two sizes too small. But we did have a TV and an Atari. That was cool. Both gifts. I, however, did get the opportunity to go to college full time with the assistance of loans and grants from the Federal and State Govt. Worked three jobs, one of which was cleaning toilets, to survive. Ate a steady diet of Top Ramen and Mac & Cheese and Pineapple. 4% body fat(not anymore!). Grew hair long to avoid SuperCuts and the dreaded FlowBee. Graduated in three years with a business degree, majoring in Intl. Business and minoring in German, History & Humanities, and Theology. All this to say, "Buddy, I feel your pain. I know struggle." Still, nowadays, a family of six on 100K is not living high in tall cotton. Living comfortably, yes I'm sure. I hope you're not meaning to say you want those six kids to live like you did. I'm sure you want them to grow up with a much better childhood. Everyone would. Including their mother. Maybe their father should too. Make sense?

I have had nothing handed to me...

And who knows how much happier your childhood would have been if someone did? I know mine would have. Which is one of the reasons why generousity is fulfilling and rewarding. It's addictive and contagious too. What if someone out of the blue gave your family a refrigerator? Guess what, I want to be that man.

Not sure what you mean here? My brother in law would be the man married to my sister if that's what you mean.

It was late, sorry. And I don't quite remember.

...and have done just fine.

Seriously, I'm glad you've done as well as you have. I think it's inspirational to hear that kind of stuff. Although I do think you have some serious issues with marriage and selflessness.

[This message has been edited by Ponyboy (edited 28 January 2003).]