This is why I am 37 and still unmarried.
All due respect of course, but $10 bucks says this isn't the reason you aren't married. The real reason is pretty obvious.
The love and affection of a good woman is the best gift a man could ever get. Add a child into the mix and you'll be left wondering what on earth you did to deserve such a rich and fulfilling existence. Marriage, like most things, is what you make of it.
I seem to only see the greed in people
All due respect, but me thinks you need some new friends. "If you want to be wise, walk with the wise." Maybe cliche, but there's a certain truth to you becoming like what you hang around with.
I find it very hard to find someone who has put as much effort into their future as I have. I find it very hard to feel close to someone who I feel is being kept dry by my umbrella.
Again, all due respect, but $10 bucks says you don't sponsor a hungry kid in Africa nor are you the most generous guy around. You should relieze that no one gets to the top of the heap by themselves. And getting to the top is even better when you have someone to share it with. Actually, that's the best part!!
Can someone tell me what the advantages are of getting married or having kids????
Wow, the list is long and distinguished. Good question. In no particular order and I guess others can add to it too:
-enrichment and fulfillment
-being in love
-sharing/enjoying life
-creating life, ahem, nice way of saying regular sex with a "bonus." Bonus turns out to be pretty cool.
-love of a child
-not to mention various income and tax advantages, particularly if wife is a sugar mama or child turns out to be Tiger Woods.
She collects over 100K total a year from all five in child support. Needless to say she does not work and has no plans to.
A family of 6 on 100K is still a huge effort to make work. Maybe it's just me, but I doubt they're living high off the hog. And what is she supposed to do? Work a full time job to pay for daycare expenses for 5 children?
It's late or early rather here, but would you care to elaborate?