Tell me about the time you 1st drove the nsx

My first time in a NSX?


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Well ive been lurking on this forum for a while and envious of nsx owners, i love the way it looks its just a matter of finding a car locally to test drive before i can pull the trigger. Im in vancouver and nsx here are rare as hell.

anywho i was wondering if any of you guys could share your experience when you 1st drove the nsx. would love to read and day dream when my time comes. thanks.

First time i drove one was on the suzuka circuit at the nsx fiesta in japan, amazing experience.
Purchased sight un-seen and the transport truck unloaded it in a parking lot near my house. I live in a small town population about 6,000. It was a dark night with no traffic or other people around. My car was on the upper level of the transport trailer. I will never forget watching them back it onto the lift and lower it. They were parked by a building near a light, my car was wet and the water drops sparkeled in the dim light. I was excited, I had never driven an NSX and it was only a block to my house.
Drove my first NSX back in 95-96. It was a white 92 coupe. I was hooked the first time I turned that steering wheel and the car just went wherever I pointed it! I didn't buy that car then as I was looking for another color. Somehow I ended up getting a 92 Benz 500E. As much as I loved that Benz, I keep thinking about the NSX. Even today, I'm still looking for a car that will give me that same feeling I felt.
Drove my first NSX back in 95-96. It was a white 92 coupe. I was hooked the first time I turned that steering wheel and the car just went wherever I pointed it! I didn't buy that car then as I was looking for another color.

But THAT is the "best" color! :D

I keep thinking about the NSX. Even today, I'm still looking for a car that will give me that same feeling I felt.

There is NO quit look for one. :)

I was "stuck" in Arizona for a work-related issue for 7 weeks in 2007 and spent my weekends golfing and test driving a few NSX's for sale. I met a fellow with a stock black '92 with 21k miles who was selling it to make room for his new Ford GT due in a few weeks, and his wife's Cayman DD, work truck, and family hauler took up too much room in his 4 car garage. At the time I thought his situation of a wonderful 4 car garage and having fantastic taste by owning an NSX, Cayman, and Ford GT was amazing and unique, but after realizing how many Prime members have similar good taste and good fortunes, I realize it wasn't so unique but still amazing. But that first drive confirmed that I would definitely own one someday and I've been fortunate enough to keep in touch with him ever since.
But THAT is the "best" color! :D

There is NO quit look for one. :)


I know. I keep kicking myself in the behind for letting that white one go. A white COUPE. What was I thinking?! A friend of mine bought it after I passed on it. :frown:

Oh I'm not looking for a different car to give me that NSX feeling. Only a NSX can do that! Marriage, relocation and kids have put my plans on the backburner, but seeing that I troll this forum almost everyday, I think I'll find it hard to resist if I find a nice one.
My first time actually driving one was leaving the dealer on a 3,400 mile trip home. Quite the way to acclimate yourself.
Around 2000 one of my gearhead buddies was on the hunt for a car to replace the turbo-look 911 he had sold. I wasn't sure what he would come up with. He decided to purchase the 91 NSX of a friend of his.

He brought it over, took me for a ride. I had always liked the NSX but after my first ride I was hooked.

We swapped seats. I drove it a bit, looked over at him and told him "When you are ready to sell this car, I am going to buy it."

My wife took a ride and was also duly impressed.

Fast forward to 2005. "It's time to sell the NSX" my friend told me. We settled on a price and it's been mine ever since. Each time I drive it, it's a little like that first time.
That's a great story...

I have pondered on whether or not I want to take my wife, my son, or just go by myself to pick my NSX up this late summer. My wife is sure she is going... my step-son has no idea he is even being considered (would be a good bonding trip), but then would either of them begin to understand how big of a deal it will be for me? A big part of me wants to load up the iPhone (assuming the NSX has a dock) and jam my way across the country by myself.

Teej, You should share the experience. For me, the trip with my son was more valuable than the car.
I drooled over the NSX when it ws first unveiled at a car show here in Vancouver in 1990 and promptly put my name on the waiting list with a required small deposit.
A couple of months later, Acura organized a test drive at a local race track for all interested parties on the waiting list. Well that's all it took to firmly seal the deal. After a couple of laps as a co-pilot with a professional driver and then a couple of laps driving it myself, I couldn't wipe the smile off my face for a week. It was just a super introduction to the capabilities of the NSX.
21 years later and I still get a thrill when taking it for an enthusiastic outing!
I will describe two "firsts."

The first time I got a ride in the NSX was in Doug Hayashi's car at Buttonwillow Raceway. It was also the first time I got to experience a racetrack! This was before his supercharger days, so it was a relatively mildly modded car at that point, and he was so friendly and supportive of this newbie. I remember the roar of the wind, his snappy downshifts, and the braking like it was yesterday.

The first time I drove an NSX was also at Buttonwillow (years later). It was a 97 NSX-T and a very generous guy let me take it out for a session. What a blast! It was easy to get in and instantly drive it with confidence. This is coming from someone who is predominantly an FF guy (front wheel drive). I remember how I was amazed at how it soaked up the bumps without the slightest instability. It was so neutral as I leaned on it through fast sweepers. The brake pads were not as good as my ITR was, but the brake pedal feel was superb.

Ah, good memories.
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first time I drove one.... i end up taking it home the next day :)
best decision I have every done without second guessing myself lol
I never got to pre-drive one. I did however crawl in Matt Lee's beast, crank it, rev it a few times, got out, got online, and started looking for one of my own.
I bought my car late Nov. 2010. My friend that sold it to me let me store it in his empty showroom for the winter. When the roads finally cleared off in April, a buddy and I went to pick it up. The 3 hour drive home was the first time I had driven a NSX. Not likely to forget that drive anytime soon!
First time I drove an nsx was 3 days ago. About 5 minutes after I bought it. The sound going through tunnels in Colorado is intoxicating and one 1500 mile drive home I will never forget!
... The Rush song "Red Barchetta" came to mind when I would think back to that day. And after passing on four '91's, I finally found the one I was looking for two years ago; happy ever since!:biggrin:

:smile: After my first drive in an NSX I had that very song in my head for days. I guess it and the NSX engine sound "...mechanical music..."ultimately pushed me over the edge to buy one. And it had to be RED.
In 93 I test drove a clean 91 red ivory...It was an amazing feeling.The precision,the intake honk coupled with the sewing machine sounds of the top end at idle..the view ....I felt special.... 3 years after that I had my 96.
My first time behind the wheel was on a test drive on behalf of another Prime member in the probably 2009. All I did was roll the car around in a Walmart parking lot, so it wasn't much but I was hooked on the car nevertheless.
My first drive was backing the NSX-I-was-about-to-buy out of the driveway for a test drive around the block. First, I hit the bottom of the driveway because I didn't angle the car enough (owner assured me that was okay, but probably not good to do too often). Second, I rolled gingerly towards the stop sign... maybe going 6mph tops. Finally a check-engine light came on despite the car having passed a PPI perfectly just a couple of days earlier. The rest of my first drive was going to a local shop to get the O2 sensors replaced.

Despite the hiccups, the car has been amazing. No issues.
June 2003, after lusting after the car since I laid eyes on it as a punk kid back in 1991 I was finally able to afford one...started looking high and low and found my first one right here on NSX Prime....I bought a one way ticket to Portland Oregon and was picked up at the airport in it...drove it straight to the bank, dropped off the seller at his house, then started the 1000 mile trip back to SoCal.....One of the happiest days of my life:smile: and I remember it like it was yesterday.....
The first time I saw an NSX in person was in high school. A friend, who's dad had been on the waiting list for the new 360 modena & had just taken delivery of it, invited a bunch of us over to take a look at the new F car. His dad also had a Red NSX. Everyone was gawking over the 360, but I was just enchanted by the NSX.

The first time I drove one was last year when I went to North Carolina to potentially buy itrsteve's car. It was everything I thought it would be. still remember the induction sound and hitting redline on an off ramp.

It's funny, I've got friends in various cities who have helped me out by going to test drive NSXs that I've been interested in. Cumulatively, they've driven the car more than I have!