Taitec GTLW with Test Pipes?

It wont be too loud for me, i just want to hear that set-up to see if thats the way i wanna go. Im coming from my mustang which is probably one of the loudest cars in OC. Heres a couple vids from last night:

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outside the car yes big difference but inside i cant imagine thinking the gtlw is too loud. no silencers are not in:wink:
I see a lot of people post about how bad the drone is. Frankly I don't hear it. I actually find it very quit on the highway. I recently notice that most people that complain about drone seem to be running NA1. I have a NA2. Is it possible that it's only the NA1 that have the drone.
I'll post some vids up tomorrow on youtube.com for ya all.
It will be flowmaster with stock catz and headers vs Taitec GTLW with 200 core prospeed cats and headers.
Ok seriously, the upside of the loudness and drone.... there is not a better reason to upgrade the Bose stereo to something much louder! :biggrin:

Thanks! Sounds amazing.

I don't think anyone here is saying that exhaust doesn't sound incredible outside the car. I loved it. BUT the drone was terrible. When I bought the exhaust nobody warned me about any drone. I make sure whenever I see a post on the GTLW that I let the potential buyer know so he can save some money and frustration. If drone doesn't bother you, by all means get this exhaust.
Mr. NetViper, Please refrain from limiting my sales to no one.
My GTLW does not Drone.
Maybe its your situation and some others due to set up.
Blanket statements are not a good thing.
Statements on your personal experience with your setup are a good thing.
Mr. NetViper, Please refrain from limiting my sales to no one.
My GTLW does not Drone.

Good for you. There are several posts in here that say otherwise. I have personally been in 3 cars with the GTLW, 93, 98 Auto, and 92 CTSC and ALL of them drone.

Since you are trying to make money off the product, I appreciate your statement about how they don't drone and how ALL of us have it set up wrong. :rolleyes:
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I asked you nicely!
I did not make fun of you.
I thought differently of you.
I asked you nicely!
I did not make fun of you.
I thought differently of you.

Not really sure what that means. Were you going to make fun of me because my exhaust droned? Car was bone stock by the way. Not sure what could be set up wrong. If you think differently of me because I am honest, OK.

I have no disrespect to you. It is a product. I am giving MY experience with the product. Others have the same experience. There is nothing personal against you. I didn't even know you sell parts. Knowing you sell parts doesn't change my opinion on the product.

If your personal exhaust does not drone then great, but if you are selling the product and telling people it doesn't drone - there are several examples that say otherwise.

I suppose it is possible that newer versions have less or no drone. Mine was 5 years ago.
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My friend.
I'm sorry, your missing my point all together.
It is my experience that general statements are made about products, issues, people.... and people take that to be truth on all facts of that matter.
I was trying to state that I appreciate specific comments to ones own experience. That's all.
I do respect you.
You exhaust does drone in your setup.
Thanks for letting us know about your setup and your drone issue.
If I was selling my exhaust, I would give that person all the vids online, all the comments and I would let anyone take it for the weekend, install it, try it, and if they don't like it give it back, no deposit or beer required!!!
This is the way I roll.
Fair and Square.
Have a great weekend.
Will post my vids soon, I am so slammed at work.
If I was selling my exhaust, I would give that person all the vids online, all the comments and I would let anyone take it for the weekend, install it, try it, and if they don't like it give it back, no deposit or beer required!!!

I think that is very honest and outstanding of you. Wish I bought it from you. :) I only blame myself for my purchase. I just didn't know better. I wouldn't expect a refund on a used product nor did I ask for one. It was just not the right exhaust for me. The Anytime was great for me.

I do understand your point. Like I said, it is possible newer versions have less or no drone period. If that is the case, then that is great and it makes my experience irrelevant with the newer versions of the exhaust.
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Anytime is great Anytime in my experience.
He is a good guy!
I bought a Dali Rice Rocket to try from a friend for 350.00
Yikes, not for me, so I sold it to Sam saying if he didn't like it, I'd drive over it.
I really like my Flowmaster Karl here made me.
Not Pretty, but deeper v-8 sound.
I will install it back on this weekend and see what it sounds like with my 200 core High Flow cats and 9.5" psi on 1600 AR whipple with stock air cleaner and AIS.
I find the GTLW goes Blam! When it hooks up when you put your foot into it, otherwise quiet to me.......got to get the wax out man.
this post has got to be a joke:eek: w my roof off and windows open i wish it was louder because i can barely here it in the car. outside its great to other people . i cant imagine a drone that would make me sell it, or that i can even hear. :rolleyes:
this post has got to be a joke:eek: w my roof off and windows open i wish it was louder because i can barely here it in the car. outside its great to other people . i cant imagine a drone that would make me sell it, or that i can even hear. :rolleyes:

I feel the exact same way and I even have the test pipes
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Wow, nice vid!
I would say from low to high frequency you have:
Flowmaster, GTLW, then GT ONE.
If you had these three cars together, you could play some funky music!
What video edit program did you use.
What camera did you use.
Have to get my little clip up, so busy and work and now I'm up on a saturday at 6 for some reason. Oh, well, off to the gym then install Dvd Nav.
Clip still coming soon of my shit.
Wow, nice vid!
I would say from low to high frequency you have:
Flowmaster, GTLW, then GT ONE.
If you had these three cars together, you could play some funky music!
What video edit program did you use.
What camera did you use.
Have to get my little clip up, so busy and work and now I'm up on a saturday at 6 for some reason. Oh, well, off to the gym then install Dvd Nav.
Clip still coming soon of my shit.

Mac makes it easy! Used iMovie and a regular photo camera that takes video.
I feel the exact same way and I even have the test pipes

When I had my Anytime + Plus test Pipes plus BBSC the car was insanely loud. At 4,000 RPM it would easily louder than the Anytime on my old car (stock) at 7,000 RPM. It attracted WAY too much attention. At 8,000 RPM the car could be heard from a mile away. It was awesome, but way too loud for a DD.
I feel the exact same way and I even have the test pipes

I just got mine in yesterday and installed last night. Man it sounds good, but I honestly cannot understand what is "too loud" about it??? It sounds quite smooth actually. I almost want it to be a little louder. I have had very loud and at the same time, very annoying exhaust systems and this by no means is close to annoying. I will say this...if this is too loud for you then I hope you aren't thinking of getting a motorcycle with aftermarket pipes. Especially a sport bike. Now that will leave a ring in your ears all day. On the contrary to previous statements, maybe i'm just too young. haha