SUV driver beaten by biker mob after high speed chase

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I feel bad for this guy and wish he wasn't hurt but he was hanging out with the wrong guys and those guys were the cause of the incident that seems to have paralyzed him. Like the police don't have enough to deal with in NYC now they have to deal with these idiots. 'Hollywood stuntz"... give me a break. You want to pull wheelies do it off a public highway. Now that SUV driver, his wife, and his kid have to deal with the mental trauma as well of having been dragged out of the car and beaten in front of wife and kid, as well as knowing some guy he drove over is paralyzed for life.

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Police say they are getting zero cooperation from the riders in trying to find Lien's assailants.
i don't feel bad for him @ all - it's nature's way of thinning out the herd; seems unlikely any of the remaining participants are "stand-up guys" so this guy and his family will largely be on their own. i **do** feel bad for the RR occupants ... terrible situation to be in and they'll have to deal with that for the remainder of their lives.

having said that, i've been an active motorcyclist for 45 years and belong to several forums ... **every** forum post i've read says pretty much the same thing: "shouldn't have been behaving like that and if i was the RR driver with family in the car, i would have done the same thing."

yep, in a heartbeat.
Average demographics of a rice crotch rocket are people with little $$$$, education and access to an adroit counsel.

......and, won't be surprised if they are recent fresh-off-the-boat from 3rd world places that can get away with stuff like this and have no regards for law and order of this country. "Hey...lets do an End-of-Summer ride and kick some a$$.....doh....ok" I say confiscate their green cards and send them back. :mad:
Guy is such an angel....


"Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.
In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show."

Ducati and BMW bikers on the other hand....
-------> are rich azzholes?
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Batmans I will go out on a limb here and say that out of your more than 8600 posts here.....99.6% of them are useless nonsense that after reading most probably wish they could take that time back an use it somewhere else.

What is wrong with me wanting to open my door into some a$&hole breaking the law and creating a dangerous situation for not only themselves, but every single other car that they rip by? What if you happened to be sticking your hand out the window at the moment they are going past and you get hurt?

I watched all seven of the videos and can pretty much say that I didn't see not one example of any law abiding riders. Any of them that got hurt,deserved it. It wasn't like they were obeying the local traffic laws and someone backed out of their driveway and ran them over. I also don't see anyone begging for money to help pay for the SUV drivers medical bills or physical damage to his vehicle.
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wanna drive on the road wait behind the car in front of you just like everyone else, god attitude I ride a bike I am special I can drive on sidewalks and between cars at red lights

not drive between them I would open my door also and laugh cuz he has to pay for my repairs and his medical bills.

brake check me and your bike will be on the ground even in my NSX

respect the rules of the road you will get home safe, try and go between cars so you can be first at the red light you may not make it home safe.

wanna play on the road you got take the risk of someone opening their door to dump out a soda and bammmm your dead.

it sucks for the guys kids cuz " daddy why cant you throw a baseball with me? " " well son I did something stupid and I can never walk again "
sucks for the kids really does

Batmans I will go out on a limb here and say that out of your more than 8600 posts here.....99.6% of them are useless nonsense that after reading most probably wish they could take that time back an use it somewhere else.

What is wrong with me wanting to open my door into some a$&hole breaking the law and creating a dangerous situation for not only themselves, but every single other car that they rip by? What if you happened to be sticking your hand out the window at the moment they are going past and you get hurt?

I watched all seven of the videos and can pretty much say that I didn't see not one example of any law abiding riders. Any of them that got hurt,deserved it. It wasn't like they were obeying the local traffic laws and someone backed out of their driveway and ran them over. I also don't see anyone begging for money to help pay for the SUV drivers medical bills or physical damage to his vehicle.

You two are stupid. Yeah I said it, ban/suspend me if you will mod, but those sound like actual threats. I'm just making sure I quote you both just in case you ever do pull of a stupid stunt like that and end up hurting or killing a rider. You had willful intent on doing so. See how far that gets you with in our legal system.

What is wrong with you opening your door into a rider that's breaking the law? You're breaking the law too. I'm pretty fucking sure no driver's license manual at any DMV in the United States, state that you can open your door onto a motorist. I'm pretty sure a biker splitting lanes poses little to no threat to you inside a car.
What is wrong with me wanting to open my door into some a$&hole breaking the law and creating a dangerous situation for not only themselves, but every single other car that they rip by? What if you happened to be sticking your hand out the window at the moment they are going past and you get hurt?
a) lane splitting is not illegal in some locales, and here in the US, it's not illegal (at least) in california. so, open your door intentionally to hurt someone doing this in california and you'll have legal / financial issues to deal with. (our basic safety parameters as defined by the chp are splitting is ok, conditions permitting, up to 35 mph and not 10 mph over the speed of traffic you are passing.)

b) as for safety, **many** experienced riders lane split, especially at stoplights / signs because when you're the last one in line you have the potential of being the first one hit should someone not see you, fail to brake in time, etc ... so we **do it for safety**; of course, the responsible rider's approach to splitting safely is to be aware / cautious / polite with / to the other vehicles they are passing. (and i bet you and i both have experience with splitters not being any of those things ... sigh.) i ride a GL1800 gold wing, a 900 lb bike that's roughly the size of an s2000 and i split traffic every. single. day. that i ride and conditions (weather, road surface, lighting, etc) safely permit it.

here in the SF bay area, ceterus paribus, splitting in commute traffic is the norm ... and by and large, cars / mc's get along well (MUCH better than they did 20 years ago where people would actually swerve into you because they were jealous you weren't quite as stuck in traffic as they were.)

iirc, your profile says you are in NJ, where splitting is illegal. my take is even if the rider was doing something illegal and you intentionally injured him, you may very well find yourself facing criminal as well as civil repercussions that could have negative long-term impact on you and your family.

as for the a$$hats harassing the RR ... เสียใจกับไอ้หนุ่มที่อึ
So no use posting anymore about opening the door on an A-hole passing my car in the middle of 2 other cars. and ripping my mirror off LOL

maybe the 2 cars slowing down can see the little child crossing the road in front of them and the biker cant see this child as he drive between the 2 cars. hits child.

if you cant see any wrong in passing in the middle then no real point making people mad its getting us nowhere

but def thanks for re-posting my comments so if I happen to open my door to dump out my soda at the same time a-hole biker is driving between cars to get to the front of the line of a redlight it can be used against me in court LOL
You are is illegal in NJ. It is in fact a 5 point ticket to even ride on the shoulder here. To NSXrebel.....stop being a complete toolbag because your opinion differs from mine and Shawn's. I personally don't see how you can intelligently rationalize that it's ok for bikers to weave in and out of stopped traffic at speeds of 25mph plus endangering both themselves and the drivers of the cars they are passing illegally......remember...I live in NJ and it is in fact ILLEGAL. But yet....I don't call you names even though I think you prolly would have been a part of that crowd we are all discussing here anyway, given the chance.

I'm also flattered to know that you will save my post on your hard drive or accordion file eternally just in case you ever hear of a biker getting injured by someone opening their car door....lmao. When you get a new CPU do you promise to make sure to transfer it over?........putz
but to tell you the truth I prob would never do it I wouldnt want the wreck to cause me to be late for work, or late to pick up my kids
You are is illegal in NJ. It is in fact a 5 point ticket to even ride on the shoulder here. To NSXrebel.....stop being a complete toolbag because your opinion differs from mine and Shawn's. I personally don't see how you can intelligently rationalize that it's ok for bikers to weave in and out of stopped traffic at speeds of 25mph plus endangering both themselves and the drivers of the cars they are passing illegally......remember...I live in NJ and it is in fact ILLEGAL. But yet....I don't call you names even though I think you prolly would have been a part of that crowd we are all discussing here anyway, given the chance.

I'm also flattered to know that you will save my post on your hard drive or accordion file eternally just in case you ever hear of a biker getting injured by someone opening their car door....lmao. When you get a new CPU do you promise to make sure to transfer it over?........putz

Splitting lanes does necessarily mean weave in and out recklessly in traffic. Yes, what we saw in those videos is clearly reckless driving. What YOU said was that you would deliberately open your door on a rider splitting lanes. Either way, you opening up your door to stop a rider IS ILLEGAL, whether it's illegal or not to split lanes.

BTW, I didn't say I was gonna save your post to my hard drive. I said I was gonna quote it in case you do ever injure a rider and I hear about it. That gets saved on the servers, not my computer. And what does getting a new CPU have to do with the hard drive?? Clearly shows how ignorant you are.

Furthermore, I haven't ridden since 2008 when I got a change in duty station while in the military. Have I been part of large biker groups yes. Has there been some reckless riders in said groups? Yes. Not to the extent of these idiots in NYC, not by a mile. I'm not justifying the actions of these riders by any means. I guess you missed my post that said if that were me in the Range Rover, with a family aboard, I would have done the EXACT same thing and then some to protect my family.
Are you stupid? Really....mentally challenged? Read my first post moron. If you are going 40mph in between cars that are stopped with 3-4 feet between them in a state where it is illegal to do so and someone opens their door....YOU
DESERVE TO GET HURT. I would have tears in my eyes laughing to hear such a story.
Update ....the guy , who has serious injury , has license revoked in state of MA until 2017. He has multiple unpaid tickets. His wife portraits him as a good SamariTan , lol.
So....even in CA, by definition of the law states if the lanes of traffic are stopped and the bikers rip through at 25mph they are breaking the law. Back to the idiot that got himself paralyzed......had he been obeying the law in the first place....he would be walking to the bus stop to go to work tomorrow instead of breathing through a tube.
Alright boys, enough of the bitching, its like im back on ClubRSX. Lets get back on topic. Any update on the driver?
If he didn't try to flee and run over the bikers TWICE, I think he would have gotten off without getting beaten to death.

It sort of surprises me that when 1 biker brake checks a car and get this ass handed to, the car is at fault. But when the same thing happens here, but with 100 bikers, and he runs over the bikers twice, police are calling it self defense.

What is wrong with you?

They swarmed around him, while one biker cut him off by 3-4 feet, then brake-checked him with no way of him stopping in time (that's a bike slamming on his brakes vs. a 2-3 ton SUV that had no time to react, nor any space to react), then IMMEDIATELY swarm him and start hitting, kicking, and slashing his tires with concealed knives. They also assaulted him, and falsely imprisoned him by blocking him in.

Before you say anything about their lies about him clipping anyone or driving dangerously, they had the whole ride videotaped by several members of their own gang. They cut and edited these videos themselves. Had there been an incident, they would have caught it on tape. There was no incident. The RR driver was not at fault, and was driving safely within his own lane in the beginning of the video. In fact, they cut the video just before they break nearly all the windows of his RR, and drag him out and beat him and cut him in front of his family. One theory as to why they brake-checked him in the first place was that they were trying to unlawfully control traffic on the freeway (slowing him down so the gang could pass) so that they could film their ride, and do stunts on the freeway--like they have done many times in the past.

This innocent Columbia graduate had his wife and infant daughter in the backseat. He stopped after the accident, but after the biker gang falsely imprisoned him, and assaulted him, and damaged and tried to break into his car, he fled to protect his wife and daughter.

Watch their other videos. They do the same to other cars, simply for being in their way when THEY run red lights. They try to get into the Prius, and hurt the passengers, and when they can't, they damage the cars (broke the Prius' side mirror).

Prius 1.jpgPrius 2.jpg

Here are 7 more videos prior to the RR incident. They run red lights, drive on the wrong side of the road, drive on sidewalks, falsely imprison other motorists, assault other motorists, and damage other cars. The last video cuts off just before the RR incident.

One of the less dangerous examples of this gang: driving into oncoming traffic on the wrong side of the road. Had he been hit, they probably would have attacked the innocent victim who hit him.


He acted rationally by stopping his car as best he could. When they threatened his family, he fled. It was self-defense. He did not attempt to hurt anyone, it was just unfortunate that those thugs that falsely imprisoned him wouldn't move out of the way. He even drives around the other bikers later. NO WHERE in the video does he hunt bikers down and try to run them over.

He only flees when they try to break into his car. The second time, he stops his car until someone gets off their bike and tries to open his door.

Let me remind you that they cut their own video when they smashed his window, the wife's window, and the infant daughters' window, and then gang-beat the guy, and cut his face with concealed knives.

And here is NY's Self Defense Statute:

§ 35.15 Justification; use of physical force in defense of a person.
1. A person may, subject to the provisions of subdivision two, use
physical force upon another person when and to the extent he or she
reasonably believes such to be necessary to defend himself, herself or a
third person from what he or she reasonably believes to be the use or
imminent use of unlawful physical force by such other person...

And you are trying to post personal information of the victim for what purpose? AGAIN, what is wrong with you.

Will a mod please remove that info. This guy is obviously trying to incite retribution by the same low lives that tried to hurt this family.
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Batmans I will go out on a limb here and say that out of your more than 8600 posts here.....99.6% of them are useless nonsense that after reading most probably wish they could take that time back an use it somewhere else.

What is wrong with me wanting to open my door into some a$&hole breaking the law and creating a dangerous situation for not only themselves, but every single other car that they rip by? What if you happened to be sticking your hand out the window at the moment they are going past and you get hurt?

I watched all seven of the videos and can pretty much say that I didn't see not one example of any law abiding riders. Any of them that got hurt,deserved it. It wasn't like they were obeying the local traffic laws and someone backed out of their driveway and ran them over. I also don't see anyone begging for money to help pay for the SUV drivers medical bills or physical damage to his vehicle.


I guess my technical posts are .4%

What's been your contribution?

We can get into a contribution debate here and easily hijack this thread.

You are certainly a minority based on the number of emails and PMs I get for technical advice.

Ur math lends to your credibility.

Looks like you now are the village idiot defending urself - Enjoy your time with NSXrebel.

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Update ....the guy , who has serious injury , has license revoked in state of MA until 2017. He has multiple unpaid tickets. His wife portraits him as a good SamariTan , lol.

"Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show."
Mrs. Mieses will be going to hire a hot shot attorney, Gloria from CA, to present her. She will have a steep hill to climb to convince the jurors.
......and, won't be surprised if they are recent fresh-off-the-boat from 3rd world places that can get away with stuff like this and have no regards for law and order of this country. "Hey...lets do an End-of-Summer ride and kick some a$$.....doh....ok" I say confiscate their green cards and send them back. :mad:

Thats about the most racist comment I've ever read on this forum.
I just relish how ghetto thugs and wives of ghetto thugs act and look like thugs in the media and in court and they wonder why they don't have a huge support from the public eye.

It's like showing up to a job interview with bed head, tattoos and piercings galore...


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Thats about the most racist comment I've ever read on this forum.

How is that racist? plenty of 3rd world races of all sorts.

I consider Albanians 3rd world whites.....

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a) lane splitting is not illegal in some locales, and here in the US, it's not illegal (at least) in california. so, open your door intentionally to hurt someone doing this in california and you'll have legal / financial issues to deal with. (our basic safety parameters as defined by the chp are splitting is ok, conditions permitting, up to 35 mph and not 10 mph over the speed of traffic you are passing.)

b) as for safety, **many** experienced riders lane split, especially at stoplights / signs because when you're the last one in line you have the potential of being the first one hit should someone not see you, fail to brake in time, etc ... so we **do it for safety**; of course, the responsible rider's approach to splitting safely is to be aware / cautious / polite with / to the other vehicles they are passing. (and i bet you and i both have experience with splitters not being any of those things ... sigh.) i ride a GL1800 gold wing, a 900 lb bike that's roughly the size of an s2000 and i split traffic every. single. day. that i ride and conditions (weather, road surface, lighting, etc) safely permit it.

here in the SF bay area, ceterus paribus, splitting in commute traffic is the norm ... and by and large, cars / mc's get along well (MUCH better than they did 20 years ago where people would actually swerve into you because they were jealous you weren't quite as stuck in traffic as they were.)

iirc, your profile says you are in NJ, where splitting is illegal. my take is even if the rider was doing something illegal and you intentionally injured him, you may very well find yourself facing criminal as well as civil repercussions that could have negative long-term impact on you and your family.

as for the a$$hats harassing the RR ... เสียใจกับไอ้หนุ่มที่อึ

I couldn't of said it better! And if you open your door in traffic, you are doing something illegal. You're not even allowed to throw anything out of your vehicle, litter laws. Two wrongs don't make a right.
And to add, I was clipped by a CHP officer doing this. Scratched the mirror on my rental car. He didn't even stop either.
Let the other bikers pay his bills.

I am a ny lifer and have had to deal with these asshats before. I have no sympathy for any of them who get hurt. Over 200 calls made to the police that day about them.


They will probably use the money from the donation to buy another motorcycle rather paying the medical bills. We all have to pay for his medical bills, and if he is still alive he is going to live on the taxpayers' money with his 4-wheeler and a straw in the mouth.

" If I had a son, he would have been my son". LOL
"Though Mieses is a Massachusetts resident, he has never had a valid Massachusetts driver’s license for a passenger vehicle and has never applied for a motorcycle license, the Registry of Motor Vehicles said.

Registry records show that Mieses applied for a learner’s permit in 1999 and 2000, but that he never obtained a full license because he failed to pay fines imposed after he was ticketed for speeding in Lawrence in 1999. His last contact with the Registry was in 2001, when he obtained an identification card, registry records show.

Since 1999, he has been ticketed by police 16 times, in Lawrence, Methuen, Roxbury, Andover, and New Hampshire, according to registry records.

In June, the Registry notified the National Driver Register that Mieses was a habitual traffic offender whose right to drive in Massachusetts was revoked until 2017, records show."

I've just about lost what little sympathy I had for this guy. I don't wish anyone to be paralyzed for life. That is a really heavy price to pay.... but he really doesn't have anyone else to blame but himself and some of the other idiot bikers for it. What a true moron...
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Let the other bikers pay his bills.

I am a ny lifer and have had to deal with these asshats before. I have no sympathy for any of them who get hurt. Over 200 calls made to the police that day about them.


I am also a rider myself and believe these douchebags got exactly what they deserved. Threaten me or my family and expect the repercussions.
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