SUV driver beaten by biker mob after high speed chase

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Let the other bikers pay his bills.

I am a ny lifer and have had to deal with these asshats before. I have no sympathy for any of them who get hurt. Over 200 calls made to the police that day about them.

his injury and recovery have a "not my problem " field heading for me.

I just got distracted with that photo...

Mieses also has 15 guilty findings for criminal offenses including distribution of cocaine, possession of a firearm without a permit, knowingly receiving stolen property, resisting arrest and several motor vehicle violations, court records show.
Mieses was sentenced to jail in 2004 for distribution of cocaine, in 2001 for operating without a license, in 2000 for possession of a firearm, and in 1999 for possession of marijuana, receiving stolen property, destruction of property and attaching plates, according to court records.
- See more at:

Not to mention all the traffic violations he committed, including driving without a license.

Not sure if anyone is still on the bikers' side, or doesn't think this is self-defense, but lemme know what happens when 50 of these guys come and swarm your car, hitting it, kicking it, slashing your tires, and trying to break in:

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I remember that guy has posted some pretty racist stuff in the past too.

Its called the truth. I called the Boston bomber nut job as Islam terrorist b 4 the media cuz it had all their signatures.....sorry I was wrong. Unfortunately there will be more to come for you to back them up.

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"but lemme know what happens when 50 of these guys come and swarm your car, hitting it, kicking it, slashing your tires, and trying to break in:"

either you hang around with the wrong crowd or you have something to hide or you can stop and let them by.

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Thats about the most racist comment I've ever read on this forum.

Not if there truth to that. do you think the Boston bomber-nut-jobs are just mis-guided teens from the hood?

KSXNSX: "This innocent Columbia graduate...."??? with a long rap sheet. He could stop his RR to let the hive pass by but if he hangs out with the wrong crowd, its too late b 4 or after.
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Mayhem, chaos, disorder, brutality; words that came across my mind while watching the initial video. I pray for his [Lien] recovery including that of his wife and child.
Hi Jesse J., truth b told. Plz ck Webster 4 d definition of racist.

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2: racial prejudice or discrimination"


1. an unfair feeling of dislike for a person or group because of race, sex, religion, etc.
2. a feeling of like or dislike for someone or something especially when it is not reasonable or logical

"Racism, also sometimes called racialism, is generally defined as actions, practices, or beliefs that consider the human species to be divided into races with shared traits, abilities, or qualities, such as personality, intellect, morality, or other cultural behavioral characteristics, and especially the belief that races can be ranked as inherently superior or inferior to others, or that members of different races should be treated differently."

Exactly! and they are doing a great job at it. we keep trying to be PC making excuses for them not to offend them as if somehow we don't "understand" their culture. In their mind, they are not cowards like we think they are. We have learned enough. If my race/my religion calls me to kill others, I deserved to be tracked especially for mass killing such as this just like we track child molesters but some says that is invasion of privacy and its wrong. :mad:

Its called the truth. I called the Boston bomber nut job as Islam terrorist b 4 the media cuz it had all their signatures.....sorry I was wrong. Unfortunately there will be more to come for you to back them up.

Not if there truth to that. do you think the Boston bomber-nut-jobs are just mis-guided teens from the hood?

......and, won't be surprised if they are recent fresh-off-the-boat from 3rd world places that can get away with stuff like this and have no regards for law and order of this country. "Hey...lets do an End-of-Summer ride and kick some a$$.....doh....ok" I say confiscate their green cards and send them back. :mad:

lol. Let me get this straight: you don't think what you are saying is racist? You can equivocate with "racially insensitive" or whatever other euphemism you want. It's still racist.

BTW, for the record: You, along with MANY others (including a mod) INCORRECTLY identified the Boston Bombers as two INNOCENT kids simply because of their outward appearances (i.e. Muslim and/or middle eastern). After the fact, you tried to play it off that you were correct simply because the real terrorists happened to also be Muslim. Either way, given the facts of the case (which actually point more to domestic terrorism), discriminating against someone before an act still goes against many principles of this country, the Constitution, and our legal system. Also, don't try some 5th-grade logic and pawn your mistakes off as my defending terrorists. I am defending principles that make this country great, and I wanted every one of those terrorists to be caught just as much as anyone else. Only I didn't fall for some racist BS and incorrectly point the finger at two innocent kids. I actually relied more on evidence and facts.

At first I didn't remember if you were part of the Boston Bombers thread; I just remembered "Pacific Beach" stood out as I was shocked by your comments before I wondered where a person like this lived in this day and age.

I wouldn't even bother posting this, but YET AGAIN, you try to falsely and immaturely label me (just like you have labeled many other people).

"but lemme know what happens when 50 of these guys come and swarm your car, hitting it, kicking it, slashing your tires, and trying to break in:"

either you hang around with the wrong crowd or you have something to hide or you can stop and let them by.

KSXNSX: "This innocent Columbia graduate...."??? with a long rap sheet. He could stop his RR to let the hive pass by but if he hangs out with the wrong crowd, its too late b 4 or after.

I don't even understand what you are trying to say quoting me about the victim in this case. It's just as nonsensical as your other ramblings.
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wow this thread has gone from cool to hear other people's opinions

to death to all

but what is cool is we are cool headed guys not like the bikers, and other forums. BMW forums fooorrrrgggeeetttttt aaabbbooouutttt iiiiittttt.

keep cool guys when it comes to life/wife/children/motorcycle/NSX we all have serious passion for them and it shows.

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(EDIT - deleting most of this articulate, thoughtful post for reasons of brevity, leaving only a few "nuggets")

lol. Let me get this straight: you don't think what you are saying is racist? You can equivocate with "racially insensitive" or whatever other euphemism you want. It's still racist.

I was shocked by your comments before I wondered where a person like this lived in this day and age.
I, too, was shocked. It's bad enough that there are racists in the world, and it's even worse that some of them think they can post their racist ramblings here without everyone realizing exactly how offensive they are. Some racists at least have enough sensitivity to cloak their racist rantings with apologies (e.g. Paula Deen) or "code words" for racial groups so things don't sound as blatantly racist as their real intentions, such this racist post:

I just relish how ghetto thugs and wives of ghetto thugs act and look like thugs in the media and in court and they wonder why they don't have a huge support from the public eye.
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