SUV driver beaten by biker mob after high speed chase

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If he didn't try to flee and run over the bikers TWICE, I think he would have gotten off without getting beaten to death.

It sort of surprises me that when 1 biker brake checks a car and get this ass handed to, the car is at fault. But when the same thing happens here, but with 100 bikers, and he runs over the bikers twice, police are calling it self defense.

Alexian Lien
Former Vice President of London Operations, Investcorp Bank B.S.C.

Mr. Alexian Lien is a Director at Moneybookers. He was a Vice President at Investcorp Technology Partners. Mr. Lien joined the firm in 2004 and was based in the London office of the firm. Previously, he was an Analyst in the Distressed Finance and Restructuring Group of Credit Suisse First Boston in New York. Mr. Lien served on the Board of Trema Group. He holds a B.S. degree in Computer Engineering from Columbia University.
Justified. I'd do the same thing if I was surround by 100's of hooligans with my family in the car.
Totally justified, and I'm a biker, well used to ride, haven't in a few years. In that same situation, I would do the same if I had a family and they were with me in the vehicle. I wonder what the Range Rover driver did to get their attention to begin with though, whether his fault or not. Clearly the bikers were heated already in the beginning of that video.
Justified. I'd do the same thing if I was surround by 100's of hooligans with my family in the car.
+1, the end sucks, specialy since a child is in the SUV, one of those moments when you wish you had you're gun.
I've seen groups of riders like this and it sometimes scares the cr@p out me for this exact reason. It's too bad NY has such strict concealed carry laws.
I've seen groups of riders like this and it sometimes scares the cr@p out me for this exact reason. It's too bad NY has such strict concealed carry laws.

First I will say I am pro-gun rights...

But, your argument is not very sound in this case. If NY had ease concealed carry laws how many of the bikers do you think would of had guns?
I think this would have ended very badly for all the people in the car.
Too bad he only broke the guys leg with his car....they apparently slashed his face and chest and beat him in front of his wife and toddler. He should have ran more of them over.....scumbags!
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First I will say I am pro-gun rights...

But, your argument is not very sound in this case. If NY had ease concealed carry laws how many of the bikers do you think would of had guns?
I think this would have ended very badly for all the people in the car.

Oh you don't think those bikers were packing heat? Don't get me wrong, in this scenario, even if NY had more lax gun laws, it still would have ended ugly. I am pro-guns too.
First I will say I am pro-gun rights...

But, your argument is not very sound in this case. If NY had ease concealed carry laws how many of the bikers do you think would of had guns?
I think this would have ended very badly for all the people in the car.

I don't want to get into a heated debate. I just feel more comfortable knowing I can, if needed, protect myself. I would probably have done the same thing on the highway as the SUV driver if my kids were with me. However once they start breaking windows it's time to defend my family with force.
No, I'm sure some of them were, but if the driver started shooting, do you think the bikers would have just run away?

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I don't want to get into a heated debate. .
Your not going to get into a heated debate with me. I'm a gun owner and fully believe people have the right to defend themselves.
My only point is that might not have been the correct time to make a stand.

I personally would have put it in reverse and driven over anything behind me. There is no way I would have given them time to break my window.
I find it odd that the Range Rover didn't have a cell phone call to the cops while he was driving away to get them to come and render aid. I would have had my wife giving the cops all plate #s she could read after letting the cops know the situation and their location. Fortunately no one got killed. 90+% of bikers are good people. It's ASOLs like these that give them a bad reputation.
so what caused the bikers to go after the range rover in the first place? I don't think I saw the reason in the article. Sorry if I missed it.
so what caused the bikers to go after the range rover in the first place? I don't think I saw the reason in the article. Sorry if I missed it.

My guess, he got impatient waiting behind all those bikes, probably started honking his horn, tried to squeeze past the bikes, maybe came close to or had contact with a bike, and that's when the bikers got aggressive. Still no excuse for what they did to that driver and his family.
If that was me... everytime one got next to me I would lane change and take anotherone out.

but his mistake was he should have called 911 and stayed on the interstate he was safe there.

his child and wife were in the car. I would have taken as many out till they stopped chasing me cuz they would have not wanted to leave their friend bleeding on the side of the road.

this is why handgun is in my car at all times. when teh guy started to hit my car with the helmet I would have fired thru the window into his face. then got out of the car and fired my pistol at a few more of them till 5-6 were wounded with gunfire that would have calmed them down.

my wife and child in the car I would ahve pretended the bikers were on GTAV had my wife start taking points for me

I will defend my wife and child with my life and glock

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even if he cut one off which I doubt who wants to mess with 500 bikers normally let them pass and do their weave in and out of traffic.

but what they did was called road rage. that demands prison time. for each person in the chase they all could have killed someone else

or made the driver of the SUV loss control and kill someone else.

I will donate to his medical funds and his lawyer defense
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update: the driver did call 911 during the chase

RR suspension setting used during escape:
(photo from jalopnik)


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I saw these bikes riding around like maniacs before this incident happened. Many were in illegal off road vehicles and simply put, every pedestrian in Manhattan was at risk with how they were riding. NYPD dropped the ball big time by not pulling this bunch over way before this happened. Fortunately no one lost their life this time.
My friend was behind the whole thing in his GTR street tuning it . Bikers can get careless and NYC drivers are nuts . I thought Shawn found this out when he dropped off my car to me lol
The biker stopping short on him... that's just stupid and antagonistic driving/riding and is entirely that rider's fault

Don't know what happened prior to the start of the video between the RangeRover and the bikers
(like any event in traffic, there is always a Before-During-After assessment of the actions of all drivers involved )

Running over bikers with your car is an act that effectively converts your vehicle into a deadly weapon which should not be justified unless a gun is pointed at your face and your life is in immediate peril.
The argument could be made that in the face of group/mob hostility, the driver feared for himself and his family's safety and was justified in fleeing from such hostility by any means necessary including using his vehicle as a weapon to aid his egress from the situation.

While I don't condone the stopping-short action of the biker, I can understand the retaliatory response of the "tribe" given that the driver elected to engage and escalate the situation and utilize his vehicle as a weapon on multiple occasions.

I both ride and drive, and have yielded my lane to large bike groups on multiple occasions.
These riders obviously had "good" intentions, why else would you remove your plates before going out for a spin :rolleyes:

Any family guy can relate to the driver of the SUV. It's still ridiculous that this chase did not attract ONE NYPD officer (or additional 911 calls).
exactly what i was thinking.

The biker stopping short on him... that's just stupid and antagonistic driving/riding and is entirely that rider's fault

I both ride and drive, and have yielded my lane to large bike groups on multiple occasions.

nevertheless WHATEVER reason that started this entire mess; likely is ridiculously STUPID (and sad) and surely can in no way can be worthwhile the carnage/injuries that succeeded it.
your on your motorcycle VS SUV, you cant win.

if someone tries to enter your vehicle you have a right to use deadly force to stop them.

here in FL stand your ground applys to this. when he broke the glass he should have had his head blown off.

then exit vehicle 2 more pops in his chest to make sure, then aim at the others tell them to get back

I am defending myself and my family from harm I will not warn you again stand back till the cops get here.

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my question is why isnt this all over the news? letting people know if you feel your life is in danger get out of there use your vehicle or anything you have to get out of there.
A heated mob can get dangerous real quick. It's been proven time and time again throughout society. Without being able to tell the future, I'd error on the safe side and do whatever it takes to get myself and family the hell out of there, especially if someone was trying to break into my vehicle. Watching this gave me flashbacks of the Reginald Denny incident, where he was drug out of his vehicle and beat into a coma. I remember being in middle school when the riots broke out not too far away, and seemed to quickly spread to every corner of the inland empire. It was the longest walk I'd ever had going home. I was terrified, I remember seeing mobs kick in doors and trash peoples houses at random.

I do ride actively, but never in large groups anymore. In the sportbike community in massive groups like this, there's almost always one or two persons that's looking to provoke trouble.

Don't get me wrong, some drivers deserve to lose a mirror due to their inability to pay attention while driving (for example serial texters that coast 3/4 or all the way into oncoming traffic repeatedly) One instance I had to turn around and follow a girl that was texting and nearly collided with oncoming traffic on a two lane road just in front of me. After catching up and giving her a warning to get off the phone and pay attention, I backed off behind several cars out of her field of view just to see if she had one of those wake up call moments, and then about five minutes later SHE CONTINUED TO TEXT AND DRIVE almost ending up in another near head on collision! She didn't lose a mirror, but deserved to. Serial texters, worse than drunk drivers.

I doubt the RR owner was texting while driving, and whatever he may have done to anger someone wasn't intentional.
The biker stopping short on him... that's just stupid and antagonistic driving/riding and is entirely that rider's fault

Don't know what happened prior to the start of the video between the RangeRover and the bikers
(like any event in traffic, there is always a Before-During-After assessment of the actions of all drivers involved )

Running over bikers with your car is an act that effectively converts your vehicle into a deadly weapon which should not be justified unless a gun is pointed at your face and your life is in immediate peril.
The argument could be made that in the face of group/mob hostility, the driver feared for himself and his family's safety and was justified in fleeing from such hostility by any means necessary including using his vehicle as a weapon to aid his egress from the situation.

While I don't condone the stopping-short action of the biker, I can understand the retaliatory response of the "tribe" given that the driver elected to engage and escalate the situation and utilize his vehicle as a weapon on multiple occasions.

I both ride and drive, and have yielded my lane to large bike groups on multiple occasions.
From what I read, it seems the bikers were acting very rowdy on the road. Many of them took their plates off because they were going to be doing some pretty illegal things, like closing off on-ramps to the freeway, slowing down traffic, doing a lot of crazy and dangerous things on the road.

They probably caught up to the Range Rover and scared the driver, and one of the punks brake checked the range rover as they passed it, and the driver accidentally hit the rear tire of the stupid biker, leading to what we saw.

Pretty scary. Too bad the biker only had a broken leg, and not fully paralyzed with his stupidity.
Update: The motorcyclist who cut off the Range Rover and then slowed down has been charged with reckless endangerment, reckless driving, endangering a child, and menacing in the incident. A motorcyclist seen punching the video in the window also turned himself in to police. This according to this article in New York Magazine.

And, for those advocating the use of guns in this situation, what happens if someone shoots and misses his intended target, and instead hits children inside another car that happens to be passing by at the time? Law enforcement officers go through training, not only for instantaneous recognition of targets and non-targets, but also for awareness of who might be hit if they miss their target; most civilians do not.
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