Event #3 @ Foxwoods OCTOBER 18th

Hey Simon since your going, if I decide to go I'll caravan with you if that's ok. I'll b at a party night b4 in Delaware but should be over early enough.
Rich, you should get a club radio. When you lead the last time...we circled for 45
I get lost going around the block. :biggrin:
Hey Bob, remember NSXPO?
I remember the unguided tour of Binghamton....aka deliverence tour:rolleyes:
So far the weekend is looking like it might be a washout. :frown:

We'll make the official call by Friday at noon whether or not this will be pushed until the rain date of the 25th. I'll make sure to update this thread either way.
Received email today that the event's been postponed until the 25th due to the forecast for this weekend.

Correct, here is the email so everyone else can see

Dear Supercar Lovers,

We have decided to postpone the Connecticut Rally @ Foxwoods until Sunday October 25th, 2009. We are giving advance notice so that you can plan your weekends and also mark your calendars with the new event date. One of the key ingredients for a successful event is good weather. Based on the current weather forecast (70%+ chance of rain for entire weekend), Sunday's weather will not be suitable for our event.

We have laid the groundwork for an incredible event, connecting exotic car owners from the whole North East region. We hope that you can make the necessary calendar adjustments in order to join us on the 25th in what will certainly be a car enthusiast event to remember.

Those that committed to the rain date in their registration are automatically confirmed for the October 25th date. If you have made hotel reservations, you have 24 hours before the check-in time to cancel them without penalty. You will be notified once we make new hotel arrangements for next week.


Is 8am at the mobile gas station or at my place? Hutchinson pkwy is really nice to drive up together.
Where is the Mobil Station? We can be there at 8am. We'll take the Hutch, as you said. That's a good route. Weather is going back to 70 on Thursday.
Where is the Mobil Station? We can be there at 8am. We'll take the Hutch, as you said. That's a good route. Weather is going back to 70 on Thursday.

Since Bob is out, let's meet at 8am at my place. Then we can go up the Hutch together.

It looks like I'm out of pocket for this weekend. Will have to make it on the next trip. Have a great time.

Will you be driving up with us, now that the date has changed? It will be the Merritt. We're staying over Sunday night. :biggrin:
Since Bob is out, let's meet at 8am at my place. Then we can go up the Hutch together.
Sounds good. I need an exact location and exit # from the Cross Bronx near the Whitestone Br. so I can meet you at 8. I will check with Dave for his plans.

I am trying to contact my son Jeff but he doesn't answer his texts. He has a Canon SLR that I would love to borrow for this run. (damn kid has more than me).
I hope it's not my pocket camera again! haha
Sounds good. I need an exact location and exit # from the Cross Bronx near the Whitestone Br. so I can meet you at 8. I will check with Dave for his plans.

I am trying to contact my son Jeff but he doesn't answer his texts. He has a Canon SLR that I would love to borrow for this run. (damn kid has more than me).
I hope it's not my pocket camera again! haha

Hey at least you take pictures that you can post unlike somepeople here. . . . . . . ahem.....ROGe

Take the Cross Bx Expwy to the Throgs Neck Bridge and as you approach bridge take last exit on the Right. If you would like to get some coffee there is a dunkin dough nuts gas station on the other side of the highway. Goood Place to wait IMO,-73.807467&spn=0.004928,0.015407&t=h&z=17

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Rich, etc.

Out of town this weekend and chances are the car goes into mothballs real soon. We were looking forward to a great trip up the Merrit but business opportunities have to come first. You'll have a great weekend and I'll look for the cars on the highway.

Save driving.