suggestions for mid-week lunch location on peninsula?

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley

doug trigg and i are going to meet up for lunch this thurs. ideally we'd like to meet somewhere along the 101 peninsula, easy access to fwy, etc., as well as a nice place to eat outside in the fresh air / sunshine.

any suggestions re location?

any / all primers are invited to join us, btw!

What are you guys into? Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Continental, Italian, or just a $10.00 burger? California Cafe by Stanford Shopping Center and Lucille Packard Children's Hospital has a large NSX friendly parking spaces (the back is normally empty, front is normally not full for lunch). That location is roughly midway for the 2 of you.
What are you guys into? Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Continental, Italian, or just a $10.00 burger? California Cafe by Stanford Shopping Center and Lucille Packard Children's Hospital has a large NSX friendly parking spaces (the back is normally empty, front is normally not full for lunch). That location is roughly midway for the 2 of you.
great suggestion, thx much!

any other location suggestions? (+ interested in joining us?)
What are you guys into? Mexican, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Continental, Italian, or just a $10.00 burger? California Cafe by Stanford Shopping Center and Lucille Packard Children's Hospital has a large NSX friendly parking spaces (the back is normally empty, front is normally not full for lunch). That location is roughly midway for the 2 of you.

Hay Alan thanks for the suggestion. Can you join us? Please say yes. Don't make me have lunch with Hal by myself.:biggrin: Just kidding.

Anyone else that would like to join us? I promise if you have lunch with Hal you'll laugh your butt off, and if you have to go back to the office, you'll have a smile on your face for the rest of the day.

That's another reason you should join us Alan. When I have lunch with him by myself, my sides ache all afternoon from laughing so hard.

Hay Alan thanks for the suggestion. Can you join us? Please say yes. That's another reason you should join us Alan. When I have lunch with him by myself, my sides ache all afternoon from laughing so hard.

actually, his sides hurt because he keeps falling asleep and rolling out of his chair. when i see this happen, i still my foot out to catch him and, inevitably, my toes end up jamming in his ribs.

see, when you get as old as doug is....

i'm with doug on this: any / everyone who is interested in joining us for lunch is welcome. (i hear we're taking joy rides in his newly-tuned suspension nsx ;)
How about Alice's on Skyline and Hwy 84.....?

How about Alice's on Skyline and Hwy 84.....?

ohhhhh, that's a great suggestion... off the beaten track with just enough of a fun and beautiful drive and setting to make it more than a "gonna grab a bite of lunch and head home" kinda thing.

i'm betting that's where we'll end up - thx for the suggestion!
Hay Alan thanks for the suggestion. Can you join us? Please say yes. Don't make me have lunch with Hal by myself.:biggrin: Just kidding.

Anyone else that would like to join us? I promise if you have lunch with Hal you'll laugh your butt off, and if you have to go back to the office, you'll have a smile on your face for the rest of the day.

That's another reason you should join us Alan. When I have lunch with him by myself, my sides ache all afternoon from laughing so hard.


Can't do it this week. Have meetings and conference calls before and after lunch this tomorrow. Unfortunately, my conference call at 1:00 is with folks back east, so I can't schedule those after 1:00. Otherwise, I would join you and Hal. Have fun.:smile:
Re: lunch

this week is out, But next week is good. I LIKE THIS LUNCH THING. thanks hal
bummer (on both counts)... i don't think i can make it next week, but maybe doug can. if not next, perhaps the following, etc.

sorry we'll miss you this week... alice's is a great location and the food's not too bad, either. if we run in to neil young, we'll offer your regards :)
Re: lunch

bummer (on both counts)... i don't think i can make it next week, but maybe doug can. if not next, perhaps the following, etc.

sorry we'll miss you this week... alice's is a great location and the food's not too bad, either. if we run in to neil young, we'll offer your regards :)

let's keep this thing going......bill
Re: lunch

let's keep this thing going......bill

Well quite honestly Bill, that's the intent. A few weeks ago Hal and I were having lunch and he told me in so many words that he was bord with my company and that he would like to expand our "lunch group". Now keep in mind, our "lunch group" has only been Hal and myself.:wink: Since I've heard all of his stories and get so tired of that same joke over and over, I agreed. (If you don't know Hal, it's always best to agree with him.)

So, I did my unashamed, "Good Hal". "Right Hal". "Terrific idea Hal". So that brings us to where we are today.

So, that's why we (Hal) thought it would be a good idea to get together with some guys once or twice a month and have a fun lunch. You're a perfect example. Do you realize how many times we've had phone conversations and how much time we've spent on the phone? But, we've never met.:eek:

The worse thing about having lunch with Hal is that he always wears that damn bee keeper hat. You know the one with the screen over his face. You'll get used to it after a while. Plus, there is an advantage for new guys that haven't met him - he is easy to spot in the parking lot!

I've also found that when he comes up to my neighborhood for lunch, I am frequently banned from that particular restaurant when we depart. Another reason to find new and fun places to meet outside my neighborhood.

I've bought him so many lunches I am in serious conversations with my accountant about being able to deduct him as a dependent.

Our lunches give him an excuse not to do some of his consulting. As for me, most of you know I have an inability to find or hold a job, so it gets me out of the house.

He also mentioned that because I have my frequent "senior moments" and I don't remember how to get home, he hopes some of the new guys can share that responsibility with him. Plus I have to mention that sometimes he gets a "bee in his bonnet" and gives me incorrect directions on purpose. I would like to find some guys I could trust.

If you don't know Hal, he is always the "organizer". He thinks if we have enough guys, he can organize some "group buys" at a number of restaurants!:rolleyes: Poor Hal.

Seriously, I have so much fun having lunch with him, it would be a shame not to share the good times.

Hope we can work something out for some informal, fun times a few days a month.

Hope he didn't read this. I have to have lunch with him tomorrow.:biggrin:
Re: lunch

Well quite honestly Bill, that's the intent. A few weeks ago Hal and I were having lunch and he told me in so many words that he was bord with my company and that he would like to expand our "lunch group". Now keep in mind, our "lunch group" has only been Hal and myself.:wink: Since I've heard all of his stories and get so tired of that same joke over and over, I agreed. (If you don't know Hal, it's always best to agree with him.)

So, I did my unashamed, "Good Hal". "Right Hal". "Terrific idea Hal". So that brings us to where we are today.

So, that's why we (Hal) thought it would be a good idea to get together with some guys once or twice a month and have a fun lunch. You're a perfect example. Do you realize how many times we've had phone conversations and how much time we've spent on the phone? But, we've never met.:eek:

The worse thing about having lunch with Hal is that he always wears that damn bee keeper hat. You know the one with the screen over his face. You'll get used to it after a while. Plus, there is an advantage for new guys that haven't met him - he is easy to spot in the parking lot!

I've also found that when he comes up to my neighborhood for lunch, I am frequently banned from that particular restaurant when we depart. Another reason to find new and fun places to meet outside my neighborhood.

I've bought him so many lunches I am in serious conversations with my accountant about being able to deduct him as a dependent.

Our lunches give him an excuse not to do some of his consulting. As for me, most of you know I have an inability to find or hold a job, so it gets me out of the house.

He also mentioned that because I have my frequent "senior moments" and I don't remember how to get home, he hopes some of the new guys can share that responsibility with him. Plus I have to mention that sometimes he gets a "bee in his bonnet" and gives me incorrect directions on purpose. I would like to find some guys I could trust.

If you don't know Hal, he is always the "organizer". He thinks if we have enough guys, he can organize some "group buys" at a number of restaurants!:rolleyes: Poor Hal.

Seriously, I have so much fun having lunch with him, it would be a shame not to share the good times.

Hope we can work something out for some informal, fun times a few days a month.

Hope he didn't read this. I have to have lunch with him tomorrow.:biggrin:
i said Señor Moment because you keep wearing that friggin' sombrero that hangs in your eyes so you keep getting lost.

jeez, louise!

you keep getting banned from the restaurants because i casually mention the staff should check your pockets for silver on the way out the door... man, some people's kids :rolleyes:

and, doug is the organizer, i'm the valet....

(doug, you said you liked the veil, it made me look... what was the phrase you used? oh yeah, mysterious.)
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Re: lunch

i said Señor Moment because you keep wearing that friggin' sombrero that hangs in your eyes so you keep getting lost.

jeez, louise!

you keep getting banned from the restaurants because i casually mention the staff should check your pockets for silver on the way out the door... man, some people's kids :rolleyes:

and, doug is the organizer, i'm the valet....

(doug, you said you liked the veil, it made me look... what was the phrase you used? oh yeah, mysterious.)


Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Looks like a great location and it should be fun driving up from the 280 with those twisties.

Also looking forward to you driving my car with the new NSX Type S suspension, along with the new front and rear anti-sway bars and getting your opinion.
Re: lunch


Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. Looks like a great location and it should be fun driving up from the 280 with those twisties.

Also looking forward to you driving my car with the new NSX Type S suspension, along with the new front and rear anti-sway bars and getting your opinion.
agreed, it's a nice drive - i'll probably ride my scooter... i'll bring my v1, just in case the road beckons :)
What time??

Not sure I can make it, since its a 20-25 min drive each way from my office..



I am going to meet Hal around 11:45 a.m. Hope you can make it. Would be nice to meet you.:biggrin: We're flexible with the time.


I am going to meet Hal around 11:45 a.m. Hope you can make it. Would be nice to meet you.:biggrin: We're flexible with the time.


Ok, I'll try to slip out of the office around 11:30a and head up the hill.. Should be able to make it unless something critical comes up between now and then!

Pictures please for those of us that can't make it.
Nice meeting you guys! I really like the feel of those anti-sways, might have to pick up a set for myself!

Thanks for lunch and the drive!


a pleasure meeting you and hearing about your career adventure.


good to see you again, catch up, have a ride in your rail-ship and - of course - thx for lunch. next is on me.

looking forward to our next ad hoc / local nsx lunch.
what did you guys have for lunch.bill

Josh had a burger. I had a burger. And or course Hal had the most expensive things on the menu!:tongue: Oh yeah, guess who paid.:confused:

Seriously, it was a good time. Hope to see you next time Bill.

P.S. Hal forgot his camera. Too bad. We're really good looking guys. Hal even referred to himself as a "trophy husband".:biggrin: