Suggestion on organizing the parts for sale section

29 August 2005
LA and OC
Hey Lud,

Is there a way that we can start to organize the for sale section in parts? It would be much easier to have a wheel section, exhaust section, header section, intake section, bodykit parts for sale section, suspension section, brakes, get my drift.....just something that will organize the parts for sale section.

Same can go for the NSX's for sale too, so if one person wanted to look for a blue car then there will be a section for all blue nsx's for sale...I think breaking it down by colors at least would be a neat idea.... if its not too much trouble of course.

When I go look to bump my thread I have to comb through a lot of stuff to find it, so I think it would be much easier to have at least some of the items in a group.


There are several plugins thats I know of for vBulletin that really help out for sale sections, especially with vehicles (which require certain information on input (year/make/model/color/mileage/etc..) Rather than dividing by color, I think just splitting between 91-01 and 02-05 would work better.
I do think that maybe a separate wheel section might be good, as far as all other parts, I don't think there are that many to warrant it.
Yeah I have wheels for sale and they are lost amongst all the other parts. :wink:

Actually I don't think it's that bad.
I think this is a great idea. I think general categories on some of the most common areas searched would be a good:

Wheels and Tires
Intakes, Exhausts and Headers
Engines and Transmissions
Interior Parts
Exterior Parts
Suspensions and Brakes
I think this is a great idea. I think general categories on some of the most common areas searched would be a good:

Wheels and Tires
Intakes, Exhausts and Headers
Engines and Transmissions
Interior Parts
Exterior Parts
Suspensions and Brakes

I agree with Paul - there are 4 or 5 pages of parts - why peck thru all 5 if you can find the section you want on one page! That makes perfect sense and I wouldn't think it would be that hard - once you got it stiuated a person could add their part to the section it pertained to - it would take care of itself. How can you beat it!
I set it up for the Parts For Sale section using basically the topics Honcho suggested.

I'm not sure about splitting NSXs for sale by color. I believe that for many people color is not at the top of their criteria list when searching for a car so it does not necessarily make sense to make that criteria the main division in the listings.
Ugh, I think this keyboard is dying. I am getting a lot of double characters. Thanks for pointing those out. They are fixed now.
Personally, I like to see whats for sale generally, without a specific item in mind, to see if anything interests me. With the new format, it takes too many clicks to go into and out of each subforum to browse for parts. Any new part threads show as unvisited, so it's pretty simple to see what's new if you're looking for something specific. And it's also pretty simple to use the SEARCH to find stuff you're interested in. Not feeling the new format, to me it adds unnecessary complexity.
I'm not a fan of the new format. I personally liked viewing the posts in general and clicking which ever caught my interest.

But I still love NSX Prime :biggrin:
Lud (and the admins) - Let me just say that I, for one, appreciate all your efforts in keeping up with this site throughout the years.

Here are my comments on this latest change.


My world was turned upside down as I went through my morning reads yesterday which includes the classifieds. I'm all about change and to keep an open mind I gave it a try for a couple of days. Well, I hate it...

For guys like me who aren't looking for a particular thing and find some kind of sick enjoyment from randomly purchasing items on Prime we didn't even know we wanted, it makes it now such a burden/hassle/pain to have to click through 6 separate categories. This morning I got to 3 categories and stopped. (If click counters are embeded i'm positive the click-throughs in total have diminished already)

The volume on this subforum doesn't warrant the additional need for categorization IMHO. I also feel bad for the mods who now have to police and scrutinize each part and re-categorize as necessary. There will be instances where even they won't know which category a part will belong to. For the folks who can't find their post to re-bump here's a suggestion. Do a search in the subforum for the classifieds under your username.

HOWEVER! Since, i'm one to provide solutions and not just complain, I propose that there be one single link to create a new 'For Sale' ad but within that entry screen have a mandatory categorization selection process. Therefore, each part can be appropriately categorized and the system will automatically place these into the new subforums/subcategories but also be available to view in aggregate for the people who belong in the other camp like me. The current format already lends itself naturally to this so I think it will intuitively make sense to most primers. I will admit it was confusing getting use to the new format when I tested posting a for sale ad yesterday. If such effort is deemed too much to tackle then I vote to return to the old way, hands down.

In any event, i'm just one guy... so what do I know...
I don't like the division of the parts that much either. However, I REALLY think the NSX's for sale should be divided between:

I like the new format. I think a flag or something shouldl et you know when items have sold, I hate to open post to see parts are ready sold.

sent from my HTC EVO.
I just thought I would post my comments on the new "Part for Sale" section.


I'd much rather the old way. I find it much easier to brouse the entire list of items for sale and what ever cought my eye I'd look deeper into. Not to mentioned I'd buy some things I was not even looking for.

Also, I liked the fact that t6he thread would also let know the last item I looked if I had not been to the thread for a few days by "unbolding" the last item I looked at.
I used this for quick reference to find where I left off on my last visit.

Just my thoughts and thanks for giving it a shot.
I liked the old way better. Honestly if this board had multiple pages of ads per day then i would be loving the new setup.

However since it all fits on one page anyway I think it will actually be easier to miss things.

but thats just my opinion
Why is everyone so resistant to change? :tongue:

As a seller :smile: I really like it because my for sale threads are now visible on the first page and not buried under tons of others. The items for sale are much more organized instead of a garage sale or swap meet type system.

As a buyer :smile: sure it takes a little while to jump from sub forums but whatever... You will probably save money since you won't be tempted to buy crap you don't really need. You will be perusing more specific areas.

Change is GOOD! Thanks LUD :cool: And props to Eddie for suggesting this...
New format - Hate it. For those sellers who think they get more exposure this way, think again. As many have said, the new format is a pain and causes me to not bother looking for very long. I'm lazy like everyone else and just want to look in one place. With the old system, I would look at the Parts FS section several times a day. I'd scan down until I got to items I'd already noticed on a previous visit. Then I knew to stop looking down further. I would often find stuff to buy that I would not otherwise go looking for. Can't wait to get back to the old way....
Why is everyone so resistant to change? :tongue:

As a seller :smile: I really like it because my for sale threads are now visible on the first page and not buried under tons of others. The items for sale are much more organized instead of a garage sale or swap meet type system.

As a buyer :smile: sure it takes a little while to jump from sub forums but whatever... You will probably save money since you won't be tempted to buy crap you don't really need. You will be perusing more specific areas.

Change is GOOD! Thanks LUD :cool: And props to Eddie for suggesting this...

Just bump your FS item every month, and it will get back to the top and not be buried.
Anyone know how many more days until we go back to the old format...."Are we there yet?" :biggrin:

Someone PM when it happens, so I can resume looking at the FS forum and buying more stuff that I don't need. :tongue: