Stupid Virginia highway!


Legendary Member
17 April 2000
Northern VA
I just got a ticket for HOV violation driving from Alexandria to McLean on I-66. Apparently, I-66 is HOV only from DC to I-495!! What a crap! Seriously, how can you dedicate the WHOLE highway for HOV??? That's just insane.... $50 down the drain.
Originally posted by pbassjo:
HOV is what?


High Occupency Vehicles....
ie. car pools, soccer moms(mini vans), busses, any vehicle with two or more ppl any age.... and the allow motorcycles with single person in ATL also...

we in ATL got these during the 96' olympics, and have had them since...
hey ak-

it's jay!...that part of I-66 is only hov during rush hours monday thru friday and in which direction you go. hov hours are something like 630am-930am towards d.c. and 400pm-700pm going back towards va. i agree it sucks. i'm glad that i'm not in that area during that time. btw, is your car fixed yet??
hey jay. actually i was on the way home from picking up the car when I got the ticket! Anyway, I'm gonna have to take it back to the shop to see if they can better fit the bumper...I'm not 100% satisfied yet.
Hi Akio,

Hopefully, that citation doesn't have a freakin' "processing fee" attached to it. Couple months ago I got a ticket for failure to display front license plate, the fine was $25 + $55!!! I see you've got the rims for sale, what are switching too? Did you have the body shop repair that scrape on your front bumper as well? Hope to see your ride when it's complete!
Originally posted by QWKSLVR:
Hi Akio,

Hopefully, that citation doesn't have a freakin' "processing fee" attached to it. Couple months ago I got a ticket for failure to display front license plate, the fine was $25 + $55!!! I see you've got the rims for sale, what are switching too? Did you have the body shop repair that scrape on your front bumper as well? Hope to see your ride when it's complete!

You are right. I paid $97 total...$50 penalty plus $47 processing fee! Those bastards. Actually, the scrape is gone because I have a new bumper!
I went to Wagonwork today and now the car looks good
Wagonwork is the BOMB, these guys don't mess around & don't take shit from the insurance companies, they always get them to pay for replacement & not bondo! They fixed my NSX as well & made it look better than before the collision. Glad to hear your NSX is back. What about the wheels?
Just count your blessings you weren't in MD, it's a $150 ticket for driving solo on the HOV. BTW, ak, my last email (to you) was bounced back by Yahoo!
Originally posted by fangtl:
Just count your blessings you weren't in MD, it's a $150 ticket for driving solo on the HOV. BTW, ak, my last email (to you) was bounced back by Yahoo!

That's crazy... btw, I'm getting my wheels from Hank aka fangtl
Originally posted by fangtl:
Just count your blessings you weren't in MD, it's a $150 ticket for driving solo on the HOV. BTW, ak, my last email (to you) was bounced back by Yahoo!

Where9or should I ask when) is the HOV in MD? I am worried now

Resident E38er

-97 NSX "Nina" #183