Stock Market

Psycnosis said:
I think everyone is thinking getting short, I bet we close up +200ish tomorrow. Remember if everyone thinks we go down we will go up and the shorts will drive this thing way up I think...
You're right. Some people I know are entering shorts here at the 1087 level. I'm not going to bother getting into any positions till tomorrow morning and even then, will just scalp for 1-2 pts per trade. Or I might just watch. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy and I don't gamble.

Smart move, I know I am not going to be trading it. Again wait for the "Rich Hands" and play them

O-Ace said:
You're right. Some people I know are entering shorts here at the 1087 level. I'm not going to bother getting into any positions till tomorrow morning and even then, will just scalp for 1-2 pts per trade. Or I might just watch. Tomorrow is gonna be crazy and I don't gamble.

steveny said:
Did you short there?

A lot of activity today for me but I'm net zero
I really wanted to short a few contracts at the 1088 level, but I seriously had no clue what was gonna happen in the morning. I was afraid the shorts would panic and cover at the open pushing the market even higher, so I decided to stay out and watch. No trades so far today; just watched so I'm net zero as well :)

I got out @86 cause the market wasnt getting past the 88 level.
Woke up not too long ago and im still tired!
gheba_nsx said:
Ehm steveny, the 3000 stocks they sold today for RULAL.X, had a 1 day value of 600$ IN TOTAL! :( :p

I was doing a little Monday morning quarterbacking. Can you imagine buying 2k worth of those yesterday at .20 and selling them today at 11.20. 108k profit, equivalent to buying a 911 turbo for 2k.
Yes, it would have been nice but as you imagine,putting an addition 2k$ into the market of that "poor stock" ;) would have completely changed the course of it.

As said, the value of the transactions for that day was only 600$.
gheba_nsx said:
Yes, it would have been nice but as you imagine,putting an addition 2k$ into the market of that "poor stock" ;) would have completely changed the course of it.

As said, the value of the transactions for that day was only 600$.

It would have taken some pretty big kahunas to put 2k into this but what a pay off it could have been,.
BTW its not a stock its an option for RIMM which is a very good company that was up over 51% yesterday. 2k would have bought 10,000 contracts (the right to underlying shares). Each contract is equal to 100 shares. That's why the huge profit.
These past 2 days the range has been very tight, I think we break out to the upside but the longer we hang here the better chance we have of going down. I really don't care what happenes but I did get my 3-5 a day today. :-)

steveny said:
Absolute opposite for me. I traded all day long today, right up to the last minute.
1120 :(

anyone do trades like this

BTO AMGN Jan 05 60 @ 8.20, STO July 04 65 @ 3.20 for a
return of 64%. This is an A
transaction, this is an FSDR if you so choose

BTO DIA Jan 05 104.00 @ 7.40, STO Sept. 04 108.00 @
3.70 for a return of 100.00%. This is an A
transaction. This is an FSDR if you choose.

BTO HPQ Jan 05 22.50 @ 3.50, STO May 04 25 @ 1.10 for
a return of 45.83%. This is an A
transaction. This is an FSDR if you so choose.
Could of done a stop and reverse but I do not trade that way. Stop was at cost when I was +1 like always. Oh well I will let this run a little and see what happens.
Short 1121 Looking for +5 to call it a day, stop in at cost if we get to 1120... hmmm may test the 1120 again to make a dbl top, will see. Okay unless I am really wrong this short here is a LOW risk on the ES... If we can not take out 1120 to the down side I am out. Out @ cost again, anyway lunchtime
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