Still waiting from Dell

12 June 2002
Brunei/ UK
Does anyone have problem getting their order from Dell? I never had bad experience before with Dell and infact I bought a lot of stuffs from them recently. I just placed an order for Dell Streak 1st March and was scheduled to recieved it by 7th March. It is already one week late and I called their help centre. I wasted my time and money calling them only for them to pass me from order center to service center and then back again. They even promised to call me back which they did not. I've sent them 4 emails asking abt my phone. Some were replied and some did not.

I could not even cancel my order. Is Dell having any problem at the moment
What's the status of the order listed on the Dell site? Has it been shipped?
What's the status of the order listed on the Dell site? Has it been shipped?

In production. I contacted them to cancel my order but they said if the order is already in production I cannot cancel it. So here I am stuck and can't use the money to buy something else.:frown:
I refuse to buy anything from Dell again. I spent hours of my life trying to return something and I was put on hold constantly, then when I'd get to talk to somebody, they had to transfer me to someone else then be on hold again. I ended up having someone fix my computer and sold it, because I couldnt get thru to return it. :mad:
I just ordered a new Streak from ebay. I'll get it tomorrow. So much from Dell.:mad:
I will never buy from Dell again, ever. Their customer service is complete BS. They are 100% outside of the U.S. and all they do when you have a problem is put you on hold and transfer you from one idiot to another, all of them tell you how sorry they are but they never solve your problem.

Screw them, I bought my last Dell in 2007 and that was the last cent of mine they will ever see.
Bought my first laptop from Dell back in '04, NEVER again will I buy anything from Dell. :mad:
i ordered two monitors wed and got them yesterday. tracking number i got hours after ordering. Sickest monitors ever (u2410)! But i did notice the monitors i was about to get on their site said expected 3-4 weeks in small letters, so I didn't get those. Anyways no problem. One thing i didn't like about dell is if you navigate their site differently you get different prices for the same thing, and it's best to enter dells site from a link from an external deals site for the best price.
Dell are usually great when the items are in stock. But you cannot cancel your order if the item is already "in production". Mine is still "in production" even though when I call them it is not in stock meaning they have not got the item yet. Their customer service really suck.
i ordered two monitors wed and got them yesterday. tracking number i got hours after ordering. Sickest monitors ever (u2410)! But i did notice the monitors i was about to get on their site said expected 3-4 weeks in small letters, so I didn't get those. Anyways no problem. One thing i didn't like about dell is if you navigate their site differently you get different prices for the same thing, and it's best to enter dells site from a link from an external deals site for the best price.
Dell builds nothing themselves. They assemble supplied parts for all their products.
They source parts and full products from general off the shelf suppliers. They are totally dependant on their suppliers through their "Just in Time" assembly process to deliver to their customers on time. They can lose control of delivery dates becasue of this. Remember "lowest bid wins" Dell's business. They pass the price and quality on to their customers.

I have a customer that bought 10 servers from Dell. All orderd at the same time. Same model, yet 2 had differnt NICs than the other 8. When Dell was approached. They stated that in the sales terms and conditions that products can change at any time.

If you want commodity product, buy from Dell.
I also learned my lesson from Dell years ago. I will only buy from a local place here that has been around for a long time. My desktop had a price about twice as much as anything from Bestbuy, Dell, etc... but if I have issues, I can take it right to this store and they will fix it on site. Everything they sell has a lifetime parts AND labor warranty. That means alot to me so I'm not without my computer for weeks if there are issues.
I just received the red streak a few days ago from Dell. Now that I have an extra streak I will send this one to my brother as his wedding present. I am quite happy with size and how easy it is to type with. Ijust wish android would have nicer apps available.
I have mixed feelings on Dell. I HATE dealing with India. It is a horrible experience. I like their products and their prices are competitive. All my
Home pcs are Dell and all work well with no issues. I love my 30inch monitor :)
I have mixed feelings on Dell. I HATE dealing with India. It is a horrible experience. I like their products and their prices are competitive. All my
Home pcs are Dell and all work well with no issues. I love my 30inch monitor :)

I will need to check that monitor on the Dell website. Dell is alright as long the they have the stock but they are not upfront when they passed the delivery date and their is a problem with customer not being able to cancel their order due to the long wait. That is why I ordered another one from Ebay and after a week receiving the phone my Dell order arrived. Talk about timing. I have XPS 17, mini Dell 1018, Alienware backpack and now Dell Streak. Once I like a brand I will normally stick with them. I only hope they get their customer service right.


I've just checked Dell website. The reviews from customers from different sites as well as on youtube seems to say the monitors are the best in the market. I am getting the ST2220L with the speaker bar next week. Yay!
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I have a customer that bought 10 servers from Dell. All orderd at the same time. Same model, yet 2 had differnt NICs than the other 8. When Dell was approached. They stated that in the sales terms and conditions that products can change at any time.

I've had several clients with Dell servers. Junk...
Fine if it's a large datacenter and every server is redundant, but not fine if you only have 1 of each type of server. The perc controllers was their biggest flaw from what I saw.
What used to be an innovative company founded in a university dorm room, to a viable, highly respected name brand in computers, where EVERY PC was put together in America with American tech support has fallen wayside to corporate BS (to remain profitable bla bla bla we need to move manufacturing out of the USA bullshit bullshit bullshit). The last American Dell plant closed last year. Dell sucks. Their computers are loaded with bloatware. Another innovative company which thrived on new business models now ran by people (aged 65, 70, 63, 70, 68, 73) who honestly probably know absolutely nothing about running a computer company. I hate to discriminate based upon age, but fuck it, these old farts are more interested in THEIR retirement plans, pensions, stock options etc vs. leading companies into a profitable decade, not just the coming quarter.
My worst customer experiences have all been with Dell. I bought a Precision high-end laptop from them and a large screen monitor. Nothing but problems. What should have been a minor repair issue turned into horror story. They deserve all the negative karma that comes their way. When I spec PCs now I lean toward HP or Sony (sometime Toshiba).
My experience is that working with Dell's consumer division vs their business division is night and day. Their consumer division sucks, I have a million horror stories. On the other hand, I've found their business division is great. For the most part they do their best to accommodate any reasonable request and when they screw up, many times they will send you a gift coupon.

It's two entirely separate companies as far as how they are organized. I placed an order once for the same products with both divisions. The consumer side had a sale with a max of 5 units allows and the business side couldn't match the price. I needed 10, so ordered 5 from each. I didn't need them for about 2 months so I figured I'd be fine.

The 5 from the business order showed up about a week later. The consumer side showed a ship date of another week after that. Three weeks later, they still hadn't shipped and I get an email saying the shipment would be delayed another two weeks, do I want to keep the order queued "if you don't reply yes, your order will automatically be canceled". I replied yes. Waited another 3 weeks, I get another email, "do you want to keep the order queued?" I reply yes again. A week later, I get a notice 'your order has been canceled'.

I now have a week left before I need them. I call Dell consumer side and they tell me I'll have to place a new order and it will take a month. I call my business rep and he laughs and says 'I warned you'. He says he doubts he can get them to me in time, but I place the order anyway and I start searching brick and mortars.

I found them at Walmart and had them shipped 2nd day and canceled the Dell order.

It's just crazy I can order the exact same product at the exact same time, both from Dell and the business side can deliver them in a timely manner and the consumer side can't.
Well, now my Dell Laptop AC power cord stopped working. Not sure what is going on. I am going to try and replace it and hope that is the only problem.:mad:
Well, now my Dell Laptop AC power cord stopped working. Not sure what is going on. I am going to try and replace it and hope that is the only problem.:mad:

I always keep a spare of this charger. You don't know when they are going to last. I got the spare from ebay. Btw I just ordered a Dell 22 inch monitor ST2220L and should arrive next week. Can't wait to play PS3 on this HD monitor.
wifey bought me a brand new Dell PC for christmas.
well, a few weeks back it got a virus/trojan/bug or whatever you want to call it. I have the McAfee thingy going and it was working then when we contracted this nasty virus. Well, it totally killed my computer so I called Dell to ask them what do I do. He asked me what it was doing and I told him and he said that I need to have the virus removed and for $149 he will do it !!! I explained that the system was only 2 mos old and that all the proctection software provided was active and on when this attack happened. He calmly said, 'too bad'. You pay me now and I will fix it and warranty it for one year or pay me $49 one time fee and I fix it but can't promise it won't happen again the next time you turn on system. I was furious and hung up the phone. My wife used to work with someone while with AOL that said he could fix it for free. Well, he came over and a few hours later had it up and running and had all the lastest and greatest hardware and software active and keeping a close eye on things.
I lost a lot of faith in Dell after that experience.:frown:
I've vowed to never use Dell again after my last go around... was my 3rd and final computer from them.
I have to agree with Dell on this one, they cannot be responsible for you getting a virus or malware. First of all, no third party product can guarantee you protection from 100% of virii and malware, secondly you have to actually DO something to get infected. Open email attachments, or click on one of those popups on a website that says "YOU ARE INFECTED, CLICK HERE TO CLEAN YOUR VIRUS",etc. You don't just "get a virus" passively. All Dell is responsible for is providing a way to get the system back to factory shipped state, after that you're pretty much on your own unless it's a hardware issue. This is just how it is with any PC manufacturer and how it needs to be, otherwise these companies would rack up tens of millions in support costs from users that run into problems that are beyond the control of the manufacturer.

wifey bought me a brand new Dell PC for christmas.
well, a few weeks back it got a virus/trojan/bug or whatever you want to call it. I have the McAfee thingy going and it was working then when we contracted this nasty virus. Well, it totally killed my computer so I called Dell to ask them what do I do. He asked me what it was doing and I told him and he said that I need to have the virus removed and for $149 he will do it !!! I explained that the system was only 2 mos old and that all the proctection software provided was active and on when this attack happened. He calmly said, 'too bad'. You pay me now and I will fix it and warranty it for one year or pay me $49 one time fee and I fix it but can't promise it won't happen again the next time you turn on system. I was furious and hung up the phone. My wife used to work with someone while with AOL that said he could fix it for free. Well, he came over and a few hours later had it up and running and had all the lastest and greatest hardware and software active and keeping a close eye on things.
I lost a lot of faith in Dell after that experience.:frown:

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