Which computer company has their consumer products made in the USA? Probably none. Which one has their on-line phone support in the USA?? Probably none. Which manufacturer uses the same internal components consistently throughout it's production?---Probably none. And I have spent 20 yrs in the PC support world. Want to buy a good product?? Find a company that supports all brands and talk to a tech--they will tell you which is most reliable in terms of quantity under service contract verses failures. IBM, HP, Dell, Compaq used to be, butt--Dell is dogcrap, HP-compaq has become walmart fodder, and IBM sold out as the margins were not to their liking. Now Sony, Tosheba, etc are moving up. All manufacturers install crap on new boxes offsetting their costs--you should screen and delete 99% of that unknown or unwanted junk. You need a good firewall, good security and weekly cleanup. PITA for sure but that is the PC world. I may go the Apple route next time out just for kicks!