stay away!

7 April 2008
Looked at the yellow 2000 nsx from Diamond Motorworks that is on ebay on Wed. car is trashed,wheels are all nicked up,car was very dirty,guy said he drove it for 1000 miles i thought it seemed to run ruff also said he wouldnt even get it out or clean it up until we agreed on a price i walked away.Just thought i would pass it on in case anyone was looking at it .
Well a 2000 with 60K+ miles for $41K is probably not going to be in A+ condition.
Looked at the yellow 2000 nsx from Diamond Motorworks that is on ebay on Wed. car is trashed,wheels are all nicked up,car was very dirty,guy said he drove it for 1000 miles i thought it seemed to run ruff also said he wouldnt even get it out or clean it up until we agreed on a price i walked away.Just thought i would pass it on in case anyone was looking at it .

Too lazy to get it out and even clean it for a prospective customer....WOW! Good luck selling that car, bro. Makes you wonder how well they maintained it. :confused:
Looked at a 95 Brooklands Green there about 9 months ago and had a very similar story.Rami buys the poorest quality cars out there (ironically on e-bay)and then tries to resell them.He's definitely got the lowest prices around, however there is a reason for this.If you want absolute junk go there, if not stay well clear.
I have bought a few cars from Rami not an NSX but a supra and viper and had the best dealer service. I am in the market for an 02+ NSX and when he gets one in I plan to pick it up. If anyone wants I can give the Yellow car a second check, I think he will let me take it out as I am repeating customer. I am not trying to say your in the wrong but I bet he has a lot of people just want to test drive his cars and not qualified.

Looked at a 95 Brooklands Green there about 9 months ago and had a very similar story.Rami buys the poorest quality cars out there (ironically on e-bay)and then tries to resell them.He's definitely got the lowest prices around, however there is a reason for this.If you want absolute junk go there, if not stay well clear.

I also looked at this 95 Brooklands Green Pearl a while back, and Rami acknowledged that the car had been in a minor accident, and he assured me that the car absolutely had no frame damage or major flaws. I eventually had the car inspected by the local Acura dealer (cost me $100 or so), and needless to say, I'm glad I didn't put too much stake on his word. :rolleyes:

As a side note, I wish Brooklands Green Pearl was available for the later models- I love that color! :biggrin:
He told me that the driver side fender was replaced in a fender bender. Carfax says the car hit one car, then jumped a curb and had to be towed away. I stopped calling after I found that out.
I am wanting to get into an NSX now after reading this forum and going to hopefully get a chance to check it out next week when I get back in town. I will let you guys know my opinion as well. I know the car has been in a previous accident that is the only thing that could hold me back but I will let you guys know what I discover. Also just got off the phone with Rami and he has an 05 coming in as well with low miles on it. I think I am going to make sure the 05 is in when I check it out as I would like to compare.
