Spotted: Silver NSX on 95 North near Willimantic, CT

19 December 2004
Glastonbury, CT
Spotted: Silver NSX on 95 North near Niantic, CT

Probably the only time I've seen an NSX I wasn't meeting up with while in my own. I waved from my Red car going in the opposite direction on 95 coming back from Rhode Island.

Anyone from here??

I would have guessed an earlier year but I believe the Top was Silver as opposed to black so maybe it was in the 96 range.
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Re: Spotted: Silver NSX on 95 North near Willimantic, CT

Do you mean 195 btwn Willimantic & Storrs? I-95 runs along the coast in CT while Willimantic is toward the NE corner. Except for the past year I lived in that area almost my entire life.