Spin out - What caused it?

It looks like his wheel locked from braking and the momentum of the weight transferred when he turned.
He dosn't apper to be a very advanced driver.

...anyway, the track is wet, and he didn't rev-match (blip the throttle) very well causing the speed of the wheels and the lower gear to not match = locked up rear wheels = spin.

Also , if you watch closely , you can see that in the split second before the spin he hits a choppy section which contributed alot too.
Hey Billy, we need more videos of your driving. LoL, I think I mentioned that before. Lots of GREAT pictures but I'd like to see some in action videos other than your world record at buttonwillow in the Kenworth!
Hey Billy, we need more videos of your driving. LoL, I think I mentioned that before. Lots of GREAT pictures but I'd like to see some in action videos other than your world record at buttonwillow in the Kenworth!
It was a Volvo 670 :wink:

Their are quite a few videos on Youtube...
DING DING we have a winner! Correct stuntman.

After watching with the volume turned way up you can def tell what happened. Thanks for the imput guys.

BTW - I am also anxiously awaiting some more Billy videos. I want to see the NSX in action with Mr Johnson behind the wheel. :biggrin:
Wow, this EXACT same thing happened to me a long time ago. I mean down to the steering, direction, stalling, and final position. I mean EVERYTHING. The only difference was that I was on an actual street, and I was sitting on the left and side rather than the left.

What happened to me was I was running on a straight similar to the video at a pretty good clip (arguably a little too fast :redface:) I then hit a slight bend and a traffic light that was red. Ordinarily it would have required a pretty hard stop with a mild turn. However, there was a massive amount of sprinkler water run off in the middle of the road a little before the bend. I knew at the speed I was going this was going to be trouble. I hit the brakes firmly but not enough to lock up; I was still going straight at the time. As soon as I passed right over the water, I could tell I lost traction in the tires. The same thing appears to be happening in the video as well. Right at the 31 second mark, it looks like he’s slipping while still straight. After that, either the car naturally wanted to spin right, or the wheels were slightly cocked right so as soon as the rear lost traction, the car just immediately wanted to spin right. If you watch very closely and in slow motion, you’ll see the car start to aggressively spin even though he’s hasn’t moved steering wheel position at all. The same happened to me as I was either center wheel position or just barely right of center. As soon as I hit that patch of water and I felt the car loose traction, the back end immediately wanted to pull the car around even though I didn’t even touch the position of the steering wheel. The best way I can describe it is if I pinned the front of the car down on a pivot but kept pushing on the back. The back felt like it wanted to swing around being pushed around on that pivot point. When I counter steered, just like in the video, I did the same sideways action, just like in the video. Then ironically, I did the reverse steering, just like in the video to swing the car back to a 180 position. I know clearly it was the incorrect thing to do, but for some reason, the body instinctively wanted to do it and the driver in the video for some reason did the same. Also I stalled out the car at about the same point.

I’m not entirely sure if the downshifting caused the tires to lose traction (it’s very inconclusive in the video), but it’s clear that the driver did lose control and that the water was a key factor. I think he just hit the turn with too much speed for the conditions and the video demonstrates the NSX key advantage and disadvantage of having a mid engine design. The same principles that allow the NSX to corner to adeptly also allow it to spin immediately when losing tire traction. The bottom line is that be very careful when driving the NSX in wet or unexpected conditions. The NSX gets very twitchy in those conditions much more than any other car I’ve driven (I’m thinking a Porsche could be as bad??? :confused:). So unless you Billy Johnson :wink:, chances are you are going to get into these snap spins if you are going too fast and need to brake hard.
Wow, this EXACT same thing happened to me a long time ago. I mean down to the steering, direction, stalling, and final position. I mean EVERYTHING. The only difference was that I was on an actual street, and I was sitting on the left and side rather than the left.

What happened to me was I was running on a straight similar to the video at a pretty good clip (arguably a little too fast :redface:) I then hit a slight bend and a traffic light that was red. Ordinarily it would have required a pretty hard stop with a mild turn. However, there was a massive amount of sprinkler water run off in the middle of the road a little before the bend. I knew at the speed I was going this was going to be trouble. I hit the brakes firmly but not enough to lock up; I was still going straight at the time. As soon as I passed right over the water, I could tell I lost traction in the tires. The same thing appears to be happening in the video as well. Right at the 31 second mark, it looks like he’s slipping while still straight. After that, either the car naturally wanted to spin right, or the wheels were slightly cocked right so as soon as the rear lost traction, the car just immediately wanted to spin right. If you watch very closely and in slow motion, you’ll see the car start to aggressively spin even though he’s hasn’t moved steering wheel position at all. The same happened to me as I was either center wheel position or just barely right of center. As soon as I hit that patch of water and I felt the car loose traction, the back end immediately wanted to pull the car around even though I didn’t even touch the position of the steering wheel. The best way I can describe it is if I pinned the front of the car down on a pivot but kept pushing on the back. The back felt like it wanted to swing around being pushed around on that pivot point. When I counter steered, just like in the video, I did the same sideways action, just like in the video. Then ironically, I did the reverse steering, just like in the video to swing the car back to a 180 position. I know clearly it was the incorrect thing to do, but for some reason, the body instinctively wanted to do it and the driver in the video for some reason did the same. Also I stalled out the car at about the same point.

I’m not entirely sure if the downshifting caused the tires to lose traction (it’s very inconclusive in the video), but it’s clear that the driver did lose control and that the water was a key factor. I think he just hit the turn with too much speed for the conditions and the video demonstrates the NSX key advantage and disadvantage of having a mid engine design. The same principles that allow the NSX to corner to adeptly also allow it to spin immediately when losing tire traction. The bottom line is that be very careful when driving the NSX in wet or unexpected conditions. The NSX gets very twitchy in those conditions much more than any other car I’ve driven (I’m thinking a Porsche could be as bad??? :confused:). So unless you Billy Johnson :wink:, chances are you are going to get into these snap spins if you are going too fast and need to brake hard.

can't comment how good he is or not, one thing I know is he isn't a smooth operator. :biggrin: Some trait that I've seen a lot of amatuer level HPDE drivers in Asia, chances are the nsx is probably modified quite a bit and with some very gummy sticky tires too. Who knows, it also due to cold tires too...
I wonder how well the new Rev-Matching technology in the 370Z will work in this situation
Might as well drive an EBDC-equipped EVO... or better yet an automatic FWD neon :biggrin:

Vega$: It was purely due to the downshift and the fact that the ground was wet reduced the overall grip levels of the track. The problem was 100% due to the downshift.

Vega$: It was purely due to the downshift and the fact that the ground was wet reduced the overall grip levels of the track. The problem was 100% due to the downshift.

You know you are right. I went back and looked at the video and each time he changed gears there is a good judder of the camera. You see especially in the rear view mirror. You can see there is a gear shifting judder right when he loses control.
Do youhave any hot laps? Send me some links!!!
Kind of off topic but here you go:

My buddy then me tracking his S2000 to a local track record (Streets of Willow) - I went second (2:07 in the video-on)
(NSFW: F-bomb at 3:52 -end of video)

Factor X FX750 - 2008 Super Lap Battle - Long Beach Grand Prix (overall win):

Riceboy TV coverage of the SLB - Factor X FX750 overall win


Grand Am Koni Challenge ST race winner 2007 - Laguna Seca (Kensai/Compass360 Racing Acura TSX)

Factor X FX750 at Buttonwillow (first outing in 2007):

Dsport coverage of the Factor X FX500 (interview & In-car 2007):

1972 Datsun 510 (2007 Redline Time Attack 3rd Place - RWD - 1:38.5):

Factor X FX500 - Buttonwillow (Early 2007)

Factor X FX500 - Buttonwillow (with a passenger, hot laps - Early 2007)

Wow, just found this: Me and my friend screwing around like idiots drifting S2000s (2005ish?)

Redline Time Attack Promo Video - Focus Auto Sales R34 GTR for the Livesockets Battle:

And you can't forget the video of me tracking a SEMI-TRUCK in my sig below:

Here's 3 more videos that my buddy just posted of me in the Factor X FX750 for the Super Lap Battle Time Attack, as well as me piloting the M-WorkZ TT 350Z:

Factor X FX750 NSX (1:47.9):

M-WorkZ Twin Turbo 350Z (1:48.4):

M-WorkZ Twin Turbo 350Z (1:50.3 - CRAZY qualifying lap, insane dust cloud):

Here's the video the 510 drifting:

Ok I found a video of me drifting from the 2007 Sport Compact Car Ultimate Street Car Challenge in a Twin Turbo G35.

I also did the road-course part of the competition, but here is my crappy drifting in a small parking lot (30 seconds to do whatever, not enough room to carry any real speed, and its not a track):


And I just found the 2008 SCC USCC with me in a Red Mazda 3 and a Blue Nissan 350Z Twin Turbo. This year they did the "Gross Display of Horsepower" in a different location that was much wider and allowed for higher speed = more smoke:

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Thanks, I didn't realize you had such a nice collection of your work.
I have seen the truck at Buttonwillow - one of my favorite vids of all time. :biggrin:
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Here's 3 more videos that my buddy just posted of me in the Factor X FX750 for the Super Lap Battle Time Attack, as well as me piloting the M-WorkZ TT 350Z:

Factor X FX750 NSX (1:47.9):

M-WorkZ Twin Turbo 350Z

M-WorkZ Twin Turbo 350Z (1:50.3 - CRAZY qualifying lap, insane dust cloud):


I love that 510. Is it yours ? What does it have as far as powertrain ? SR20 ?
I love that 510. Is it yours ? What does it have as far as powertrain ? SR20 ?
Thanks, it's a pretty well known all over the world (esp. Japan and Australia), and is my uncle's. It has a Turbocharged 13B rotary motor and Turbo II transmission with 300ZX rear end.


Thanks, it's a pretty well known all over the world (esp. Japan and Australia), and is my uncle's. It has a Turbocharged 13B rotary motor and Turbo II transmission with 300ZX rear end.



Was it ever in a tuner magazine (not a feature but maybe it was pictured in show coverage or somthing) ? I think I saw it in one of the mags years ago with different wheels. It may have been on TV as well performing at some track event. The rotary conversion is pretty cool. 510 guys have been doing it a long time now so it seems to one of the best of many choices. Thanks for posting more pics !
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