Speeding: Reckless driving charged in VA = misdemeanor (HELP PLEASE)

If you were in the wrong lane why didn't you just go around the block? You're in the wrong lane so you compound a mistake with another. What could going around the block cost in the way of time....... one minute?

Just buttin' my nose in.
AutoVation said:
..1. Get you speedometer checked (aftermarket wheels can knock it off by 5 mph or so... every bit helps)


VA makes this a serious business, they are far stricter than any other state.

Good luck,

Two points:

1.) The speedometer thing probably will not work. I had a ticket once where I informed the judge that my speedometer was off by 10% and I had paperwork from the dealer to prove it....to which he said, 'That is not an excuse. It is not our fault that your car speedometer is not accurate'. :mad:

2.) If you think VA is serious...go to Ohio. Those people will be the first to give you the Death Penalty for speeding. :biggrin:
Re: Speeding: Reckless driving charged in VA = jail/suspended license (HELP PLEASE)

drew said:
90 MPH is not reckless, or at least it shouldn't be. Generally over 100 MPH is a misdemeanor.

Unless you're driving a Civic.
dyee said:
If you were in the wrong lane why didn't you just go around the block? You're in the wrong lane so you compound a mistake with another. What could going around the block cost in the way of time....... one minute?

Just buttin' my nose in.

Yeah I could have, but I didn't.
Wow! Are you sure this whole thing is as serious as you're talking yourself into it being? I got a reckless driving in Virginia when I was 16 (70mph in a 45). I remember being told by an attorney that it was a Class ? misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of ~$1000 and 6 months in jail, but that severe of a penalty and jail time in general were unheard of for such a minor offense. I plead not guilty and was generally unapolegetic (I was 16 remember :rolleyes: ) and received a fine of less than $200 and no jail time. I'm not sure about the current point system but at that time I got 6 points. I received a letter from the DMV a little later saying that if I accumulated 12 points total in the next year or 18 in the next two my license was subject to revocation. Of course my best friend in HS had 24 points and still managed too keep his license.
Of course, if you're losing sleep over the whole thing then you at least need to consult with an attorney. They may be able to allay your fears just with a quick visit to the office. In any case, good luck, VA is a hardcore state. Theres a reason I never drive more than +10 mph in VA or OH and even then you're still not safe. I was cited for 63mph in a 55 in OH. Oh and radar detectors? Been busted for using one in VA and busted multiple times in OH by Laser and Aircraft surveillance both of which are virtually undetectable. Again good luck, I'm sure it'll work out to be not that big of a deal :smile:

Big_nate said:
Wow! Are you sure this whole thing is as serious as you're talking yourself into it being? I got a reckless driving in Virginia when I was 16 (70mph in a 45). I remember being told by an attorney that it was a Class ? misdemeanor with a maximum penalty of ~$1000 and 6 months in jail, but that severe of a penalty and jail time in general were unheard of for such a minor offense.

When I showed up for court the first time (before I appealed w/ atty) in Va Beach for reckless I counted 6 people on the docket before me who also had been charged with reckless driving. Three of the six were promtly escorted out of the side door (not the main entrance we all entered through) to jail immediately from the courtroom. Needless to say this got my attention.
Big_nate said:
Wow! Are you sure this whole thing is as serious as you're talking yourself into it being?

I've had reckless tickets in VA in 1992, 1994 and in 2003. Their system is much stricter now then it used to be (and it was bad back then). My last "reckless" ticket was for going 85mph in a 65mph in a pack of cars on I-95. Needless to say, the sports car gets the ticket and no one else got pulled over. Oh well, I guess it's the price you pay for driving a sports car.

Remember, VA is the state that once offered rewards for calling the police and turning in people whose vehicle inspection stickers had expired.
AutoVation said:
...Remember, VA is the state that once offered rewards for calling the police and turning in people whose vehicle inspection stickers had expired.

Nothing like having the general public think they are cops, and have them do the job of snitching on their neighbors for money. Why pay cops when you can bribe the public to do the job? :rolleyes:
AutoVation said:
Needless to say, the sports car gets the ticket and no one else got pulled over. Oh well, I guess it's the price you pay for driving a sports car.

Tell me about it. I think the guy who sped up in the far lane in my case was in an acura CL or something like that. The officer kept saying, "I can only get one of you." Funny that you picked the M3 with out of state plates. :mad:
I've been off the board for a while but thanks for all your opinions and advice. When I get back from VA (again) this weekend I will start working on my case. Nobody can recommend a lawyer???

Will try to keep checking the thread.
thanks again.
Hey guys, I don't have an nsx but I definitely got pulled over for reckless driving a month ago on the toll road going 82/55 and need some advice.. apparently this is the only forum out there delving into this topic with such detail. My court date is in 4 days and I need to know what to say when I get in there. Considering my violation is on the lower end of the spectrum I'm less worried about jail time right now and much more worried about the increase in my insurance. Do you still think I should get a lawyer? Would that even do any good? The cop "paced" me, meaning he matched speed and then "observed his odometer". When he asked me if I knew how fast I was going I responded with the obligatory "No I don't officer" so I think I can effectively plead not guilty. Do you think I should plead not guilty or no contest? Thanks a lot for your advice in advance
mx012 said:
Hey guys, I don't have an nsx but I definitely got pulled over for reckless driving a month ago on the toll road going 82/55 and need some advice.. apparently this is the only forum out there delving into this topic with such detail. My court date is in 4 days and I need to know what to say when I get in there. Considering my violation is on the lower end of the spectrum I'm less worried about jail time right now and much more worried about the increase in my insurance. Do you still think I should get a lawyer? Would that even do any good? The cop "paced" me, meaning he matched speed and then "observed his odometer". When he asked me if I knew how fast I was going I responded with the obligatory "No I don't officer" so I think I can effectively plead not guilty. Do you think I should plead not guilty or no contest? Thanks a lot for your advice in advance

here's what I think. If your record is clean and you are extremely lucky, then you'll get the max fine and 6 points. If your record is not clean, you'll get 6 month license suspension and fine. You may or may not get thrown into jail for a day. If you get a lawyer, you may get off reckless and just get the points/fine. When i was there for speeding, I remember a girl told the judge that she took one of those driver education course before the court, but he still gave her 6 month license suspension. Most of the others charged with reckless without a lawyer present seemed to get 6 month suspension and some with prior reckless went to jail, though I can't remember for sure now. I can't tell what you will face but one thing I learned from that court date is that they are not exactly easy on you no matter what your charge is in Fairfax county court. If I were you, I'd get a lawyer, but that's IMO.

question is what is the max fine (penalty parameters are up to one year in jail and/or up to $2,500 in fines) and would it be less expensive to just hire a lawyer if he ended up dropping that amount. Do you honestly think that's what I'll get in my situation? that seems rediculously strict. Thanks for the quick reponse
also my record in VA is clean, I've never had anything against me there, but I have had one ticket in MD (my home state) for driving 10mph over the speed limit, like a 35/25.. does that still count as a clean record? - and did the people you watched get convicted plead guilty? I've contemplated pleading no contest, and seeing if they will hear my story... maybe this was a given, but I haven't heard much discussion of it
AutoVation said:
Needless to say, the sports car gets the ticket and no one else got pulled over.
e46M3 said:
Tell me about it. I think the guy who sped up in the far lane in my case was in an acura CL or something like that. The officer kept saying, "I can only get one of you." Funny that you picked the M3 with out of state plates. :mad:
The M3 doesn't look like a sports car.

mx012 said:
question is what is the max fine (penalty parameters are up to one year in jail and/or up to $2,500 in fines) and would it be less expensive to just hire a lawyer if he ended up dropping that amount.
You'll have to find out either in court, or from a lawyer who is familiar with the charge in that jurisdiction. Remember, if you can get the charge reduced or overturned, there are other benefits in addition to a reduced fine, including savings on insurance, and avoiding a licenses suspension.

mx012 said:
Do you honestly think that's what I'll get in my situation? that seems rediculously strict.
That's a question you need a lawyer to answer.

mx012 said:
also my record in VA is clean, I've never had anything against me there, but I have had one ticket in MD (my home state) for driving 10mph over the speed limit, like a 35/25.. does that still count as a clean record?
No, it doesn't.
OH now that you mention M3. There was a 03 M3 next to me and I felt like tagging along. I got pulled over for going slightly faster. BUMMER - he is probaly laughing at me right now. Should of gotten a V1 when I had the chance.
nsxexotic said:
OH now that you mention M3. There was a 03 M3 next to me and I felt like tagging along. I got pulled over for going slightly faster. BUMMER - he is probaly laughing at me right now. Should of gotten a V1 when I had the chance.

Yeah I was going slightly faster than the guy who apparently was "racing" me so he pulled me over instead of him. Saying he couldnt get both of us. He could easily have pulled us both over but choose to pull me.
nsxexotic said:

Do you know anyone in VA that got reckless driving? the outcome? I'm not sure if I should get a lawyer or not. (average cost $1000). I don't mind paying fines but I DO mind having my license revoked or getting a misdemeanor on my record. thanks

Drew... thanks for the heads up.

Dude! You need a brain transplant, not a lawyer. OF COURSE YOU NEED A LAWYER! Don't be an idiot. Anything over 80mph in VA can result in mandatory jail time. The best one I ever saw in court was a single mother of 2 that got a ticket for 85 in 55 and they took her license away for 6 months, sentanced her to 30 days mandatory jail time and suspended 27 of it but took her right away to jail for 3 days and the court took custody of her kids. If you think it can't happen to you, then you are either in denial or just plain stupid.

Now, that said, my last two tickets were for 127 in a 35 and in excess of 120 mph in a 65. So, I am no stranger to momentary lapses of sanity. My attorney is working on the last on now after nearly 6 months of negotiating with the District Attorney. The first one cost me my Porsche 911 Twin Turbo. So, if you think you don't need an attorney, then plan on a huge fine, loss of license and jail time.

nsxexotic said:
I found out online that in Virginia speeding over 20mph is reckless driving.
I'm worried :-(

One other thing to keep in mind that very few people know is that the Dulles Toll Road is actually FEDERAL PROPERTY, so your speeding violation can actually be considered a FEDERAL offense. If you don't think that this is an issue, then just carry a hand gun with you on the Dulles Toll Road, if you get caught, it is no different that carrying a hand gun into a Federal Office Building or into a Post Office. So, keep that in mind too. Your Reckless Driving offense is the least of your worries. Read the others posts... jail time in typical.

well, i guess i can add another notch on that VA reckless driving list.
i was driving with my wife, kids and sister to ikea in VA from NC today and got nailed. he says he clocked me at 85 which just puts me at the 20mph over limit. i really find it hard to believe i was going that fast considering i was pulling an empty trailer which tends to not travel too well at high speeds.

anyway, we were just driving along telling stories and the next thing you know i spot the trooper in the bushes directly in front of me. just driving along and none of us even knew we speeding. i guess the new odyssey is a pretty smooth ride.

so, the cop says to call the number on the ticket to discuss further options or i can decide not to and i will automatically be pleading guilty and i'll just get a ticket in the mail. this doesn't seem to jive with what everyone else is dealing with. he did write 'reckless driving' on the ticket.

If you were in the wrong lane why didn't you just go around the block? You're in the wrong lane so you compound a mistake with another. What could going around the block cost in the way of time....... one minute?

Something i always tell my friends, i'd rather be late and get there safely and without incident. :)