Someone broken into my car today...

24 January 2002
Republic of Texas
They smashed my passenger side and stole the stereo and my little Ferrari F40 toy car but left the wallet.
Now before you get too excited, it was a Honda Accord. Apparently at least 3 cars were broken into.

I contacted my insurance company and they agreed to repair all damages and replace all missing parts but with $250 deductable. I also talked to the campus police officer.

What I would like to know is how the compensation process is going to work if and when the robbers are caught, and what's the possible punishments?






^ Where my little Ferrari F40 was. I am more angered by the missing toy then the broken window and stolen stereo.

Anyways, just wanted to vent...

Edit: Too hot-headed to type/spell correctly...

[This message has been edited by Zuerst (edited 28 January 2003).]
Originally posted by Zuerst:
...What I would like to know is how the compensation process is going to work if and when the robbers were caught, and what's the possible punishments?

Damn, sorry to hear that. My Civic was broken into a couple years ago. I had an investigator come out and asked him to take finger prints, etc. This was in North Austin, but I talked to the investigator for quite some time and I got the impression that it's very unlikely the ever catch the criminals in these types of crimes. Weird: almost everyone I know in Austin (regardless of which area) has had the car broken into at least once.

BTW: I think my break-in was similar... I had an toy R/C car laying on the passenger floorboard. I think that attracted the theif. They also took my CDs (argh!) and power inverter I left in the car. But left the aftermarket radio since it was next-to impossible to remove.

I was so p!55ed they took my CDs. I was really angry at myself because I rarely leave anything overnight in my car. I remember wondering if I could rig up one of these to the radio and door handles

I guess the bright side is that it was not the NSX.


[This message has been edited by Ojas (edited 28 January 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Ojas (edited 28 January 2003).]
Sorry to hear about your car. I had my 84 VW GTI broken into back in 1984 and all that was taken was an after market stereo. However, the damage to the interior and exterior of the car was $5000. The thieves apperently used a crow bar to get to the mounting bolts to hold the stereo in. The seats were ripped, headliner ripped, dash destroyed, even the carpet was ripped. So, what really happened was the insurance company paid $5000 for a $300 radio. No wonder insurance rates are so high.

1994 Green-black roof/tan, 5 speed
Do you know of another Green-Black roof NSX?? Please email me if you do.
Zuerst, sorry to hear about your loss. Hope everything turns out OK. I assume there won't be an increase in your premiums because this was a no-fault accident.

Originally posted by HOLLYWOOD:
Looks like the whole car could of been stolen since the keys are in the ignition.

Ummm, I'm thinking that probably happened after Zuerst got back and checked the car (by entering from the Driver's side).

Originally posted by NSXaholic:
Zuerst, sorry to hear about your loss. Hope everything turns out OK. I assume there won't be an increase in your premiums because this was a no-fault accident.

Ummm, I'm thinking that probably happened after Zuerst got back and checked the car (by entering from the Driver's side).


Yea, those pictures where taken after I drove home and I left the keys in because I thought they were stuck inside the ignition. But I later found out that a little piece of the shattered widow prevented the shift stick to get all the way up to park. After I removed the little piece of glass I was able to get the keys out.

Ojas, dang, at about $15 each, a wallet or two of CDs can add up fast!!! But yeah, my Guns n' Roses: Appetite for Destruction CD was taken along inside the stolen CD player and I was really suprised to find my wallet and two CD wallets holding 50+ CDs untouched.

Edit: Spelling...

[This message has been edited by Zuerst (edited 29 January 2003).]
Sorry to hear about the break in.

You may want to make copies of your CDs and keep the copies in the car. Plus, while you shuffle them around, why damage the original...

Good luck with getting the damage repaired and hopefully, a measure of justice if they're caught in the act in the future.

Sorry about the break in. It may not be the NSX, but it was still a Honda (and hence related)

QUESTION: do many NSX's get broken into? Or do thieves steer clear because they are so exotic?

Zuerst... if u want, we can arrange a vigilant group from NSXprime to go hunt down ur F40...

U already have three of us:



and MYNSX:

(hehe...hope that gives u a laugh and makes u feel better)

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 29 January 2003).]
Why did you leave your wallet in your car?

I never leave valuables in my car unless I'm going to be gone less than a minute, and I can keep my eyes on the car.
Most comprehensive policies will cover 100% -- it's somewhat unusual to have a $250 deduct. on that, but not impossible. You might want to double check the comprehensive section of your policy (as opposed to collision or liability) just to make sure though.

As for compensation, they can either cut you a check and then you can pay for the repairs, or you can just have the repair facility work directly w/ your insurance company in most cases and you never have to mess with it.

Usually people like that only get caught if they keep doing it and are finally caught in the act. In that case the police usually get to search their house and if there is other stolen stuff there that matches the description of your stolen stuff, they'll call you. Don't hold your breath.
I once had a fancy BMX bike stolen from school when I was in middle school. I thought I'd never see it again, but about 2 years later, the local police gave me a call and told me that they had caught a serial bike thief and they had found a bike at his house that matched the description of mine! I went to the poilice station, and sure enough, it was my bike, minus the stickers and some parts. You never know.

Also, all of my insurance policies always have had a deductible, regardless of whether it is 100% comp. or not. I think they have this in place to cover admin. costs of a claim and to discourage false claims.
Sorry to hear about your story Zuerst. A few years ago I could not find my checkbook - finally realized that it was removed from my unlocked car(duh)as well as some other items.
The brain surgeon thief actually cashed 2 checks for himself by forging my signature.
He did get caught and I got a vote in him NOT getting pre-trial intervention.
He had to pay me and the bank restitution and serve several years on probation.
So if they catch your guy he will get off easy - not a big priority to the overloaded courts.
I wonder if we could hook up a small dose of nerve gas or other type that renders people unconscious. In cabin sensors to detect the movement so it doesn't go off unintentionally or while your sitting inside, hehe..

How's that for a who'd-have-thunk-it security system? You find a comatose thief in your car. Oh, the joy!!

I'd rather go to outlandish lengths then face replacing parts/repairing damage/the thief getting away without any sort of retribution.


[This message has been edited by JaguarXJ6 (edited 29 January 2003).]
Originally posted by Lud:
Most comprehensive policies will cover 100% -- it's somewhat unusual to have a $250 deduct. on that, but not impossible.

Not in NY.
I don't think they will sell comp. coverage here without a deductible.