Some people are SO stupid....

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
This guy over in is posts about how an "all original" 1970 Volvo beat his S2k...a 19 second car beating a 14 second car, so I call him a troll and tell him he's a moron...then he proceeds to tell me this:

joeking1978 said:

I hate to break it to you, but no one here would drive an NSX... even if THERE DADS gave one to them too!!

He said some other stuff but that right there just pissed me off...I mean, to me, thats like going to an SRT-4 forum and saying: HA, Vipers SUCK! No one here would drive one even if they were GIVEN it!

I mean, how stupid can you be? Sorry guys, just needed to vent.

Oh, by the way, how many of you would take an S2k over an NSX or how many of you would not want to upgrade to an NSX if you had an S2k? :rolleyes:
Gotta tell you man.......honestly.......who cares! To each his own! If that is his opinion of the nsx.....oh well!! don't sweat it, don't let it get to you so much. I have had this happen many times (all be it not with an owner of an s2000) but it doesn't bother me because - This is what I want to drive - this is what I like - PERIOD! Whatever negative crap I hear - like water off a ducks back ie; big deal. This is my choice. If someone else bashes the car or me for owning an nsx my response is always - um.......and........what is your point. Quick example: I was at the Friday night drags this past weekend. Was standing near the nsx and there were a few non-street legal (almost) funny cars in line waiting to run. The owners of these cars came over and commented about the Acura. They're commens - how the nsx is NOT a drag car or even a road-coarse car. (LMAO) The "Drag" part I agree with b.t.w. Anyway, I chose NOT to reply to their absolute stupidity. I guess my point is just remember you drive what you drive because that is what you want / like / love. Who cares what a Troll says - to each his own :)
What bothers me even more is that someone who is at least 16 years of age doesn't even know the difference between the use of "there" and "their":)

Brian, don't sweat it. There is always someone out there that will think your car "sucks". Ferrari, Porsche, Lambo...there is always someone that will bash the particular make/model. On a local web board where I live, I had someone that owned an '88 Accord rip apart my Ferrari Boxer that he saw when I had it parked somewhere. It was really quite funny.
Come on guys, lets face it, the NSX isn't all that! It's just a reliable, hand made, relatively cheap to maintain exotic that's pure pleasure to drive while either racing or making long trips! :D

The former owner of my car sold it to buy an S2000. Not saying its common, but its not unthinkable. The NSX isn't for everyone (nor is the S2000 for that matter). To each his own...
Glad you enjoy my targa thread :)

Anyways, I don't particularly give a flying poopie (for lack of a better word) what he thinks, however, it just frustrates me that he's posting on an S2K board and bashing on it's "big brother"...To say that no s2k owner would drive an NSX if given to them is about 180 degrees from the truth...maybe 2 out of the 20,000 members wouldn't drive an NSX especially if it was given to them!!

Oh well.
NSX FoYoAss said:
Come on guys, lets face it, the NSX isn't all that! It's just a reliable, hand made, relatively cheap to maintain exotic that's pure pleasure to drive while either racing or making long trips! :D

that is everything i need.
i agree that people can do whatever they want and not be judged...

there are plenty of reasons for changing cars....not necessarily for better or worse....

they may have financial difficulties or simply want something different.

as for that post....

in a heated debate, the truth rarely comes out pissed him off so he's doing the same to you. looks like he accomplished it.....
The S2000 is a convertible. Maybe the guy wanted a convertible. Other than that, I can't think of another reason why someone would prefer an S2000 over the NSX unless they are just trying to save money.
I finally got a chance to drive an S2K the other night and must say that little car zings. That engine seems to rev FOREVER until it hits the limiter. I didn't test it since it was a friend of mine and I didn't think that would be nice of me.
The clutch is incredibly lite and the shifter falls right at hand is very quick. I didn't care for the way you have to shift into 6th or reverse, but hey it wasn't my car.
All in all, it is a sweet little car, but I wouldn't give up my NSX for it at all. My $.02
hey, its SoFlaNSX.:D

i have been reading that thread, after he made the NSX comment, i was gonna jump all over him. Instead I decided to not feed a troll.:)
92NSX said:
The clutch is incredibly lite

you must've driven the 2002+ models. when i had my '01, my clutch was heavier than my friend's '02

they changed it for '02+ models.....