Solicitation for NSXPO2010

I won't be attending NSXPO for 2009 (Toronto is too far away), so I'm setting my eyes on 2010. As a Southern California resident, my personal preference is to suggest a venue here. After giving this some thought and reading the keen interest there is in Las Vegas, I must agree a Las Vegas location has a lot going for it. So, I've decided to champion this effort, that is, if someone has not already done so.

A team effort may work best as there are a number of Primer's including those who reside in LV that have the experience and knowledge to put together a strong 2010 NSXPO location bid.

=> Does anyone know the status of a potential LV bid?
=> If not, who is interested in pooling resources to submit one?

The NSX Club of Las Vegas has a preliminary 2010 submittal about 80% completed. We just need to tweak a few details and should have it ready to hand in by deadline. We have a full local crew as well as a few CA and AZ volunteers but we are still in desperate need of additional volunteers as we predict this could easily have the largest NSXPO turnout ever by far. If you would like to be involved in our committee, you can either contact either one of the NSXPO Las Vegas 2010 co-chairs (me, Vega$ NSX or lowellhigh79). Thanks for your support!
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The Las Vegas Club of Las Vegas has a preliminary 2010 submittal about 80% completed. We just need to tweak a few details and should have it ready to hand in by deadline. We have a full local crew as well as a few CA and AZ volunteers but we are still in desperate need of additional volunteers as we predict this could easily have the largest NSXPO turnout ever by far. If you would like to be involved in our committee, you can either contact either one of the NSXPO Las Vegas 2010 co-chairs (me, Vega$ NSX or lowellhigh79). Thanks for your support!

I'm in! Let me know how I can help. I have lots of ideas. :biggrin:
Lol, I hope you guys organize an nsx only official Elvis wedding extravaganza for all us wacky already married goofuses and for the very drunk singles in the group who think its a cool idea that day!:tongue:
The NSX Club of Las Vegas has a preliminary 2010 submittal about 80% completed. We just need to tweak a few details and should have it ready to hand in by deadline. We have a full local crew as well as a few CA and AZ volunteers but we are still in desperate need of additional volunteers as we predict this could easily have the largest NSXPO turnout ever by far. If you would like to be involved in our committee, you can either contact either one of the NSXPO Las Vegas 2010 co-chairs (me, Vega$ NSX or lowellhigh79). Thanks for your support!
Let me know what I can do to assist. :biggrin:
Larry B -

What's the news out of Japan for the 2010 (20 year) anniversary? That was a topic of interest at the Portland NSXPO. Is Tochigi hosting a super meet?
What number vote am I for Vegas?!?!

DocJohn that shit was funny as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let me know what I can do to assist. :biggrin:

Hi Gil. Last week Danny and I had a brief chat about the status of the Las Vegas bid for NSXPO 2010. Danny reiterated that more help was needed. I agreed to function as the public relations/marketing coordinator. I also intend to offer some ideas on activities and other plans when the time is right.

Las Vegas will be the perfect venue for the 2010 event. This year, Toronto- North Eastern part of the US. Next year, the geographic opposite. A world famous venue doesn't hurt either.

PS. One of my many ideas is to have a car detailing service available during the event... and all female service for us guys and perhaps a Chippendale team for the ladies. "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."

Is anyone putting a bid together?

I see a lot of suggestions for locations, but has anyone stepped up to the plate?
Is anyone putting a bid together?

I see a lot of suggestions for locations, but has anyone stepped up to the plate?

Refer to the prior posts in this thread, Sean. According to Danny, he and the other guys proposing a LV bid are 80% complete. Me and a couple of the Orange County guys will be joining the team to help make this event happen.

"So let it be written. So let it be done."
Vegas!Vegas!Vegas! :biggrin:
This is just to let everyone know that a bid for hosting the 2010 NSXPO in Las Vegas is nearing completion. Danny and a group of others have been working hard on planning what could be an incredible NSXPO event.

I and a few of the So Cal NSX alliance will do our part to finalize the bid and then pledge support for planning and organizing it. October 2010 may seem a long way off (and it is), but planning something like this needs to start months in advance.

If there are any other bid teams out there supporting another venue, best of luck to you. As a supporter and member of the Las Vegas team, we're gonna be hard to beat.

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Official Proposal for NSXPO 2010 in Las Vegas is ready. Took some time to hammer the venues for a better price than in the 2007 proposal. Will submit this Wednesday. Wish us luck everyone!


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Looked it over.....
Great job Danny, great job....
Got my fingers and toes crossed.
Looked it over.....
Great job Danny, great job....
Got my fingers and toes crossed.

Glad you liked it Jim. Submitted the proposal today....crossing my legs and arms as well....

One word baby, VEGAS!!!

It's on like Donkey Kong for Vegas! I will help any way I can. I foresee a large SoCal NSX turnout for a Vegas event. And with the economy right now they are hurting and rooms are CHEAP! Would be nice to drive to Vegas for a change and have it not be work related so I can take the NSX.
I believe we have a great chance at it Danny....

What a blast it's going to be putting this together if we get it.
Very much looking forward to working with all the committee members on this project.

It appears we have the best people possible for a team effort on pulling off a very sucessful event...

And by the way, I own a NSX too...:biggrin: In fact, 3 of them :biggrin:
91 Formula Red, 94 Brookland Green & a 91 Berlina Black :biggrin:

Glad you liked it Jim. Submitted the proposal today....crossing my legs and arms as well....

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I'm sure Vegas has a great chance too. Has anyone posted wanting to host it elsewhere?
Well for all you Vegas supporters, our proposal is in. I think it looks great and not just because I co-wrote it, but because as we started looking at all the things we had to offer and do around here, the list was overwhelming. We had way more fun things to do then time, so the process was a matter of reducing options rather than trying to add them. In the end we are really happy with the result and yet made the entire proposal flexible enough for all to have a wonderful time.

We really feel this could easily be the largest NSXPO turnout ever so please keep up your support!

NSXPO in Vegas 2010!!!!
Thanks for the update!!! Looking forward to another road trip in the NSX!!
Good luck guys! If selected You will have the unenviable position of probably the highest rate of potential nsxpo truency during your event ,because the town will be calling:cool:
Do they make the announcement at NSXPO 09? Just wondering