Sold your NSX to Get What?????

I sold my 98' a few years ago to a friend of mine. Of course I miss NSX since it was a big part of my life. Lots of sleepless nights and countless hours working on it. I'm fortunate enough to be able to wrench on it and drive it though. I currently drive this C7 now.



After 7 years and 80k miles I left the club and replaced it with something newer. Got tired of the attention and just wanted a normal invisible car. With a piggyback chip, it's much quicker around town than the NSX. Lowered with wheel spacers as well. I have to say the NSX was an awesome ownership experience though.
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I hear ya..... All I'm saying is that having a car that sits doesn't make any sense (anymore).

While I mostly agree with you, the one benefit of the NSX over most of the other cars in this thread is that its value is going up. In my view, if you can afford and have the space to keep it, do so. You'd really only be borrowing it for now if you ever change your mind about selling it later on.

My second child was born last month which means far less time to drive the NSX going forward. However, I picked up a 07 RS4 last year as my "fun practical" DD and I have really enjoyed being able to have access to both of them. The only thing I may consider selling the NSX for is a 991.2 manual GT3 if their values ever reach parity (unlikely).
I find one of the very few things "wrong" with an NSX is: It's so darn nice, reliable, easy to have maintained, striking looking, attention getting (my #1 requirement), that it keeps me from "trying other cars".

I am hampered by lack of room to store and place to drive... Michigan roads, being the national disgrace they are.. suck the fun out of everything... and Florida's A1A on the east coast, while beautiful... is 45 miles per hour, straight as an arrow, and has a cop every twelve feet!!!

I'd LOVE to try an Lotus Elise... but how do I chance not liking it... I've wanted a F430 FOR EVER... but you know it's a nightmare compared to an NSX..... would even like a c7 corvette... but give up an NSX.. really?

What a nice "problem" to have,,, a car you like so much... it's prevents you from trying other cars!!!

Like my Kawasaki c1400 concours... ALL other bikes pale by comparision... and believe me... I've had them all
I was in town today when Supra and Z4 test cars stopped at the grocery store (I live near Death Valley, often used by manufacturers for testing). I got these pics of the Supra:



The K in the VIN denotes 2019 model year:


Inside a little PVC tube on the roof is a temperature sensor:


I spoke briefly with the driver. While he understandably wasn't at liberty to answer questions, he was gracious and thanked me for my interest in the car.
While I mostly agree with you, the one benefit of the NSX over most of the other cars in this thread is that its value is going up. In my view, if you can afford and have the space to keep it, do so. You'd really only be borrowing it for now if you ever change your mind about selling it later on.

My second child was born last month which means far less time to drive the NSX going forward. However, I picked up a 07 RS4 last year as my "fun practical" DD and I have really enjoyed being able to have access to both of them. The only thing I may consider selling the NSX for is a 991.2 manual GT3 if their values ever reach parity (unlikely).

Don't do it - I had a 996 GT3 that had just under 20,000 miles and sold it last month. Completely different cars - the GT3's are not special - they are sledghammers and track weapons but they are large and sit up high. When I drove the gt3 it was fast, handled great, loud etc.. etc.. but it just was not special. The NSX just has the specialness to it that other cars cannot match. I do not miss the GT3 at all but if the NSX was gone I would have major issues. Just my take on it....
go racing; that'll keep you busy for more than a couple years.

I'm guessing you're a "car" guy which entails more criteria than a "need for speed" guy. As a raw "need for speed" guy, my experience probably will whistle on by most folks here unnoticed. but since I haven't been on Prime for almost 10 years, I'll tell my story.

In 2004, 'I had no intention of getting rid of my 92 which I had for 10 years, but I stumbled upon an unbelievable deal on a Formula Mazda (FM) race car. It only made sense to try out the FM and then flip it for a nice profit or sell the NSX. Turns out Central CA is a hotbed of FM racing. So that's where I spent all my time and $$ from '03 to '16. I liked racing because it's all about the performance and the challenge of pushing limits but the old bones didn't have the stamina anymore. (Now that I think about it, the FM "found me" just a month or 2 after NSXPO 2003 here in......where were we besides the track and wineries.....Santa Rosa?)

Then when I got tired of working on the race car (racing requires way more prep time than seat time), I got another offer I couldn't refuse on another car that I knew nothing about; a Lotus 7 kit car. Turns out the guy who built the Lotus 7 from 2012 to 2014 decided he wanted an FM instead. After I quickly learned that Lotus 7's are some of the cheapest speed and most fun on the street or on track, I traded the FM for the Lotus 7. It's a kit car, so it has it's peculiarities and issues, but damn it handles like an 1800# go cart. I giggle like an 8 year old at Disneyland.

So if you're not a show and shine, chick magnet "car guy", and you think you might have a need for speed itch hidden in there somewhere, try racing; if you make it more than 2 months, you'll be in it much longer than 2 years.

IMG_3526.1 sm..jpg
Nice to see you back on prime!!!!!
Cool to see so many hard cores still here

Thanks Doc. It seems like 10 years since I dropped out of Prime, but I was just here in 2016 to deliver some details of Kip and Shad's tribulations at SCCA Run-offs. Perusing Prime again, it's great to see so many of you guys who have been here for 20 years or so; I'll bet you go back to the Yahoo EM lists in the mid 90's? I shouldn't be surprised but I was a little.

Will you be at the Thunderhill for NSXPO in 12 days or so? I'm gonna drag my ass out to instruct, so I'll look for the "bumble bee". :wink:
still have the bee but I just couldn't swing Cali this year but have fond memories of 2002 in wine country......Have fun at the track !
RA is such a unique experience the students really had a blast.
because of short gears and R&P and only 300 hp shifting from 4th-5th on the front or back straights yields very 148 ish..

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