Sold our 98 NSX for more wholesale than retail!

Ive been getting more than a few emails, PM's and phone calls asking me about this car. What did the other place pay? Any paintwork? Any service records?:biggrin:
Ive been getting more than a few emails, PM's and phone calls asking me about this car. What did the other place pay? Any paintwork? Any service records?:biggrin:

Actually, that would be me. The current seller has nothing to say about the NSX and that is why I contacted you - in hopes you can/willing to provide more info. What is so secretive about this vehicle that you are not willing to disclose? Don't understand why this is funny to you :confused:

If you insist on a close discussion, then say so, for that potential buyers (me) would stop patronizing you and move on to other sales.

Actually, that would be me. The current seller has nothing to say about the NSX and that is why I contacted you - in hopes you can/willing to provide more info. What is so secretive about this vehicle that you are not willing to disclose? Don't understand why this is funny to you :confused:

If you insist on a close discussion, then say so, for that potential buyers (me) would stop patronizing you and move on to other sales.



I too try to contact the kid and few other owner's on their old nsx, but i have not receive reply back from anyone.

Am new to this community and i read most of the rules.

You guys ask us to read :frown:, search :eek: and ask other member :rolleyes: for feedbacks but i have yet to received any reply..

Otoro... still looking for a yellow one eh?
I noticed one for sale from South FL. it was an 03 yellow,34k miles approx.,asking price approx.$53K. I will see if it's still available.

Synergyaw... Just ignore them. Unfortunately there are rude people everywhere...even on Prime. It's easier for them to have that attitude behind a computer. Perhaps that's the only time they get to have some type of control in their life.
On the other hand, there are many many great members on this forum. I have received lots of help and support from them.

Otoro... still looking for a yellow one eh?
I noticed one for sale from South FL. it was an 03 yellow,34k miles approx.,asking price approx.$53K. I will see if it's still available.
Yup, that would be me. Actually looking for 97-01's, but will settle for 03's if the price is right :biggrin:

On the other hand, there are many many great members on this forum. I have received lots of help and support from them.


Agreed. You can't find a better community than Prime and its members. They provide technical and moral support as well :cool: