Smog check FAILED!

I ran the car for 15min with 4th grear 4kRPM before i did the smog check. used one can of octane booster 54 miles ago, my number is very close.

Was the traction control off? If you haven't changed your oil recently you may want to do that and have it retested. Also I have heard people use a certain type of fuel additive to help their cars pass smog. Can't recall the name at the moment.
Hi, guys. I had a similar problem couple of years ago and it turned out that i failed the test because i had disconnected the battery for some electrical work. What happens in that case is that the ECU forgets certain emissions related parameters and when you reconnect the battery then it goes back into a learning mode. You have to drive the car around for about 70 miles in a specific drive cycle so that the ECU can re-learn the parameters and then you should pass. In fact if you search, there is a post related to the type of drive cycle required for the ECU to re-learn. I hope this helps.
I went to another Smog shop today and it passed! The tech using 1st and 2st gear and it passed with flying colors!:biggrin: The previous tech use 2 and 3rd grear and it failed all 3 times.
I went to another Smog shop today and it passed! The tech using 1st and 2st gear and it passed with flying colors!:biggrin: The previous tech use 2 and 3rd grear and it failed all 3 times.

Happy for you:smile:

Interesting, effects of gears used for test

would you mind displaying your final passing numbers?

thx spooler
Hi, if your car fail for hi hc and nox double the number allow. New catalystic converter should do it . This is what i do everyday smog check technician.
Hate to dig up an old thread...... But my 94 didnt pass. It would however have passed the 91's test. Check the numbers. Why does my 94 have to burn so much cleaner to pass? Some seafoam and booster should do the trick.
But the numbers between the 91 and 94 and not even close.....
1994 requirements

I ran the car for 15min with 4th grear 4kRPM before i did the smog check. used one can of octane booster 54 miles ago, my number is very close.

1991 requirements
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Passed today no problem.

But can anyone tell me why the same exact engine and emissions equip has different standards for different years? Just look at the 91 test, then the 94 standards?

Just seems lame to me, asking the same engine to meet different standards depending on the year it was produced.

If I am wrong, can someone point out the changes Honda made in emissions equipment from 1991 to 1994 on the NSX?

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Passed today no problem.

But can anyone tell me why the same exact engine and emissions equip has different standards for different years? Just look at the 91 test, then the 94 standards?

Just seems lame to me, asking the same engine to meet different standards depending on the year it was produced.

If I am wrong, can someone point out the changes Honda made in emissions equipment from 1991 to 1994 on the NSX?

Emission laws are most likely written around model years without regard to what's actually under the hood. A 2000 vehicle will have stricter requirements than a 1990 vehicle. Manufacturers are free to use the same engine over multiple years as long as they meet the requirements for each year. The requirements for a given vehicle do change over time too, meaning that emissions numbers that get your 94 to pass this year might not make the grade next year.
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Found this about octane:
"High octane gas might help lower NOx if your vehicle suffers from this failure. High octane burns cooler and slower (keeping NOx low), but it also produces less power which your engine might not be ready for. This could cause other emissions such as HC and CO to increase. It is recommended to use ONLY the manufactures required octane at all times, specially during a smog test. Your vehicle's emissions computer is programmed to process information based on it's required fuel octane."
But can anyone tell me why the same exact engine and emissions equip has different standards for different years? Just look at the 91 test, then the 94 standards?

It just depends on the data collected by CARB for each year.

For future reference, you can look up limits here:

Also, the limits for a particular year can change over time. Sometimes the limits get stricter and sometimes looser - just depends on the data going into the CARB over the years.
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Guys... need a little help :(

My smog failed again today... NO is higher than the max.

The tech told me to drive it for a month (since I don't drive it too much now) and said that it should do the trick. It didn't..the numbers today were similiar to attached. I don't have a printout of todays as he did a test without logging in the info as a favor for me. I added a bottle of Octane and ran fuel injection cleaner on my previous tank of gas.

I may try the O2 sensors and cleaning the EGR next. :confused:


Guys... need a little help :(

My smog failed again today... NO is higher than the max.

The tech told me to drive it for a month (since I don't drive it too much now) and said that it should do the trick. It didn't..the numbers today were similiar to attached. I don't have a printout of todays as he did a test without logging in the info as a favor for me. I added a bottle of Octane and ran fuel injection cleaner on my previous tank of gas.

I may try the O2 sensors and cleaning the EGR next. :confused:

Do you remember which gears he ran the test in? I had mine tested on Saturday and it barely passed the 15 mph test. Actually failed twice at 15 mph. I noticed the tech kept changing the gear to 2nd for the 15 mph test. I actually thought he was going to stall the car when he did that since the RPM massively dropped. I told him to run the 15 mph test in 1st since he stated the max rpm allowed was 2800. Once he ran both 15mph and 25 mph tests around 2600-2800 rpm the car passed.
I didn't notice what gears he was in... i think it was 1st and 2nd judging from the sound of the exhaust.

I removed the EGR valve earlier and did a good cleaning.... i'm gunna try to get it smogged again tomorrow to see if that was the issue.... :frown:
Make sure you clean the EGR pipes also. Get a good flexible wire brush and soak the EGR pipe and EGR in Seafoam.

Cleaning the EGR pipe and EGR made a hug difference in smog for me. I went from 800 NO to less than 100.
I didn't notice what gears he was in... i think it was 1st and 2nd judging from the sound of the exhaust.

I removed the EGR valve earlier and did a good cleaning.... i'm gunna try to get it smogged again tomorrow to see if that was the issue.... :frown:

Looks like he was in 2nd for 15 and 3rd for 25. And you have a '95 or '96. Don't bother with the O2 sensors. They wouldn't help with this.
Make sure you clean the EGR pipes also. Get a good flexible wire brush and soak the EGR pipe and EGR in Seafoam.

Cleaning the EGR pipe and EGR made a hug difference in smog for me. I went from 800 NO to less than 100.

thanks..will do that this weekend..... there's only one pipe right?..the metal one next to the valve?
Ok I went to go smog my car today and what do you know it failed.Then we ran it again with one change and it passed.So to answer the question from before this rating is for an automatic.

And these numbers are from a manual trans.Its wierd how the automatics get to have higher emissions.But I must say I smogged even higher# but still passed with it set to auto not sure if the dyno put more load on the car.And hope my smog tech dosent get in trouble as he did it by accident.

Would post my sheets to show you but cant get a good pic.But atleast we now know if you put automatic it will allow you to have higher emissions.But I'm sure the smog tech won't put automatic on purpose.