shooting people you don't like as revenge, yay or nay?

Is this a trick question? You never shoot at anyone unless they are shooting at you and even then it's not a good idea. I have friends who have lost family members who were bystanders to stupid revenge shootings.
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Go for it!

Shoot 'em between the eyes...with this!
well, what if it's just in the foot...

Let me ask you something. What if somebody thought you deserved being shot in the foot? How would you feel? :rolleyes:

and they really, really deserve it?

By who's definition do they deserve it - yours or a jury's? :rolleyes:


My opinion is rather clear. :rolleyes:
I agree with Andy.

What if you're on someone's want to shot list?

I can tell you from experience, that it's no fun being shot at. When I was 12 a car pulled up next to me as I was delivering news papers and took a shot at me. I jumped off my bicycle and ran like hell to the nearest front door. Since I have always been a car freak, I was able to remember the car exactly as it was and I memorized the license plate. Well, 15 minutes after this happened, the police found the car and arrested the teenagers who never thought that they would be caught. They were apparently out to just have some fun, but the fun turned really ugly when they were in jail. I couldn't identify the shooter because I was running for my life, but since I had remembered everything else about the incident they were in some deep dog$hit.

So, I think that if you want to shot someone, shot to kill. Why? Because dead people can't talk.

Oh yeah you're probably wondering what happened to me. Luckily the a$$hole had bad aim and missed me.
It's ok if you shoot him in the pinky toe... I've never like the pinky toe anyway:)

BTW I hope you are kidding, some guy has you really po'd
No! first she kiddingly wanted her boyfriend beat up, now the question about shooting someone in the foot. Ana if I were you, I wouldn't sneeze towards anyone at this point. Just walk away..
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Apparently the lack of a ride in an NSX is starting to take its toll . . .

Hang in there Ana, no need to get violent. Your day will come.
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DocL said:

Oh yeah you're probably wondering what happened to me. Luckily the a$$hole had bad aim and missed me.

...and are now a valuable part of society. What is they had not missed? Even if you had deserved to be shot for some reason at that moment, moments pass and things change. What if the only person ever to be born with the cure to some dreaded disease is shot because when he was young did something that pissed someone off for a moment.
steveny said:
...and are now a valuable part of society. What is they had not missed? Even if you had deserved to be shot for some reason at that moment, moments pass and things change. What if the only person ever to be born with the cure to some dreaded disease is shot because when he was young did something that pissed someone off for a moment.

I have no idea where they are now, but I do know that they got into a lot of trouble. Apparently they were honor roll students at high school, and two of them had gotten into ivy league colleges. Since I couldn't identify them, the DA said that they were put on probation and were expelled from school. As far as I know, they were also 6-7 years older than me and I never did anything to them. or even knew them before then. They told the police that they were just trying to scare people. Well, they were successful and they got what they deserved.
any more opinions? i'm feeling a bit teamed up upon...

its interesting how different boards respond differently to things. at the last message board, i got almost 20 yays, and it was also recommended that I use poison for a less up-close-and-personal approach. someone also said i should use a sword, which i think is a great idea because my ex used to have 2 hanging up on his wall, and i'm all for waving a sword around and chopping off random limbs... I love swords.

b/t/w did you know that in the driving manual for the Motor vehicle Division of Arizona it says,

your driving privilege will be revoked for:
driving under drugs, alcohol
felony, reckless driving, etc

i just found that kinda funny. but then i was thinking, what about drive by swordings? :confused:
Ana said:
any more opinions? i'm feeling a bit teamed up upon...

its interesting how different boards respond differently to things. at the last message board, i got almost 20 yays, and it was also recommended that I use poison for a less up-close-and-personal approach. someone also said i should use a sword, which i think is a great idea because my ex used to have 2 hanging up on his wall, and i'm all for waving a sword around and chopping off random limbs... I love swords.

b/t/w did you know that in the driving manual for the Motor vehicle Division of Arizona it says,

your driving privilege will be revoked for:
driving under drugs, alcohol
felony, reckless driving, etc

i just found that kinda funny. but then i was thinking, what about drive by swordings? :confused:

I don't know if you are serious or not, You have to know that if you have made any actions of bodily harm by you or suggested by you, it is pre-meditated.:confused:

What did he do? Damn hell has no fury like a woman scorned.

Ana Juuuust walk away.. I am asuming that you are joking.
You are joking right?:confused:
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AaronR said:
are we talking clutch foot or gas pedal foot?:o

I was thinking you are joking, hence my response. Like others wondered, you are joking riiiiiiiight?
Ana said:
he used me. he made me believe he loved me. and he cheated on me.

Sounds like grounds for a drive-by swording to me............j/k:p