shooting people you don't like as revenge, yay or nay?

Grow up, girl. Men are pigs, so just let it go.

Besides, you have technically placed yourself on the police's #1 suspect list by suggesting harm come to your ex. What were you thinking? :rolleyes:

Yes, you are being "teamed up on" because what you are suggesting is very immature. :mad:

Him cheating on you is not a shooting him is. Do you like a jail cell with women? Think before you act. :eek:
Ana said:
he used me. he made me believe he loved me. and he cheated on me.

and no, i'm not 100% serious.

Geez - I've never heard of that happening before. You are the first person to ever be used, unloved, and cheated on. :rolleyes:

This is a ridiculous thread.
Ana said:
any more opinions? i'm feeling a bit teamed up upon...

its interesting how different boards respond differently to things. at the last message board, i got almost 20 yays, and it was also recommended that I use poison for a less up-close-and-personal approach. someone also said i should use a sword, which i think is a great idea because my ex used to have 2 hanging up on his wall, and i'm all for waving a sword around and chopping off random limbs... I love swords.

b/t/w did you know that in the driving manual for the Motor vehicle Division of Arizona it says,

your driving privilege will be revoked for:
driving under drugs, alcohol
felony, reckless driving, etc

i just found that kinda funny. but then i was thinking, what about drive by swordings? :confused:

Make sure each and every person you date from this moment on reads this thread!
AaronR said:
I was thinking you are joking, hence my response.
That was my assumption as well, I guess not everyone took it the same way...

Speaking of which, anyone heard from Mr.Wolf lately? Between this and the "gun aficionados" thread, you think he'd jump in. He must be busy w/"work"...
AndyVecsey said:
Grow up, girl. Men are pigs, so just let it go.

Besides, you have technically placed yourself on the police's #1 suspect list by suggesting harm come to your ex. What were you thinking? :rolleyes:

Yes, you are being "teamed up on" because what you are suggesting is very immature. :mad:

Him cheating on you is not a shooting him is. Do you like a jail cell with women? Think before you act. :eek:
It can't be said any better that!!!

Move on, learn and use better judgement !
PHOEN$X said:
Speaking of which, anyone heard from Mr.Wolf lately? Between this and the "gun aficionados" thread, you think he'd jump in. He must be busy w/"work"...

I was wondering where Mr. Wolf was as well. :confused:
Ana said:
any more opinions? i'm feeling a bit teamed up upon...

...someone also said i should use a sword, which i think is a great idea because my ex used to have 2 hanging up on his wall, and i'm all for waving a sword around and chopping off random limbs... I love swords.

Whoa, from riding in a NSX to this? Sounds like you're a big fan of these movies.

Good luck to those who offered rides!:eek:
I was not going to reply to this thread.

However, I remembered your old post about the deal that you made with your father. If I remember correctly, he will buy you an NSX if you memorize the whole dictionary.

Shouldn't you focus on studying those vocabularies (per the deal with your father, or per the sake of SAT preparation and etc) instead?

Hopefully, you will get over him fast, and focus on other important matters in your life.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa!! I hope you're not serious about this, even though you said it like you didn't mean it. You got a whole life ahead of you, so don't blow it by doing something irrational and not to mention morally wrong and insane. In time this awful feeling will come to pass. Turn your sorrow and anger into dilligence in schoolwork, career goals, fitness goals, etc. and you'll be amazed with what you can accomplish.

BTW, you're way way too young to even have a relationship. Me thinks U should try having fun with some guy friends. ;) :p I think it's totally fine as long as you let them know from the getgo that you are also seeing other guys.

Have fun, be safe, and good luck! :)


Uncle Bill
This is not the type of thread that should be on prime, IMO..
I agree.
at the last message board, i got almost 20 yays,
Maybe this board is full of more repsonsible and mature people.
and it was also recommended that I use poison for a less up-close-and-personal approach
Sick individual.
he used me. he made me believe he loved me. and he cheated on me.
Sorry but that is part of life.
i'm not 100% serious
Comforting. What only 99% serious.
Good luck to those who offered rides
More like be careful!!!
This girl has some serious issues that need to be addressed by a qualified person.
Girl, you are ruining your chances of ANYONE giving you a ride or letting you drive there car.
i wasn't serious, and i don't even own a gun, or know anybody that does!!!!

about the moving on thing...easier said than done.

i gave up on the whole dictionary thing the day i opened it up to the 1st page and saw there was almost 20 definitions for the letter/word "a". =/
NSXmadness said:
True--success IS the best revenge.:)
Or arrange to have whoever offers you a ride in their NSX "conveniently" drive by your ex's place. I'd love to see the look on his face as you cruise by. :D
PHOEN$X said:
Or arrange to have whoever offers you a ride in their NSX "conveniently" drive by your ex's place. I'd love to see the look on his face as you cruise by. :D
I respectfully don't think that would be a good idea. Cause then if you get a jealous ex he would be looking out for the NSX to get back at!!!
I think the b/f problem is something SHE needs to deal with rather than dragging somebody else into the pic.
Okay, I'm OBVIOUSLY missing something here. Who's Ana and why is she so pissed? From the first post in this thread, I thought she was being sarcastic but people here seems to know her history--so I guess she's serious?

Enlighten a guy here. Someone point me to the thread she started before this?! :confused:
Joel said:
Someone point me to the thread she started before this?! :confused:
Just do a search on her previous posts/threads by clicking on the "Search" button below her signature.
Briank said:
Is this a trick question? .

trick question? seems pretty straighforward to me.

plenty of people shoot other people for revenge. i watch the movies, i know how it really is!! or if you don't care to catch a movie, open the newspaper 7 days a week and you might notice someone's been shot/stabbed/run over/mutilated etc.

1st day i worked in Ben taub ER some dude came in who was hacked with a machete. a frigging machete! My austere diagnosis:just using the system to get free pain pills..
NSXmadness said:
True--success IS the best revenge.:)

ahh, i don't know, i'm sure there are some pretty satisfying times had by most people on this board and elsewhere who've done things specifically to screw over someone who did them wrong... hmm. i guess i'm just immature to take pleasure in returning the screw job that was handed to me? sometimes bending over again and again gets tiresome..(we are talking metaphor here)
Got this in an email:


beware of women drivers !!!

> > I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut
> > right in front of a pickup truck, causing him to have to drive on to

> > the shoulder to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the driver

> > enough that he hung his arm out his window and "flipped" the woman
> > off.
> >
> > "Man, that guy is stupid," I thought to myself. I ALWAYS smile
> > nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does anything

> > to me in traffic, and here's why:
> >
I drive 48 miles each way every day to work. That's 96 miles each
day. Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper-to-bumper. Most of the bumper-to-bumper is on an 8 lane highway.

There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles. That works out to be
982 cars every mile, or 31,424 cars. Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper-to-bumper, I figure I pass at least another 4000 cars. That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass every day.

Statistically, females drive half of these. That's 18,000 women drivers! In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has PMS. That's 642.

According to Cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying or unrewarding. That's 449.

According to the National Institute of Health, 22% of all females have seriously considered suicide or homicide. That's 98. And 34% describe men as their biggest problem. That's 33.

According to the National Rifle Association, 5% of all females carry
weapons, and this number is increasing.

That means that EVERY SINGLE DAY, I drive past at least one female that has a lousy love life, thinks men are her biggest problem, has seriously considered suicide or homicide, has PMS, and is armed.

Flip one off? ... I think not.
Ana said:
he used me. he made me believe he loved me. and he cheated on me.

and no, i'm not 100% serious.

Most of us have been burned sometime or another and while I know that it really hurts and is difficult to go through, you can't allow yourself to stoop to a level below what you really are. I've been through it and I'm sure a lot of people here have, but the best "revenge" is showing him that you are happy without him. It takes too much energy to hold a grudge against someone who probably doesn't care anyway, so use it towards something that will make YOURSELF happy. :)
MsKadyB said:
Most of us have been burned sometime or another and while I know that it really hurts and is difficult to go through, you can't allow yourself to stoop to a level below what you really are. I've been through it and I'm sure a lot of people here have, but the best "revenge" is showing him that you are happy without him. It takes too much energy to hold a grudge against someone who probably doesn't care anyway, so use it towards something that will make YOURSELF happy. :)
I think I said the same thing a few posts up. Of course it took me less words to do it.:D We all know I don't say a whole lot to get my point across though.
Either way, this post was wording very well.:)
92NSX said:
I think I said the same thing a few posts up. Of course it took me less words to do it.:D We all know I don't say a whole lot to get my point across though.
Either way, this post was wording very well.:)

Hehe...thanks. :) Since I brought up reality checks in another thread, I thought I'd might as well mention that I've had my butt kicked by love, too...haha. :o :p
OK heres what I can say:
Been there, done that!
Was even ready to marry the guy?!?!? (Nov 1998)
Cried for a month, and then got up, got dress and went out.
I started dating three guys that month and found a new social group that loved the newbie so I was everyones favorite :p (Dec 1998)
By February (1999) I decided to get serious with one guy.
The next Feb (2000) I moved in with him.
August 02 he proposed on the beach
September 03 we were married at Disneyland
For a while I was Hell bent of showing my ex what a pig he was and how I'm better off now, but whatever. I know I am, HE knows I am.... Life moves fast keep up or get trampled again.
I'm sure he's perfectly happy going home and cooking and cleaning for himself - doing his own laundry, vacuming, never getting massages on command, never being waited on hand and foot, and not being loved unconditionaly...
I'm Donna Feek'n Reed and someone is never going to know what its like to come home to beautifull wife, hot home made dinner, spottless house, and absolutle love.
My best revenge is being a better wife everday, to my husband!
Meanwhile my ex is older, uglier, and ALONE!
My reward?
My hubby makes sure I'm 'kept' and I make sure he's spoiled in every way possible! I'm 26 and I dont work becuase I dont have to!

My advice:
Remember what made you happy, forget what made you mad.
Plan your next direction, take a deep breath and GO FOR IT!
Nothing is going to make being pissed off or hurt easier, so the sooner you get over it, the better off you will be.

And Laugh ..... A lot
Because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

(and guys dont want to date hostile girls!!!)
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