Scientists agree: Humans causing global warming

12 August 2005
Seattle, WA
It still blows my mind that a fair amount of people argue that we don't....but perhaps someday they'll wake up.

"Scientists are pretty well done arguing about whether the warming in the last 50 years is related to burning fossil fuels," Mote said.

Researchers said they are more than 90 percent certain that global warming is caused by humans -- their most powerful assertion to date. And that conclusion was even stronger until last-minute maneuvering by China, whose exploding energy use stands to exacerbate the problem.
Im so glad that the NSX is a very ozone friendly compared to all Supercars!

Another reason why I want to buy the NSX.

A Great SuperCar without the guilt! :biggrin:
Gather'round ladies and gents!!!....NSX Prime Global warming thread Round 16 is about to begin!!

Let's get it on!!!!

I could be wrong, but it seems like either theres something else in the report, or that the media is spinning what this document says. Heres a quote:

"The observed widespread warming of the atmosphere and ocean, together with ice-mass loss, support the conclusion that it is extremely unlikely that global climate change of the past 50 years can be explained without external forcing, and very likely that is not due to known natural causes alone,"

This, to me, doesn't say humans CAUSE global warming. It says we contribute to it. Now how much do we contribute? Are we 5% of the problem or 90% of the problem?

And theres also this:
" the world has begun to warm, hotter temperatures and rises in sea level "would continue for centuries," no matter how much humans control their pollution. "

So are they saying there's nothing we can do? To not worry about it?

And this:
"The panel predicted temperature rises of 2-11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100."

So we're talking about 2 degrees over the next 100 year???? Should we really be concerned?
So we're talking about 2 degrees over the next 100 year???? Should we really be concerned?

Yes we should. That still means it will be cold as hell in NY during the winter for the rest of my life. I left all the cars running tonight to speed up the global warming process.:smile:
I could be wrong, but it seems like either theres something else in the report, or that the media is spinning what this document says. Heres a quote:

"The observed widespread warming of the atmosphere and ocean, together with ice-mass loss, support the conclusion that it is extremely unlikely that global climate change of the past 50 years can be explained without external forcing, and very likely that is not due to known natural causes alone,"

This, to me, doesn't say humans CAUSE global warming. It says we contribute to it. Now how much do we contribute? Are we 5% of the problem or 90% of the problem?

And theres also this:
" the world has begun to warm, hotter temperatures and rises in sea level "would continue for centuries," no matter how much humans control their pollution. "

So are they saying there's nothing we can do? To not worry about it?

And this:
"The panel predicted temperature rises of 2-11.5 degrees Fahrenheit by the year 2100."

So we're talking about 2 degrees over the next 100 year???? Should we really be concerned?

Freaking Hippies!
So if my kids raise their kids in Ohio, by then our winters would only get to about -8 instead of -12 as is the case right now? Then this should reduce the amount of fuel that they have to burn to keep the house from freezing, thus reducing the amount of polution created, thus decreasing global warming, thus making it even colder? Oh man, it's over! OVER MAN, GAME OVER MAN!!! THIS IS THE END!!!
"It's only a few degrees"

It may not sound like much, but those few degrees are going to cause a lot of the coastal areas around the world to be under water.

Regardless of cause, rising temperatures are already causing massive disruptions in the poles and the resulting sea level change is inevitable. There's no debate about whether this is happening or what the potential result will be - the evidence is undisputable.

Bye bye NYC. If it were just about warmer winters, I'd be all for it...
"It's only a few degrees"

It may not sound like much, but those few degrees are going to cause a lot of the coastal areas around the world to be under water.
I am not saying I feel one way or another. I think it will take a lot more time and a lot more data to prove anything. But if what 'they' say is true, the glaciers will melt and water will flood the land. Why is it when the ice melts in my glass of water, water doesn't flood over the edge of the glass? :confused:
"It's only a few degrees"

It may not sound like much, but those few degrees are going to cause a lot of the coastal areas around the world to be under water.

Regardless of cause, rising temperatures are already causing massive disruptions in the poles and the resulting sea level change is inevitable. There's no debate about whether this is happening or what the potential result will be - the evidence is undisputable.

Bye bye NYC. If it were just about warmer winters, I'd be all for it...

I thought 2 degrees didn't sound like much... really how bad could it be. Then you mention NYC being under water and now I am outside spraying my deodorant into the air and burning large piles of tires. Man if NYC were gone our taxes upstate would reduce themselves by 75% or more.
"It's only a few degrees"

It may not sound like much, but those few degrees are going to cause a lot of the coastal areas around the world to be under water.

Regardless of cause, rising temperatures are already causing massive disruptions in the poles and the resulting sea level change is inevitable. There's no debate about whether this is happening or what the potential result will be - the evidence is undisputable.

Bye bye NYC. If it were just about warmer winters, I'd be all for it...

I wouldn't be selling off waterfront property in NYC just yet...if the trend holds the waters will rise 1ft in 300 years.

At that rate NYC will be under water in aprox 15,000 years!! :eek:

I guess I won't be retiring in NYC:smile:
I wouldn't be selling off waterfront property in NYC just yet...if the trend holds the waters will rise 1ft in 300 years.

At that rate NYC will be under water in aprox 15,000 years!! :eek:

I guess I won't be retiring in NYC:smile:

See fellas that's how an optimist thinks, unfortunately crazy people think that way too.
I'm sure like many other people I wouldn't mind driving around in a non-polluting vehicle, if we at least had the honest (!) chance to do so, while at the same time not being responsible for the delay. The possibilities are there, but mainly financial interested parties are keeping us from being granted the chances to do so, until these same interests have had the time to pave their ways to go ahead with the new process, without having to give away their power and profits. It will take a long time, and what is lost for them in our parts of the world, can be gained again in places like China ...:rolleyes:
Two worlds to profit from instead of one, great no ? :frown:
It would be sad have them us point the finger at each other, not even at the enthusiast driving his big engined muscle car. True or false, this whole discussion will not keep me from enjoying my petrol driven combustion engined vehicle and joining like minded people. I then would like to keep it alongside my so called clean everyday car. Maybe even have a collection of these to enjoy.
Anyone saying "only a few degrees" is just not thinking.

Yeah... 22 degrees in Ohio would be 25 degrees with 3 degree increase.

That doesn't matter a whole lot, except slightly longer summers and shorter winters (with the increase).

Where it does matter is in arctic areas. Say a few mile stretch of ice circling the arctic is at an average 30 degrees. Ya know, just enough to keep the millions of gallons of water frozen and out of the oceans. That area goes up 3 degrees, and now there is millions/billions of gallons of water in the ocean. Maybe it goes up 6".

6" won't drown New York City. It won't cut into the shorelines of anywhere really. But think about how much water it is to raise the ocean 6". It's unfathomable. That can shift ocean currents.

Shifting ocean currents changes climates. Western Europe would cool very quickly.. chain reaction... chain reaction... very bad stuff...

So my question is this.

So why then when scientists say they are 90% sure that something we are doing is causing a GLOBAL WARMING... do people brush it off like... so what? Even if it's a slight chance... why risk it when it CAN BE FIXED.

I don't get it. It's f**king irresponsible and pisses me the hell off.
I'm sure like many other people I wouldn't mind driving around in a non-polluting vehicle, if we at least had the honest (!) chance to do so, while at the same time not being responsible for the delay. The possibilities are there, but mainly financial interested parties are keeping us from being granted the chances to do so, until these same interests have had the time to pave their ways to go ahead with the new process, without having to give away their power and profits. It will take a long time, and what is lost for them in our parts of the world, can be gained again in places like China ...:rolleyes:
Two worlds to profit from instead of one, great no ? :frown:
It would be sad have them us point the finger at each other, not even at the enthusiast driving his big engined muscle car. True or false, this whole discussion will not keep me from enjoying my petrol driven combustion engined vehicle and joining like minded people. I then would like to keep it alongside my so called clean everyday car. Maybe even have a collection of these to enjoy.

Exxon reported profits this week, 39.5 BILLION. Greed, pure and simple greed.
Why is it when the ice melts in my glass of water, water doesn't flood over the edge of the glass? :confused:

I was thinking the exact same thing.
A. The ice is connect to the ground. In which case the ONLY increase in water level when they melt will be the ice ABOVE sea level.
B. The ice is floating, in which case there is no rise at all.

So why then when scientists say they are 90% sure that something we are doing is causing a GLOBAL WARMING... do people brush it off like... so what? Even if it's a slight chance... why risk it when it CAN BE FIXED.
I guess my question is what's the fix? Does it cost trillions of dollars? Do I get to pick between social security and keeping the earth 1% cooler? Does it mean auto manafactures won't produce another 400hp car for the next 20 years? And are we ASSUMING china and india are going to do whatever we do? If not, what we do makes 0 difference if China and India don't do anything.
I also question the experts. Our weather guy said 24 hours out it was going to snow last week. It didn't. If he can't get 24 hours right, why should I put any faith into their "science" when they're trying to project out 100 years?