Sandy Aftermath

Time lapse video of Sandy hitting NYC including causing blackout in lower Manhattan

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Bob so sad about the kids. We fared pretty well lost power for 24 hours and lost a few trees. Jen & Ben, Karen & Bob are all without power and will be for a week or more. The shoreline devastation was unreal Jen's friend sent us pictures of whats left of her home that she just bought. It looks like a piece from tetris. Too much loss even with all the preparation and advance warning. Sandy was one UGLY storm!
Hope you get power back soon and access to the roads.
Stay safe everyone.

I drove by probably 2 dozen gas stations yesterday and today between Warren and Princeton. The shortest line I saw was 100+ people long. My father waited in line yesterday morning for 2 hours at a very small out of the way gas station and was only allowed to get $20 worth of gas. We're lucky we prepared well for this and that we usually have upwards of 20+ gallons at my house and the cars full. Traffic is massively backed up everywhere because of these gas lines. Cops at every gas station to make sure things don't get out of hand.
The pictures say only part of the human tragedy; the loss of lives, tangible heirlooms, memories of years bygone leave deep and lasting scars even with resiliency to start over and rebuild. It takes time.

Just curious, how did Media, PA fair?
The pictures say only part of the human tragedy; the loss of lives, tangible heirlooms, memories of years bygone leave deep and lasting scars even with resiliency to start over and rebuild. It takes time.

Just curious, how did Media, PA fair?

I heard Media, PA was fine. Not sure if power went out in the downtown area but some people that live around the area said they lost power for an hour or so. A few fallen trees as well and along this one road there were a few traffic lights out. Other than that nothing over there either from what I saw or heard.
I heard Media, PA was fine. Not sure if power went out in the downtown area but some people that live around the area said they lost power for an hour or so. A few fallen trees as well and along this one road there were a few traffic lights out. Other than that nothing over there either from what I saw or heard.

Thanks. We have old family friends who live there.

Sorry about the loss of those two boys.

We lost power for 9 days, 1 hour and 12 minutes, but who's counting! I had more than 30 trees, 40 to 100' high, knocked over. Fortunately none hit the house but my storage shed needs a new roof and one new wall. It took all day Tuesday (9 am - 6 pm) behind the chain saw to "find" my driveway. I'll post some pictures soon.

We survived using our gas grill, having hot water from our gas-fired water heater that thankfully kept working, placing food outside in coolers, using candle lanterns & oil lamps, cutting up limbs from the fallen trees with my chainsaw and feeding them to the fireplace, etc. It seemed like a tough life until I realized that even in the early 1900's some of those items were luxuries!:eek: Damn, those previous generations were tough.