Let me first say, I've seen people pay $30k at Barrett Auctions for a golf cart ~ so people will PAY what you ask if you have something special and unique.
Having said that, s2000's in general seem to have a set "bottom" price in the 10k range. No matter how beat up or high mileage the car is, it seems to hit that min. price for most sellers. Whether they will get their asking price only depends on how patient they are and how good they are at advertising. You can pretty much sell anything on the net these days :biggrin:
I've owned x4 s2000's now and I can tell you I sold each one WAY WAY over KBB and sometimes more than I paid for it because I did unique modifications that are high demand and worth $$$$. Would everyone pay my asking price, probably not but each of my cars have sold at my asking price.
For my recent 09 GPW s2000, some people thought it was nuts for me to pay over $30k for it but I find it well worth it. Last year production of 09's are rare to begin with and finding a GPW is even harder so I had no trouble paying it. Keep in mind the market price of s2000 CR's are around $27k or less but I really wanted a GPW with a soft top.
If the stats on the s2k wiki page are correct, there were only 2642 MY09 models made world-wide with 795 shipped to the US
Rarity will always come at a price :wink:
Another s2ki member stated "Those are actually sales numbers, i.e. new registrations by calendar year, regardless of the actual "model year" of the cars sold. "
However, S2Ki member patinum did some terrific research and found that the number of
true "Model Year" '09s in the U.S. is actually even lower: just 355 cars!! That includes 31 CRs, of which only one (a Grand Prix White) was a "delete" model (no A/C or audio)! Here's the thread:
Those numbers almost rival the 04/05 GPW NSX's in terms of what is sold!