reviews are out

I clicked on your username and selected view forum posts. Of the 200 results that returned, there were a few about MotoGP, F1, a couple of off topic posts, and a couple in the First Gen NSX section. The vast majority are about this car, and the vast majority are criticizing it.

Somebody posting only negative comments about a topic that otherwise they say they're not interested in is the very definition of Internet troll. That's a person who is not interested in discussion about the topic, rather they're interested in the negative reactions their comments produce.
doesn't take much for you girls to get you're panties all bunched up does it?

this thread is about reviews, which involve other cars besides just one. some on this forum prefer the new NSX, some prefer other models. but some of you ladies just can't handle any criticism or non-overwhelmingly positive reviews or discussion. seems any journo or person not 100% in love with the new NSX is stupid, ignorant or annoying in some way.

got news for you, it's just a car, built in a free country. you may want to check yourselves? :wink:
As the car currently stands, add me to the list as well.

I would be interested if they manage to get rid of the hybrid stuff and clean up the design a bit.

That means you are intrigued by it, just not wanting to buy. You want the car sans hybrid tech.

And lastly, my statement was sarcastic. FA is also obviously intrigued by the new NSX from Honda because as pointed out, he's made numerous comments on it regardless if it's positive.

Either way, both of you may not like the result that Honda has landed upon atm, but both of you still look towards Honda to come up with something NSX-like.
I think all these comments interest me more than the car does.:biggrin:
Like a fencing match...
What's even more that he have all the opinions Without driving one....key board Driver/Reviewer.

Wired for sure.


Yeah, I mean most of us having been giving opinions without actually driving one. The difference is he doesn't even want to drive one. At this point we might as well just ignore him.

I can say this, anyone who likes their current NSX will really like this one. Same fantastic view of the road. I would say the new one actually sounds better than the old one from the inside of the car (unless you have an aftermarket exhaust).

It's on my list to pick one up in 6 years when I can afford it. :)
Yeah, I mean most of us having been giving opinions without actually driving one. The difference is he doesn't even want to drive one.

i'll drive one at some point when the opportunity presents itself, but as i said previously, it's not at the top of my list.

isnt that most of the internet with any car? spec sheet racer.

Agreed, but we have a live one on here that been posting his "Reviews/opinions" since the car was released.

Internet at it best.


funny, i knew more about this before it was released than you currently know now. keep making assumptions from behind your keyboard Einstein.

the internet certainly isn't making any of you smarter... :cool:
I'm tending to agree with Fastaussie.The more I read and watch the less enthusiastic I am.

The enthusiasts seem to be those who now own one and are delighted with their purchase.
We've had many posters on here announce they will buy/have bought a new NSX but then back out.
money talks....poverty types.....:tongue:
Interesting comments, from someone that is unable to create a proper sentence, starting with a Captial letter!

Thanks For Noticing, I'll Be Sure To Cry Myself To Sleep Later...

The enthusiasts seem to be those who now own one and are delighted with their purchase.
We've had many posters on here announce they will buy/have bought a new NSX but then back out.

money talks....poverty types.....:tongue:

you reckon? there's a multitude of reasons for that. many people just got tired of waiting, the dealer games, or the runaround, and bought cars from other makes of equal or greater value.

for many, the new NSX is perfect and more than enough. for others, it isn't living up to their expectations...

I'm tending to agree with Fastaussie.

The more I read and watch the less enthusiastic I am.
Money is certainly a consideration for me.

At £160k it is very close in price to some very special competition.

When I put my deposit down I was prepared to spend maybe £120k, but I have a house to build and the extra £40k is not so easy to come by right now.

So, assuming I am prepared to pay the entire cost I need it to be something really special.

In looks department, I think it absolutely is. I didn't at first but it is unlike anything else and I think it will age well.

So then it needs to perform elsewhere and this is where it starts to fall down for me.

It's not the fastest accelerating, it's not the fastest around a track, it's not the lowest emitting, it's not the best handling, it's not the most economical.

What it seems to be great at is changing its personality between daily driver and special supercar - that doesn't excite me so much. I'm not really looking for a one stop shop car. I'd rather the NSX feels special all the time, rather than making it less of an event to drive in "easy" mode.

I would forgive it all of this and give it a go if I thought its value would hold up and it would remain in demand for a long time, but all the messages I'm getting, even with all the UK deposits taken and an apparent waiting list for the next 200, is that they can't turn the deposits into firm orders.

Then last but not least, is after I take the plunge and step into the interior of my £160k I want it to feel special, but to me it looks too japanese to warranty the price tag. I would hope they'd take a leaf out of Audi's or ferrari/lamborghini's book.

Even the i8 interior and door opening for example is much more of an event.

Please don't get me wrong, I desperately wanted to love this car, but after such a long wait, I can't help but feel that it is failing to deliver on so many fronts.

They benchmarked it against all the last generation cars. It hasn't even started delivering in the UK and already all those bench marks are last generation.

I'm not a hater, or a dreamer, just a disillusioned prospective buyer.
I pardon you:biggrin:.......FA to the gallows....:wink:
I'm not a hater, or a dreamer, just a disillusioned prospective buyer.

All good reasons for you to cancel the order and move on.
The NSX is not the car for those who want the best numbers or the latest, fastest machine.
You could say that of the original and yet it has a greatness that is bigger than the sum of its parts. Can you say that of the new model because if I believed that, I'd be willing to give it a shot.
the new NSX is a great car, no doubt. but i can fully understand and agree with this statement.

the original NSX was certainly greater than the sum of its parts. while not having nearly the highest power output in the class, its performance was above what the spec sheet showed. and the package as a whole pushed it higher than the hard numbers would suggest.

this NSX has a lot of forward thinking, cutting edge, techno wonder gadgets that are not adding up to the sum that was expected or promised...
I think this is exactly how I feel distilled into a sound conclusion. Given the choice it has all the bits I would put into my idea of the perfect Supercar and yet its ingredients don't seem to result in a magical taste. Maybe there's a secret ingredient missing?
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The NSX has never been about the best of any number, but it's still one my favorite cars and a must-own. It's looking like the 2nd gen is a repeat in history as far as the metrics go.

Go drive one when you can Adamantium and maybe you'll be reassured.
this NSX has a lot of forward thinking, cutting edge, techno wonder gadgets that are not adding up to the sum that was expected or promised...

On this point you are wrong.
The new NSX has delivered and exceeded what was promised in the stated objectives and so delivered what was expected.

Your point is it is hasn't delivered what you expected.
That's fair enough.

As you've driven many other high end cars your posts might add value to the forum when you've driven the NSX and can make an actual comparo.
But at this juncture your posts are same old, same old and not doing your credibility any favors.

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