
Maturity and confidence are tremendous aphrodisiacs, if you can manage to take good care of yourself physically as well, you will be amazed.
keep your eyes open and your radar on and make friends w/ women you may not necessarily be attracted to, they have friends.
Relax and enjoy your new freedom, you've got your whole life ahead of you.
I'm 47 and having more fun than I did in my twenties...
another thing,
if a marriage fails it doesn't mean the relationship was a failure or a mistake, just a transition. I'm not convinced there is that one person who is your soul-mate, you will always have to compromise something, the question is, how much?

You may want to break your (presumed) pattern of serial monogomy, date more than one woman at a time, be a little mysterious, a little unavailable.
As Ferris Bueller said: "you can't love someone you don't respect, and you can't respect someone who kisses your ass"