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Recaro Seats...

Do you own these seats, or are you offering something you can get?
I'm interested too.. but are you sure they are in red leather?? looks like they either cloth or ackantara.....

If they are the real one and comes with the seat rail... count me in.
Count me in.
Any size ?
Is that bigger than Recaro SPG ?
Do you have picture ?
Last time I saw the seat like Zanardi seat (suede black)
ARYNSX said:
Count me in.
Any size ?
Is that bigger than Recaro SPG ?
Do you have picture ?
Last time I saw the seat like Zanardi seat (suede black)

I'm listing them for someone...I'll have to go by the shop and get some pictures. He has rails available but I don't know if they're extra or not...I'll swing by his shop tomorrow and let ya'll know.
Just an FYI... the Recaro seat used by Honda is proprietary to OEMs, and is only available in autoclaved carbon Kevlar. If these use a fiberglass shell, they are not the NSX-R seats.
NSX-R seats are incredibly nice, I wish we could get the real thing here!
I believe that the Recaro Pole Positions are very close to the type R seats.
Close but no cigar. If I could have any seat, it would be the NSX-S seats as below. Courtesy of the racing seat thread

I dunno, it seems like a Japanese dealer should sell these. With a big enough group of purchasers, it seems worthwhile for someone to coordinate the importation and sale of the seats. I'd buy a pair if they were anywhere comperable to the prices of the other racing seats.
$7000?!? Is that a misprint?
White94 said:
$7000?!? Is that a misprint?

I don't think that is a mis-print. I think i read somewhere that the NSXR Recaro cost $650000Yen per seat without rail. You can do the calculation. I got one used and it costs me almost $2000USD, remember just one seat not both.
Yikes, I had no idea! So much for that idea.
EK4 hatchback said:
I don't think that is a mis-print. I think i read somewhere that the NSXR Recaro cost $650000Yen per seat without rail. You can do the calculation. I got one used and it costs me almost $2000USD, remember just one seat not both.

You could get 5-10 for plotting to kill your wallet like that! We all understand however so you have come to the right place...

Just to clarify the $7000 is brand new order from HONDA in Japan, so if in case Brian had the real one and still going for 950 a seat, since It's used one, It will be a steal.

BUT, ;)

I posted first and tell him I wanted it if it's indeed a real nsx-r seat. :)

The Type-R seats come with the seat rails built in and they are powered, as someone else posted earlier they are Carbon Kevlar so you can't call a non Carbon Kevlar seat a Type-R seat, you might be able to call it a Type-R replica seat.

I've inquired in the past about trying to bring additional Type-S seats to the US because folks have seen the set that I have in my car and really liked them.

That being said the seats are *really* hard to get and they are expensive as hell :( (even the used ones).

matteni said:
You could get 5-10 for plotting to kill your wallet like that! We all understand however so you have come to the right place...


I think it is still well worth it...........but it is still hurting my wallet.
What hasn't been mentioned yet is that the Type-R seat has its power/electrical controls on the right side, as opposed to the left side on ours. Therefore I would think that anyone who wanted to try to relocate the controls would have a very dificult time doing it, and probably won't be worth it. Now if you were going to put them in in the same location as you would find them in the Type-R then that might work, but your passenger will have the "POWER." :)

The passenger's seat is not powered in a Type-R as well.