ready to buy an NSX, what to look out for???

13 May 2007
St. Louis, MO
due to my price range of $20-$25000 I am going to buy a 91-94 NSX and I have a few questions...

1- would someone explain the transmission problem(snap ring) that some have and how to know if the car falls into that category?

2- are there any other main problems to look out for with older NSX's including high mileage ones?

3- does anyone know of a place that would give a loan on this that is not unsecured with a high interest rate. this is the main reason I am looking to buy an older/cheaper one. if I could get a decent loan on one Id get my targa, I just havent found a bank/credit union who does a good loan here in missouri..

thanks, Zach
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3- does anyone know of a place that would give a loan on this that is not unsecured with a high interest rate. this is the main reason I am looking to buy an older/cheaper one. if I could get a decent loan on one Id get my targa, I just havent found a bank/credit union who does a good loan here in missouri..
There are many places. You just need to have really good credit rating or rock solid credit history.

Bank often offer 0% for 6~12month and 4~5% fixed until balance is paid full. I am not joking by the way. You can use the loan to buy cars at any age or year.

You can't get a loan for cars that are 10+ years of age only if you have poor credit rating. Good credit go a long way even if you don't need it.
1- would someone explain the transmission problem(snap ring) that some have and how to know if the car falls into that category?

2- are there any other main problems to look out for with older NSX's including high mileage ones?
Early NSXs benefit from replacing a piece in the window mechanism. See

Ensure the timing belt has been replaced on schedule. Coolant hoses in a car that old are worth replacing too.
yea thanks guys. I have checked with a few banks and have a good credit score they just told me that they cannot do an auto loan on a car older than 2000.. not particularly for me, but for anyone.. I guess Ill have to research it..
do you know what type of loan it is.. is it an auto loan or some other miscellaneous? any places in mind I can call for info? thanks sorry for all the questions.

Im checking the sites out now..
Try a credit union. They are usually more willing to work with you and make sure you tell any of them this is an "Exotic" car that retains it's value. My credit union pulled out a whole different listing of interest rates, etc. for exotic cars.
Unfortunately your price range is going to make it difficult to find a car that doesn't have major issues. Anything that has up to date maintenance that is in good condition is going to be more towards the upper 20's or low 30's. I think it would be smarter to wait and save more $$$ then get a car that has been well cared for so you won't have headaches later.
Unfortunately your price range is going to make it difficult to find a car that doesn't have major issues. Anything that has up to date maintenance that is in good condition is going to be more towards the upper 20's or low 30's. I think it would be smarter to wait and save more $$$ then get a car that has been well cared for so you won't have headaches later.

I 2nd this post!