Ran into a fellow NSX'er at the gun range...

14 December 2003
NSXPO '05, '10 & '15
I was at the range today, zeroing in a couple of M4's at various distances.

Lo and behold I hear "Brrraaaaap", "Brrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppp", "Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppppppppp"

I went to go investigate after an hour of constant full auto machine gun noise.

Turned out there were a couple of guys around my age just having a field day with various full auto machine guns - M16s, MP5s, uzi, with a couple of silencers on the MP5s. We are talking full auto, tactical machine guns. Really awesome hardware.

All told there was probably about $80-$100k worth of hardware being fired. I chatted with the two guys, and one of them is a local NSXer. Here are some photos of some guns they had.

Really fun experience, after spending some 300 rounds through the rifles I had, to see these bad ass guns being used. :smile:


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Blessed be thy holy hand grenade. Nice pieces.
Wow....I wonder what they were doing with that kind of hardware. Was that all in their NSX?? :eek:
That Ain't Nothin'

My boss has a 50 cal sniper rifle.....very sweet.
Re: That Ain't Nothin'

NsXMas said:
My neighbor who is a SWAT officer has a 50 cal sniper rifle. The cost is only $8k.

These guns shown (not all hardware is shown), cost around $15k per piece.

That is just wild.....guns are an expensive hobby.
Cool hardware. Funny, I just got back from the range too, fired my M4 too.

there was a parade today a few blocks away from home. I guess it had just finished as I was coming home, so traffic was being redirected through my street. there were alot of cars parked on my street too, so i couldnt park in front of the house or get in my driveway, so i parked down the street. you should have seen the look on people's faces as i'm walking down the street with an M4 in my hand.

I was also wearing my Marine digi cammie trousers,boots, black shirt and shades. so I must have been a sight. the reason i had the M4 out and not in the bag was because I had fired of around 200 rds, and the barrel was HOT. i didnt want to put it back in the case, it would just melt it and mess it up.
Too bad it is not allowed in my country. Anybody found to have one will get death penalty. Thanks to the law nobody died from gunshot. Main cause of death here is from motorvehicle accidents. :smile:
paladin said:
Thats probably the case here too.

Too bad i live in Kalifornia, where we can never own the really neat toys

No, too bad for you, :wink: because I live in "Kalifornia" and I have two M4's. And before you go saying they are illegal here, mine are registered with the BATF. Perks of being in the military. So any service members or LEO out there, you can have these weapons in CA.
OK, you asked for it......Those types of weapons belong locked in the SWAT armory or in the SWAT van or in the hands of the officer using it at the police range (not some public range) or SWAT incident. They should not be allowed to ride around in private cars or reside in homes. The risk of them falling into the wrong hands is far to great.

The only caveat to that might be if the owner came up with a bullet-proof ( :tongue: ) way to secure the weapon and make in inoperable unless they actually were holding it.

As for the military personnel being able to walk down the street, when off duty, with them, as described above, sorry. I would have seized it were I still in the business and let the military officer explain to his CO why he was dressed as he was with that weapon in plain sight walking in public with a mass of civillians around. And, SORRY, the BS about the barrel being to hot does not fly with me. Sit at the range and let it cool off for a few moments as you police the brass and then place the weapon in its case before transporting. This is the kind of look-at-me behaviour that causes problems and results in incidents/accidnets. JMHO. Sorry.
Nice hardware!

Well, not sure how it is anywhere else, but.. in MD you cant buy a semi-auto assualt weapon ar-15 for example. But you can go and buy the full-auto version with a tax stamp. Also if you are the principle of a corporation, those tax stamps are extremely easy to come by. Unless I read it incorrectly, It seemed that it was the right of any corporation to possess these full-auto weapons. Dont corporations exist to limit liability to individuals?

Well, wutever, I dont hear of too many armed crimes commited with full-auto weapons around here.
not that it probably matters, but those were my old trousers when I was in the Marine Corps. They have no name tags on them. just the cammie pattern.

and why shouldnt I be allowed to have an "assault rifle"? what makes it any different than any other hunting rifle? its a semi-automatic rifle, not full-auto.

I agree with and support your right to ownership, but I'm gonna have to side with the last lines of Cairo's post on this one.

Grey man, op sec., sir.
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Cairo94507 said:
OK, you asked for it......Those types of weapons belong locked in the SWAT armory or in the SWAT van or in the hands of the officer using it at the police range (not some public range) or SWAT incident. They should not be allowed to ride around in private cars or reside in homes. The risk of them falling into the wrong hands is far to great.

JMHO. Sorry.

You're absolutely right, and the risk of me being killed in a car crash is so great that I should not drive. :biggrin:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and not having a particular type of gun available does not mean less deaths, it just means a different weapon gets used. But JMHO
Cairo94507 said:
OK, you asked for it......Those types of weapons belong locked in the SWAT armory or in the SWAT van or in the hands of the officer using it at the police range (not some public range) or SWAT incident. They should not be allowed to ride around in private cars or reside in homes. The risk of them falling into the wrong hands is far to great.

The only caveat to that might be if the owner came up with a bullet-proof ( :tongue: ) way to secure the weapon and make in inoperable unless they actually were holding it.

As for the military personnel being able to walk down the street, when off duty, with them, as described above, sorry. I would have seized it were I still in the business and let the military officer explain to his CO why he was dressed as he was with that weapon in plain sight walking in public with a mass of civillians around. And, SORRY, the BS about the barrel being to hot does not fly with me. Sit at the range and let it cool off for a few moments as you police the brass and then place the weapon in its case before transporting. This is the kind of look-at-me behaviour that causes problems and results in incidents/accidnets. JMHO. Sorry.

wow! :rolleyes: A little off topic but, you drive a prius(with nav)????? For real???? Seriously????????
I also agree with you on this. As a gun owner, I have never and will never walk with a gun out in public view. Besides it being against the law here in California to brandish guns, it is unquestionably the dumbest thing you can do.

I enjoy your post, until the excuse to show guns in public due to
hot barrel :rolleyes:

Cairo94507 said:
OK, you asked for it......Those types of weapons belong locked in the SWAT armory or in the SWAT van or in the hands of the officer using it at the police range (not some public range) or SWAT incident. They should not be allowed to ride around in private cars or reside in homes. The risk of them falling into the wrong hands is far to great.

The only caveat to that might be if the owner came up with a bullet-proof ( :tongue: ) way to secure the weapon and make in inoperable unless they actually were holding it.

As for the military personnel being able to walk down the street, when off duty, with them, as described above, sorry. I would have seized it were I still in the business and let the military officer explain to his CO why he was dressed as he was with that weapon in plain sight walking in public with a mass of civillians around. And, SORRY, the BS about the barrel being to hot does not fly with me. Sit at the range and let it cool off for a few moments as you police the brass and then place the weapon in its case before transporting. This is the kind of look-at-me behaviour that causes problems and results in incidents/accidnets. JMHO. Sorry.
One of the perks of living in a free society, is that we entrust our fellow citizens with the right to own weapons.

One of the perks of living in Kalifornia is that you entrust the government to dictate to you what you are trusted to own or not. That is why I moved away from Kalifornia, despite the lovely weather year round. That is also possibly why only in Kalifornia has there been heavily armed robbers who hit banks, and use assault rifles in public - because they know the law abiding citizens are not armed.

Anyway, that is a topic for another thread, not this one.
Cairo94507 said:
OK, you asked for it......Those types of weapons belong locked in the SWAT armory or in the SWAT van or in the hands of the officer using it at the police range (not some public range) or SWAT incident. They should not be allowed to ride around in private cars or reside in homes. The risk of them falling into the wrong hands is far to great.
... JMHO. Sorry.
Not sure who you are speaking to here, but since you asked for it.....

I bought my weapons from a neighbor who is a SWAT officer. He is helping zeroing in my guns and upgrading the optics on the gun.

If he feels safe selling me a weapon and helping me fine tune it, why would you have a problem with this?

I just don't understand the mentality of people who want to ban guns, without any comprehension of the true risks that they face.

That is why I am a proud supporter of the NRA, which encourages responsible gun ownership. I'm in great fear that due to ignorant people, my kids will not have the right to own and appreciate fire arms.

Look at Kalifornia, where only criminals and the government have so called "assault weapons". The average, law abiding citizen is the one who is most limited in responsible gun ownership. I suppose that makes those who are ignorant feel the safest, until a disaster or terrorist attack happens, and no one is there to enforce law and order.
53heloFE said:
You're absolutely right, and the risk of me being killed in a car crash is so great that I should not drive. :biggrin:

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, and not having a particular type of gun available does not mean less deaths, it just means a different weapon gets used. But JMHO
You're right. Cars with greater than 80 horse power are too dangerous. Those cars must be banned, as people cannot be entrusted with such powerful cars.

Cars with +80 horse power must be confined to the track, and not in public. Only trained professional drivers must be allowed to drive these cars.

Pretty soon in the future we won't even have access to scissors, since they could be used in a crime.

The safest future will be where we are all locked in padded rooms, prevented from doing harm to ourselves or anyone else. :tongue:
Again, sorry, but someone that is/was a SWAT officer selling you a weapon means nothing. They have a piece of equipment for sale and you buy it. That does not mean you are especially qualified to own it.

I was a SWAT member for 11 years -big deal. The tools of the trade are a part of the job. I never took my assigned weapons home with me. They went from armory to van to range or to call and back. I did not want them in my home or in my car. I did not want to take the chance, as has happened in CA often that a private car/home is broken into and the weapon taken and used in some serious crime with deaths/injuries.

I just don't see the need for a weapon that shoots .223 or the likes with high capacity magazines out in the public. Hunting rifles, shotguns, handguns, fine.

Oh, I support your right to own weapons; unfortunately there are a lot of knuckleheads who own these and keep them where they are readily available to any burglar/drug addict. So the question is now that you have these semi-auto rifles, do you have a gun safe? If not, why not? If you do, you are well on your way to responsible gun ownership and I tip my hat to you.

Anyway, be safe and happy shooting.
Those weapons are very cool, and should definitely be treated with a lot of care & respect. There's no way we'd ever see hardware like this in Australia. Enjoy your gun freedom while you can... until your government decides nobody can be trusted with a weapon. (Which will never happen in the USA, but has happened here in Australia)

Cool thread. Makes me want to install Counter-Strike. :p