Question to Missouri Owners - What do you Pay in Property Taxes on the NSX?

23 March 2005
St. Louis, MO
For those who live in Missouri and have an NSX and don't mind sharing this information, could you please list your Year, Mileage, and annual Property Tax bill on your NSX. I've already gotten quotes on insurance and I'm just trying to see how much some of my other costs will be.
For my 05 bill, my old 92 NSX (~67k miles) had an assessed value of 8170 (don't ask me how they arrive at those values). So, it was right around $855 paid. Keep in mind, municipal rates differ within St. Louis County. No idea on my 99 NSX yet.
I have a '96 with 49xxx, not that that has anything to do with the taxing system, and mine was $766.00 for '05 and I live in Chesterfield.
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jkeen01 said:
For those who live in Missouri and have an NSX and don't mind sharing this information, could you please list your Year, Mileage, and annual Property Tax bill on your NSX. I've already gotten quotes on insurance and I'm just trying to see how much some of my other costs will be.
I'd like to know the same too. mine is also a 96' w/ about 56k.
When did Missouri get so high in tax? Are we talking about an initial purchase of a new (used) NSX or the annual property tax to renew tags? I think my '05 tag/stamp was around $300 for my '95 NSX.

I used to make fun of my Mo. neighbors because they required and L-plate on the front and back of the car. Kansas only requires a plate on the back. Then I learned we Kansans were paying twice as much tax on on our single plate compared to Missouri plates each year (wasn't so funny then!).
flyeyes said:
Haven't had mine for a year yet, but I'm gonna guess it will be like $100 :D
Let me guess: you don't live in Missouri.

Shaun Ray said:
When did Missouri get so high in tax? Are we talking about an initial purchase of a new (used) NSX or the annual property tax to renew tags? I think my '05 tag/stamp was around $300 for my '95 NSX.

I used to make fun of my Mo. neighbors because they required and L-plate on the front and back of the car. Kansas only requires a plate on the back. Then I learned we Kansans were paying twice as much tax on on our single plate compared to Missouri plates each year (wasn't so funny then!).
Different states have different tax structures; they all raise taxes, but in a different mix of ways. For example, here in Illinois, we don't have any personal property tax on automobiles, and it costs $78 for the annual state registration fee. Our state income tax is 3 percent, half of Missouri's. But the state portion of our sales tax is about 50 percent higher (6.25 percent vs 4.225 percent).
Shaun Ray said:
When did Missouri get so high in tax? Are we talking about an initial purchase of a new (used) NSX or the annual property tax to renew tags? I think my '05 tag/stamp was around $300 for my '95 NSX.

I used to make fun of my Mo. neighbors because they required and L-plate on the front and back of the car. Kansas only requires a plate on the back. Then I learned we Kansans were paying twice as much tax on on our single plate compared to Missouri plates each year (wasn't so funny then!).

they basically take 6-8% of (1/3) assessed value of the car...... EVERY DAMN YEAR! this is a persistant yearly tax and it kind of sucks if you have a car that holds value LOL!
khappucino said:
they basically take 6-8% of (1/3) assessed value of the car...... EVERY DAMN YEAR! this is a persistant yearly tax and it kind of sucks if you have a car that holds value LOL!

yep, thats it!
Shaun Ray said:
When did Missouri get so high in tax? Are we talking about an initial purchase of a new (used) NSX or the annual property tax to renew tags?
As others have said, I was referring to the annual personal property tax that we pay on cars (and boats, atv's, trailers, RV's, etc). The initial hit is 3 times as bad!
KGP said:
For my 05 bill, my old 92 NSX (~67k miles) had an assessed value of 8170 (don't ask me how they arrive at those values). So, it was right around $855 paid. Keep in mind, municipal rates differ within St. Louis County. No idea on my 99 NSX yet.

Geez, this thread got too complicated for my simple mind. Basically, I'm thinking that $855 tax (if that is annual and not just one time fee) is way high. Like I said before, my tags are around $300 and will go down a little bit each year I renew tags (provided the politicians don't screw with anything). I'd be pi$$ed if I had to pay $855 on annual taxes for a '92 NSX.

Obivously, KS finds other ways to gin up revenue. Our state sales tax, property tax, etc. might be higher than Mo. I don't know. But come on, $855 for a '92 NSX!!! That's gotta hurt!
Shaun Ray said:
But come on, $855 for a '92 NSX!!! That's gotta hurt!

Don't forget about the other taxables that show up on the same bill that shows up just before Christmas.... other cars, motorcycles, boats, canoes, motor homes, & mobile homes :biggrin:
Shaun Ray said:
Obivously, KS finds other ways to gin up revenue. Our state sales tax, property tax, etc. might be higher than Mo. I don't know. But come on, $855 for a '92 NSX!!! That's gotta hurt!
I wouldn't be surprised if other states, like that big one out west, are even higher.

The internet makes it easy to compare state tax rates. This one shows state sales tax (KS=5.3%, excluding local ones) and this one shows state income tax (KS=6.45%). Note that state income tax rates are graduated in most states (not IL); in many states (e.g. MO) you're in the top tax bracket at a very low level of income, so only the top tax rate is relevant, whereas in some others, you don't reach the top tax rate unless your income is very high (as high as $500K/year in NJ and NY).
Just got my annual bill for my '95 NSX. This year, Kansas has decided to charge me $221 dollars for the privilege to keep a license plate on the car.
My property tax is $710.84 on my NSX.