Ponyboy said:
With zero driving skills, I'd go the autocross route before doing DE events. The idea being that you want to be able to get a good feel for the car dynamically and start a feel for how much traction the car has w/o the greater potential for damage associated with a DE event.
I have mixed feelings on this. I typically find three types of people:
1. Those who have had no autocross experience prior to trying road course driving, and learn with no preconceived notions on what works and what doesn't.
2. Those who have had autocross experience, and use their prior knowledge of vehicle dynamics and car control to augment their road course learning and as a result, do really well - their learning curve is a lot less steep.
3. Those who have had autocross experience, but just think that because they can drive like a madman in a parking lot full of cones means that they can instantly drive like a madman on a road course full of cones and just never manage to "get it" and figure out why the soccer mom in the BMW 5 Series wagon is always catching up to them.
In other words, autocross is useful to help understand vehicle handling, chassis weight transfer, braking technique, under/oversteer correction, etc., but these skills do not map directly to road course driving. The concepts are the same, but their application is somewhat different.
If you try autocross first, understand that you're goal is not necessarily to "go fast", but rather to learn about your car and how it behaves when driven close to the limit of the tires. Take that knowledge along with a good amount of book smarts to your first DE and you could have a better time.
Just don't think that because you are an autocross king that you can jump into the advanced groups at a DE. A recent two-time national SCCA autocross champion in his class is a fellow instructor of mine at Panoz, and he will be the first one to tell you that most people need to throw a good bit of their autocross experience out the window when learning road course driving techniques.