
15 November 2001
Chicago, IL, USA
The last gasps of Summer... mild weather, turning trees and 8000 RPM.

September is filling up pretty fast.

September 17th - Battle of the Imports in Joliet
September 24th - Mazda import event/race at Road America

Bob, Sean and I have been throwing around the idea of organizing a picnic-type event with an NSX theme - eating, driving, and chilling out while chatting about cars. Good times.

A possible itinerary of events could go something like this...

1. Meet up for breakfast
2. Group drive to picnic destination
3. Chill at picnic area, eat lots of potato salad
4. Group drive to high performance go-carting
5. Go-cart challenge

The main event would be the picnic, with breakfast and go-carting being optional for people who want to come later or leave earlier.

Possible picnic areas could include somewhere along the Fox River in St. Charles or Geneva, or possibly Busse Woods in Schaumburg. Public picnic areas do get crowded on the weekends, so it would be nice to have a suggestion that is a little off the beaten path.

Possible dates:
Saturday, September 30
Sunday, October 1
Saturday, October 7
Sunday, October 8

Any suggestions from the rest of the Chicago crew?
What's "Battle of the imports?" Are you guys going there?

Picnic/drive sounds good, but I never really know my exact schedule due to work....... I'd be happy to pencil in a date, though!
Dave - I'll be putting up another post in the Midwest Forum about Battle of the Imports. We had 5 NSXs there last year and it was a blast. It is basically a car show (the part we participated in) and a drag race event. Oh, and there was a contest for girls in bikinis. Good times.

The NSX gets a lot of respect at Import events. NSX6 (Robert with the Carbon Fiber Wide Body) won best exotic, Val was second place with his Silver 92 (he won the title the year before). Sure, there are a lot of lambo door conversions and multiple video screens sunk in the doors of some of the show cars at the event, but there were also some wicked sleepers, like stock sounding EVOs running 10s. Good fun. I'll have a post up with details shortly.

I think the picnic will be a lot of fun too. Right now, we're just looking for suggestions. I hope to have the details finalized next week.

Here is a link to last years BOTI on PRIME.

Seems like a fine idea to me..........Steve
I'm in for Road America,Battle,and the BBQ.

It appears the the most reasonable dates are Saturday Sept. 30 or Sunday October 1st.
How do those dates to sound to everyone?
This event is open to any NSX from anywhere. The more the merrier.
It is all in flux right now so all recommendations are welcome.
Who is an early riser and is up for breakfast and a cruise?
Any recommendations for a breakfast rendezvous location?
Any recommendations for the site of the picnic?
Maybe a cruise from one location to another gathering more cars as we cruise to the picnic?

By the way; My NEW cell phone number is: 773-559-8094
Bob Kenney said:
It appears the the most reasonable dates are Saturday Sept. 30 or Sunday October 1st.
How do those dates to sound to everyone?
Fine by me.

Bob Kenney said:
This event is open to any NSX from anywhere.
What about NSX owners who are not able to bring their NSXs? ;)
Bob Kenney said:
It appears the the most reasonable dates are Saturday Sept. 30 or Sunday October 1st.
How do those dates to sound to everyone?
This event is open to any NSX from anywhere. The more the merrier.
It is all in flux right now so all recommendations are welcome.
Who is an early riser and is up for breakfast and a cruise?
Any recommendations for a breakfast rendezvous location?
Any recommendations for the site of the picnic?
Maybe a cruise from one location to another gathering more cars as we cruise to the picnic?

By the way; My NEW cell phone number is: 773-559-8094

Works for me.........Steve
Hey All -

The Family and I did some location scouting last weekend along the Fox River. I think I found a very nice location with a shelter and bathroom facilities that was in an area that wasn't as busy. I'm contacting the St. Charles park district about availability/reserving that area.

Also, anyone that is interested in the Battle of the Imports event, please post up on the individual thread for that event in this forum. Val and I are trying to get an idea of the number of people interested.
Bump cause this will be really fun if a bunch of folks can make it......Steve
A quick update:

Unless anyone has any major objections, I am coordinating the reservation of a picnic shelter facility (with bathrooms) in St. Charles - Ferson Creek Park. I have currently submitted a request proposal to them. The date they had available was Sunday, October 1st. We would be reserving it from 11am-4pm.

It is a nice little park near the Fox River, not too far from downtown, but also secluded enough for our cars not to worry. After much scouting, this seemed like the best option. Also, if it does rain, we'll have a fairly good-sized shelter to hang out in and not get soaked.

Here is a link...


Ken - the cost for reservation is $50. Might we be able to dip into NSXCA dues to cover this cost? Otherwise we'll have to take up a collection from the participants that day.
I just bought a 91 nsx and would like to meet some other owners, I just hope I don't bore you too much with all my questions.
Frank Oles said:
Ken - the cost for reservation is $50. Might we be able to dip into NSXCA dues to cover this cost? Otherwise we'll have to take up a collection from the participants that day.
Sorry for the delay in replying; I just saw this post, which was posted when I was out of town.

The problem in doing so is that, when the NSXCA is holding an activity, we like to notify all our members in advance, and unfortunately, there isn't a lot of time for that. Also, we like to spend money on activities that are for members, not for the benefit of non-members, and I'm not sure that everyone attending is a club member. So I would say, probably not this time around. But maybe we should plan a big club picnic some time? Any volunteers who would like to organize it?
ATTENTION! There has been a date change for the picnic event.

DATE: Saturday, October 7th.

MAIN LOCATION: Delnor Woods Park, Downtown St. Charles.

TIME: NOON (for picnic)

For folks who are interested, we are also planning a breakfast (and possibly one more stop) with a group drive to the picnic location. That is still in the planning stages. Also, after the picnic, we will take to the road as a group for a 40-50 mile group drive through the country.

The new date was decided by the group who attended the last three Chicagoland NSX meets (Downers and BOTI). By shifting the date, we were able to double the amount of people who could attend. We realize this a conflict with the first weekend of NSXPO. Anyone who has a serious objection, please PM me.

We have a large picnic pavillion rented for the date, with bathroom facilities. The new Delnor Woods Park location actually has MORE amenities than the original location - a pond with a waterfall, football field, paved nature trails and a large park.

Here is a link...


The park is very nice, so people with kids (like myself, Randy, and Val) feel free to bring the whole family, even if it means you have to bring two vehicles. I plan to.

NOTE: Delnor Woods Park has two entrances and two parking lots. We are parking in the EAST LOT - it is closer to the gazebo.

DIRECTIONS: Delnor Woods Park is located on the East Side of the Fox River in downtown St. Charles.

Take North Avenue (also known as 64 or Main Street) to 13th street. (look for the CarX Muffler shop on the corner). Head north on 13th street.

Take 13th street one block to Wing Street. Turn left on Wing Street, heading West, three blocks to the entrance of Delnor Woods Park.

FOOD: Everyone will be responsible for bringing their own food. If you would like to bring extra wine/beer and salads/desert for the group, that would be great. Also, if anyone has any ideas for bringing a BBQ grill, please post. (there is no BBQ pit onsite)

IF IT RAINS: If it rains, or if weather is unseasonably cold and crappy, we will leave from the Delnor Woods Park East Lot at 12:30 and proceed to the Country House Restaurant in nearby Geneva.
Country House, 2095 S. Kirk Road (corner of Kirk and Fabyan Parkway) in Geneva, 630-208-8181.

If mother nature plays along, this will be a very nice event, with changing fall colors and a nice brisk drive. Unfortunately, the timing of this event probably won't make everyone happy, but we really can't push it much later in the season without weather becoming a serious issue for a picnic type event.

Hope to see you all there.

- Frank

Pam and I will be there.
Whats for breakfast and where?
I am sorry that I can not attend NSXPO this year due to a job related obligations. I hope this get together will help ease my pain.
I am looking forward to seeing every other local NSX owner not fortunate enough to be going to NSXPO.
For people who are interested, a quasi-official list of folks interested in this event:

People who are IN:

Frank Oles
Bob Kenney
Q (Sean)
NeedSpeed (Steve)
Plumcraezy (Rae)
NSX2Tall (Randy)
RutRX7 (Brain)
DRZZZ (Dave - I know you'll get your car fixed)
psnsx1 (Paul - welcome aboard)

People who need a little persuasion:

Valenzul (Val)
YellowNSX (Rick)
NSX6 (Robert)
RocCHGONSX (Rocco)
Shkrmvr (Chandra)

Have I missed anyone? If you're in (or even if you can't make it) let us know.

We also still need ideas for the breakfast.
We need someone with a grill.
We also need someone with a magic wand that wards off rain.

If you've got ideas, please post them up.

- Frank
I can volunteer a grill, but I need a truck to get it there. I'm not too far away from St. Charles.