Absolutely not. If someone chooses not to participate in the parade laps that is fine.
I think Shawna means if someone wants to do the parade laps is a helmet mandatory.
Absolutely not. If someone chooses not to participate in the parade laps that is fine.
I think Shawna means if someone wants to do the parade laps is a helmet mandatory.
I believe it will be mandatory at the high speed test track. I'll double check that and report back.
I downloaded the track inspection forms and they are last years, 2013 forms. Some of the changes made to the Tech form about tire punctures, and brake pads are incomplete. Howard
Howard, Correct. There is a new version coming. Just running behind on upload.
I just had my car inspected this week with the old form.
For those of us just tuning in to all of this expo-ness (and planning to attend)... Do you guys have ONE location that you constantly update with all breaking information? Or do we have to read through all 158 posts in this tread as well as the other threads to find all of the "information releases" that are necessary to understand what's going on?
At this point, I know I have to join NSXCA, then book my hotel, but is that all? What is the $270 for the "social portion" for? Is that required?
We have a fellow NSXer who just told me he paid for his NSXCA membership, and during check out it asked him if he wanted to pay $30 for the dinner/banquet, so he did... and he booked his hotel for the social portion only... and he thinks he is completely finished paying for things. Is that true? I told him that I read about a $270 fee for the social portion, and he had no idea about it.
Factory Tour
Acura has invited a limited number of NSXPO attendees to tour the factory for the all New 2015 TLX
2 Tours of 40 each: Wednesday 1:00 pm and Thursday 1:00 pm
Factory Tour is in Marysville, OH
74 Places to be allocated to attendees
67 places to those registered prior to Monday, September 15
7 places by a random Last Chance Drawing
from all remaining attendees registered before October 1, 2015
6 Places for the Board of Directors, NSXPO 2014 Chairperson and the NSXPO Advisor of which 5 have been donated to the NSXPO attendees traveling from overseas including (if their tickets become available we will distribute them to the next person on the list)
Martin of Norway - 1 ticket
Steven Lee of Hawaii - 1 ticket
Scott and Dean of Australia - 2 tickets
Jerry of Puerto Rico - 1 ticket
Any update on the announcement of the chosen attendees? When will they be advised, and will this be done by email, posting, PM, or ?
I'm having problems inputting the Hocking Hills Lodge into my GPS - it can't find Rt. 664 S in Logan..........I tried tying all sorts of variances of the street name but still no luck. Is the road "Route 664 South" and not sure if I enter the ST for Street first or leave it out - tried many combinations but no luck? Any suggestions? Guess I just can't get lost...........